jk put his head 7 on the table and said helplessly

  "Oh, you're trying to find that girl, aren't you?"

  Tian Luo suddenly realized

  "Yes, according to our investigation, the biggest reason for Shanpu doing this is because of her, the problem lies with her"

  Sutian Meteor nodded.

  "Oh, you guys are pretty reliable, you found it out so quickly."

  Tian Luo looked at several people with a smile on his face and said

  "Nani? Teacher, do you know?"

  Seeing Tian Luo's playful expression, several people came back to their senses and shouted.

  "Of course, is there something I don't know about at school?"

  Tian Luo smiled and shrugged

  "But why didn't you tell us?"

  Singer Xianwu looked at Tianluo helplessly

  "Bullshit, of course it's up to you, don't you think this gives you a sense of accomplishment?"

  Tian Luo pouted his lips.

  "You are a ghost!!!!"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, several people shouted speechlessly.

  This matter gave them an unusual headache, and Tian Luo was actually hiding it, which was really unpleasant.

  "Hehe, don't think about me all the time, you have to work hard. After all, I'm also a non-staff, and I can't stay here forever. Don't forget, you are a team."

  Tian Luo looked at the crowd and said slowly


  When they heard Tian Luo's words, what happened to everyone, because they understood in their hearts, how could someone like Tian Luo stay in the same place all the time, but...

  "Teacher, have you done a lot of absenteeism?"

  Nozama Yuki asked in a low voice

  "..." Tian Luo

  Damn, this girl is still so unlovable, what nonsense is telling the truth

  "Cough, Tomoko, you have to be kind, don't forget that I will show up at the most dangerous moment."

  Tian Luo coughed and said seriously.

  "Oh, but I think Gentaro and Meteor can also solve it, and..."

  "Hey, can you still play happily, you make me sad"

  Seeing this poisonous tongue, what else did he want to say? Tian Luo suddenly shouted with a black line.

  "Well, let's think of a way, and Meteor has a game at night."

  Singer Xianwu waved his hand to stop the two from arguing, and then looked at Sutian Meteor with a worried expression

  "Are you sure?"

  "Um...fifty percent"

  Sutian Meteor was stunned for a moment and then said uncertainly.

  It turned out that they saw Shanpu again after school. At that time, he was about to execute a member of the student council. A few people who were very angry decided to play against him, and the bet was to make those manipulated students come back. As for losing... …

  "What do you want?"

  Tian Luo looked at Sutian Meteor and asked suddenly


  Sutian Meteor replied

  "Have you studied?"

  Tian Luo asked again

  "Uh... just learned today"

  Sutian Meteor said a little embarrassedly


  Hearing Sutian Meteor's words, Tian Luo suddenly felt black lines all over his forehead. Sure enough, the new guy is so unreliable.

  "But don't worry, teacher, I'm really confident."

  Seeing Tianluo's appearance, Sutian Meteor said seriously

  "Okay, do whatever you want, but didn't you think the guy didn't keep his promise?"

  Tian Luo shrugged and asked again

  "So what? If he doesn't obey, then I will force him to obey."

  There was a cold light in the eyes of Sutian Meteor

  "Che, thought it would be so easy? The ability to manipulate the body is even trickier than the ability of Cancer"

  Tian Luo gave him a white look and said

  Unlike Cancer, Taurus can dazzle each other's soul and then control other people's bodies. This ability is very troublesome, and people with weak mental strength will be directly attacked.

  "I know, I'll be careful"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Sutian Meteor also became serious. Although Tian Luo is sometimes very unreliable, he will never lie in this situation.

  "Then you can figure it out, I'll go back first, and I'll be there to watch the game in the afternoon."

  Tian Luo nodded, and after talking to everyone, he went out.


  After school in the afternoon, the students came out of the teaching building one after another. When Luo came out that day, he happened to see Mrs. Shanpuxiong, and next to him were Yuxi and others.

  "It looks like I'm ready to go, can I just go watch the game?"

  Tian Luo walked to Shan Puxiong Tai's side and said

  "Of course you can, but the teacher had better not think about it, and don't stop me."

  Shan Puxiong nodded with a smile, and then warned Tian Luo.

  "Ara, the current students are really not cute. Is this a threat to the teacher?"

  Tian Luo indifferently shrugged and smiled.

  "No, it's just to protect the safety of the teacher"

  Shan Puxiong shook his head too much

  "Okay, let's go together"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  If there is no accident, he will not intervene, even if Meteor loses, but if there is unfairness, hehe...

  On the top of a mountain, a few people stopped slowly. There was a very wide river in the distance, and there was a forest on the other side of the river.

  "The hole is 0.4 in the woods, what we have to do is whoever goes first, this is the starting point"

  Shan Puxiong Tai took out the switch and turned directly into the road

  "it is good"

  Sutian Meteor also nodded. He appeared directly as a knight. He was not in the crowd just now. This was to protect his identity.

  "There are thousands of you, it feels so difficult."

  Looking at the position of Shan Puxiong's finger, Yuxi couldn't help but say

  "Don't forget that they are all non-human now, only a few kilometers away"

  Tian Luo waved his hand.

  "Oh, yeah"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Yuxi nodded suddenly.

  "Okay, the game starts now, let's start with the meteor"

  Looking at the meteor in Sutian, Shan Puxiong said with a smile

  ps: The first chapter of the new year, I wish everyone a happy new year, good health, all the best, single dogs will get rid of the single as soon as possible, and I will work hard to code words in the future, thank you for your support 0

Chapter five hundred and sixty-six ending with Virgo's plan

  With a muffled bang, the ball was slammed into the air, flew for nearly a thousand meters, and finally stopped by the river.


  With a laugh, Mrs. Shan Puxiong also swung the club, the ball flew out directly, and then flew to the front of Sutian Meteor Rescue, the two balls were only ten centimeters apart.

  "I did it on purpose, otherwise it would be boring"

  Seeing this situation, Shan Puxiong nodded in satisfaction.

  "This guy...too arrogant"

  Seeing Mrs. Puxiong Shan so proud, several people on the side said unhappily

  "This is self-confidence. He is indeed a genius, otherwise he would not be the vice president of the student union. After getting the switch, he is even more genius."

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  Shan Puxiong is indeed very powerful. No matter in any project, it can be said to be outstanding. This kind of person has the capital to be proud of.

  "But Meteor..."

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