It was an unidentified pile of metal shards. It had been destroyed. It looked like it should be a switch.

  "Instead of resurrecting me, an unforgivable sinner, you might as well resurrect him and leave it to you..."

  Putting things in Tianluo's hands, I looked at Guangming and walked towards the outside slowly, and the figure slowly disappeared. Although it was daytime, it gave people a very sad feeling.

  "It's unbelievable"

  Tian Luo looked at the fragments in his hand and shook his head with a smile.

  "Teacher, this is..."

  Gentaro everyone was stunned for a while and then came back to their senses, they directly surrounded Tianluo

  "Stay away, I'm going to pretend"

  Tian Luo waved his hands to let everyone go away, and then took out a blue switch, the Aquarius switch

  Press the switch, the surging energy instantly wraps Tianluo, and becomes an Aquarius in the blink of an eye.

  Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes. They already understood what Tianluo was going to do, and now they didn't even dare to cheer up.

  "It's a bit awkward to use such a body"

  Looking at himself now, Tian Luo said speechlessly, and then his eyes were already on the shard in his hand.

  An ordinary stream of energy suddenly appeared, and then slowly wrapped the fragments. In the solemn eyes of everyone, the fragments slowly condensed together. In just an instant, the fragments of the whole book formed a golden switch, core switch


  Seeing this scene, everyone shouted in surprise

  "not yet"

  Tian Luo also shook his head

  "What should I do?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, several people's faces instantly turned bitter.

  "Look at my celestial mysteries...the Great Resurrection Technique"

  Tian Luo suddenly let out a low drink, the water flow suddenly disappeared, the switch slowly floated up, and then a golden light radiated out, and a figure appeared looming in it.


  When they saw the figure, everyone couldn't help but scream.


  With a muffled sound, the figure fell to the ground, but the switch disappeared at this moment, leaving only the singer Xianwu lying there quietly.


  Seeing this scene, several people rushed up to help him up, and there were surprise expressions in their eyes.

  The chairman was defeated, the world has returned to peace, and now even Xianwu is back, it is simply the best ending

  "I am..."

  Singer Xianwu slowly opened his eyes halfway, and then looked around in confusion

  "Gentaro, Yuki, Tomoko, jk, Daimon, Miwa, you guys..."

  "Cough, and me"

  Tian Luo hurriedly walked over and brushed his existence.


  "Oh, you are so cold!!!!"

  Tian Luo silently looked at singer Xianwu

  "I am now?"

  Ignoring Tianluo's appearance, singer Xianwu asked in confusion

  "You are resurrected, it was Teacher Tianluo who saved you"

  Gentaro explained

  "Then chairman he..."

  "we won"

  There was a smile in the eyes of everyone

  "That's fine"

  Hearing this, singer Xianwu also breathed a sigh of relief.

  The time came to a successful end, and if I didn’t stay there, I stayed to reminisce about the old days. Everyone helped Xianwu and walked out slowly.  …

Chapter [-]: Aliens really invaded the earth! ! !

  "Husband, what are you waiting for? It's been so many days?"

  In Tian Luo's house, Wakana looked at Tian Luo, who was watching TV, speechlessly.

  It has been a week since the last chairman incident. Since then, Tianluo has also resigned as a teacher. Originally everyone wanted to leave here, but Tianluo Tianluo said to wait.

  "Come on, there will be a big world here"

  Tian Luo smiled mysteriously

  "Cut, did aliens invade the earth?"

  Nana pouted in disdain.

  But at this moment, a roar suddenly remembered from the outside, and several people suddenly felt a shock in their hearts.

  Nana came to the door quickly, and then her eyes looked up to the sky

  "whats the matter?"

  Several women who were originally in the bedroom also came out, and they asked Nana

  "Hey, hey, just kidding, aliens really invaded the earth!!!!"

  Nana shouted excitedly at the inside


  The girls were stunned for a while, and then walked out as well.

  I saw a huge spaceship in the sky moving slowly, and its target seemed to be on the other side of the sky.

  "Husband, come out quickly, you are so tall..."

  Xiao Wu hurriedly waved her hands towards the corner and shouted

  "Come on, really, after waiting for so long, it's finally here"

  Tian Luo stood up and stretched. He already knew the situation outside. It was a search for a spaceship. No, it should be said that the cosmic fortress is more accurate, and the guy Tian Luo is waiting for is him.

  "You stay at home first, I'll go to Tiangao to see"

  Tian Luo said to a few people

  "No, we want to go too"

  Xiao Wu quit the job immediately, and hurriedly said coquettishly

  "Yeah, I haven't encountered such a fun thing in a long time, let's go together"

  Wakana also nodded.

  "Even if you don't take us, we'll go sneakily"

  Nana reluctantly said

  "Yes, that's it"

  Naomi-chan nodded in agreement.

  "Uh... Needless to say, the two of you, I agree."

  Seeing Li Xing and Zhen Ye who were about to say something, Tian Luo surrendered directly, but these girls couldn't be locked, so it's better to bring them

  "Let's go, pack your things, and leave when you're done playing"

  With a sigh, Tian Luo said to the girls.

  "Okay, sisters, let's go out and play!!!!"

  Hearing Tianluo's agreement, the girls cheered instantly, and then quickly ran outside.

  "Hey, did you listen to me!!!!!!"

  Looking at the girls who ran away in an instant, Tian Luo suddenly had a black line

  He sighed helplessly, and then walked into the room. Except for some spare things, Tian Luo didn't pack anything else, no nostalgia. He locked the door and walked out.


  Tian Gao, it's school time now, but unlike usual, it's very turbulent here at the moment

  A human-shaped monster kept falling from the sky, and then started his classmates in his school, the original peaceful atmosphere was broken again

  "Damn, what the hell is going on?"

  Gentaro, who came in a hurry, looked at this scene in surprise, and then turned directly to stop these monsters.

  Others also evacuated the crowd and told them to flee quickly, the scene was already chaotic at the moment

  "Wow, a lot of monsters, let's hurry up"

  At this moment, Wakana and a few women have come here, looking at the situation in the field and shouting quickly


  Ma Ye took the lead, and the white armor appeared instantly and rushed towards the monsters, followed by Naomi and Nana, one of the King of Tooth armor, and the other of Athena.

  Seeing how many people transformed, Li Xing couldn't hold back, the magic circle turned and appeared in the form of a magician. Only Mai and Wakana were left on the field.

  "Sister Wakana, I'm going too"

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