Hearing Gentaro's words, Tian Luo was stunned.

  He has been playing for the past two days, completely forgetting Gentaro and the others. He didn't expect things to have developed to this point.

  "Wait, I'll be there soon"

  After hanging up the phone, Tian Luo and a few women said hello and disappeared at home


  Kamen Rider Department

  At this moment, earth-shaking changes have taken place here. The originally tidy room has become a mess, and those high-end instruments have been torn apart, as if they had experienced an earthquake.

  The few people inside were lying there, looking like they had passed out. It was Yuki Shiroshima and the others.

  After the phone call with Tianluo, Gentaro and Suita Meteor rushed in, and then quickly took the comatose people out.

  "How about it?"

  Walking out of Kamen Rider 230 Shibu, Gentaro looked at the two people in Meteor's hands and asked

  "It's just a coma, nothing serious"

  Sutian Meteor shook his head and put the man down

  “How good is this”

  Hearing this, Gentaro was also relieved, and then he sat down tiredly.

  Although the two of them were not in a coma, they were also very embarrassed. Their clothes were full of holes, as if they had gone through a hard battle.

  "This time I really fell. I didn't expect it to be like this, even Xianwu..."

  Sutian Meteor put the two down gently and sighed

  With the words of Sutian Meteor falling, Gentaro's eye circles also turned red, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

  "Looks like you guys are fine"

  At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from beside them, and the two of them were shocked, and then looked aside, only to see that Tian Luo had come here without knowing when

  "Teacher Tian Luo..."

  "Okay, let's talk about the situation first."

  Tenra waved his hand to signal Gentaro to calm down.

  "Well, it's like this..."

  Gentaro nodded and said slowly.

  It's not hard to guess, the twelfth switch finally appeared, so the chairman and the others plan to complete the plan

  However, singer Xianwu found something in Emoto's notes, that is, when the plan was implemented, a huge dark nebula would appear over Japan, and the chairman wanted to catch this dark nebula and rush towards the universe. deep

  However, although his plan was successful, the disaster was not small. When the dark nebula opened, the cosmic energy in it would tilt out. Except for a few people, the whole of Japan would be completely destroyed by the cosmic energy.

  In order to stop the chairman, everyone rushed towards the goal

  "So he failed, and then he also discovered the secret of Xianwu"

  Tian Luo nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

  "Master, do you know?"

  Gentaro and the two were shocked when they heard Tenra's words.

  "Isn't it a human being? It has long been discovered that the son of the core born in the core switch will return to the depths of the universe again after collecting useful information, so the chairman of the board has only been dreaming."

  Tian Luo shrugged.

  I have been able to hear the voice of the universe since I was a child. I always thought that the universe was calling him, but he never thought that the person who was actually calling was the singer Xianwu, which is really sad.

  "Well, the chairman was very angry after hearing I really wanted to, and then gave Xianwu to..."

  Gentaro nodded his head and said sadly

  From the unpleasantness of meeting for the first time, to now becoming a tie between each other, the feelings of the two can be said to be irreplaceable, but now...

  "Well, after killing the son of the core and putting all the switches together, this guy seems to be really successful. He should take action tomorrow. Are you ready?"

  Tenra nodded and looked at Gentaro and the others.

  Libra died in the previous action, now only the chairman and Leo are left

  And here are Gentaro, Sutian Meteor, one-on-one, and the winning record is still very large.


  Hearing Tenra's words, Gentaro nodded earnestly.

  Xianwu has already sacrificed because of this incident, he must not let the tragedy happen again, because there are still many of his friends and relatives here

  "Send them to the hospital for treatment first, let's rest quickly, we'll see tomorrow"

  Sutian Meteor looked at several people on the ground and said

  "Okay, I'll take them there, the two of you hurry back and rest."

  Tian Luo nodded and said to the two of them.

  They didn't delay, nodded and left here

  Tian Luo's figure also disappeared, and Yuxi and his group also disappeared.


  Monday morning

  It's a new day, the students after the break come to the school again, and the campus is bustling again

  At this moment, several figures slowly appeared at the school gate. Their expressions were serious, and they were out of tune with the surrounding atmosphere. It was Gentaro and his party, except the singer Kengo.

  Everyone had skin injuries, so after quietly handling them, they came to the school regardless of the obstacles, because they had to come, it was their responsibility

  At this moment, Tianluo also came to the office early. Not only him, but Mr. Dashan and Yujin Miyao were there. They were persuading other teachers.

  Both of them knew about the Kamen Rider Club, and they also knew that the chairman was going to destroy Japan, but no matter how they explained it, none of those teachers believed them until a radio sounded.

  "Tiangao students and teachers, I am the chairman of the board and I look forward to the light"

  The chairman's voice came from the radio, and everyone stopped what they were doing.

  "Did it really start?"

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth.

  "I'm really sorry, I'm going to set sail for the universe, and you will be my guinea pigs for success"

  The chairman's voice came again on the broadcast, and everyone was stunned when they heard this.

  "In order to complete my plan, I created the sky high, and then distributed the constellation switch to let you evolve into star disciples, but at this moment I have completed the plan, which also has your credit, you should be proud of it"


  "What's going on? Could it be that the previous monsters were all created by the chairman?"

  "What a joke, how could this happen, the chairman actually..."

  Hearing this, everyone showed a shocked look, and they looked up at the direction of the broadcast in disbelief.

  "Next, I will complete this greatest moment, and you two will be completely destroyed, but don't be sad, because your sacrifice is valuable, this is the progress of the world..."

  The voice sounded again, but everyone felt a chill, they... were abandoned, abandoned by the chairman.

Chapter five hundred and seventy-ninth waiting to pick up leaks

  "Goodbye, my dear students, goodbye, my dear Earth"

  As the voice fell, the chairman's voice disappeared from the broadcast, and the school instantly became silent, followed by a commotion

  "Haha, it's really ruthless, and it's so righteous, it's thicker than me."

  Sitting in the office, Tian Luo showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  With such a fuss, today's class is definitely not going to be completed, so the real good show is about to start, Gentaro and the others should also~ have already acted.

  Thinking of this, Tianluo stood up and walked outside


  On a deserted hillside, I looked at the light and looked at the sky, and then took out all the switches.

  Leo stood beside him and looked around vigilantly. This time the matter is of great importance, and there must be no mistakes.

  "let's start"

  I spit out three words lightly, and a powerful energy burst out from my body looking at the light.

  With the burst of energy, the twelve apostle switches slowly floated up as if they were being pulled, and then formed a circle and scattered to the sky.

  With the formation of the camp, a huge amount of energy slowly spewed out from the sky, just like a black hole.

  "Hahaha, the son of the core has been removed, who can stop me now"

  Watching the endless energy pouring out of the black hole, I looked at the light and laughed out loud

  After so many years of waiting, and after so many trials and tribulations, today he is finally going to succeed, flying to the universe, to the side of that great existence

  "Stop dreaming, we will never let you succeed!!!!!!"

  Just then, a voice suddenly came from far away


  I was surprised by the light and Leo

  Under the gaze of the two, two figures quickly flew towards here, it was Gentaro and Meteor

  "It's you? Haven't you suffered enough?"

  Leo looked at the two coldly and said

  "Hey, let's make a conclusion."

  Meteor snorted coldly, then charged directly towards Leo

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