"Would you like to help, but if you don't help, you won't be able to get out. Forget it, let's go."

  Glancing at the people who had already formed a group, Tian Luo thought about it and rushed forward.

  "Be careful, beauty, brother will help you!!!"

  "Miss, do you want to have a cup of coffee later?"

  "Little sister comes over to brother, brother protects you... Nani? Are you a man? Get out..."

  The voice of Tian Luo kept coming from the field

  And the yellow warrior from a team on the side gave a vicious look at Tian Luo

  With Tianluo's joining Xiuka and the brutal force quickly disintegrating, of course, only the girls' part

  On the other hand, the boys looked at Tian Luo angrily. There were dozens of teams, and this one was flirting with each other. It was too hateful.

  "Bastard, I finally found you, let me die!!!!"

  "That's right, I have to kill him. He even molested my prey and took away my lovely Naomi-chan"

  "Hmph, cry for my strength..."

  "Come on the big stupid bear, beat it to death, watch my cannon..."

  Just when Tian Luo was about to continue molesting the female members of the team, a gnashing voice suddenly remembered from behind him, followed by three chaotic voices.

  "It's very familiar, and Naomi-chan, wouldn't it be those second-hand goods?"

  Tian Luo turned his head, and then saw four figures

  "Okay, it's them"

  Looking at the figures in the form of the four electric kings, Tian Luo suddenly felt helpless.

  The enemy's road is narrow, it was discovered, and the chef who robbed him is now arrested. Do you want to kill someone?

  Tian Luo touched his chin and looked at the four thoughtfully

  "Hey, what do you mean?"

  Seeing Tian Luo's malicious look, the four quickly took a step back.

  "Look at the shooting stars"

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly pointed behind everyone

  "Huh?" x4

  The four looked back at the same time

  "The wind is screaming~"

  Tian Luo roared, then rushed directly to the sky, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and four words faintly came from the air.

  "Four idiots..."

  "..." x4

  "Damn, I'm so pissed off, hurry up, don't let that guy run away!!!"

  "That's right, it's too much to dare to scold senior."

  "But he seems to say there are four?"


  "Stupid bear, obviously it's just a peach"

  "Hey, Lord Turtle, little brat, do you want to die!!!!"

  "A little bit, stupid peach"

  "Damn, I'm going to teach you a good lesson here today!!!!"

  "Senior, don't, this is a battlefield, and should we go after it?"


  "..." Taotaros

  Damn, a bunch of pig teammates.

〇⑧ drive

Chapter five hundred and eighty-ninth new beginning

  "Husband, why did you come back so early?"

  In the space-time train, Ma Ye and the others saw Tian Luo come in and asked with a smile.

  Before leaving, Tian Luo once said that there will be a big battle today, but he didn't expect to come back so soon

  "It's almost over, and I encountered a few second-hand goods, so I plan to come back"

  Tian Luo silently shook his head

  "Second goods?"

  The girls were stunned

  "Those guys in Taotaros"

  Tianluo looked at everyone's doubtful eyes and looked at Naomi-chan

  "Oh, it was them, - are they all right?"

  Naomi Sauce suddenly realized, he thought of the four living treasures in the train, and he didn't know what was going on now.

  “Looks good”

  Shrugging, Tian Luo sat on the sofa beside him

  "That's good, then where do we go next?"

  Naomi-chan nodded and asked again

  "Come on, it's the latest anyway"

  Tian Luo said indifferently


  Naomi-chan nodded and walked towards the main control room. As the captain of the train of gods, she was in charge of all operations on the train.

  "I'm really looking forward to it"

  Seeing the desert passing by outside the window, a smile appeared on Tian Luo's face.


  In an unknown city, without anyone noticing, a train flies from the sky into the formerly silent woods

  The train came to a slow stop, then the doors opened

  "Is that right here? It feels good."

  Tian Luo was the first to get out of the car, feeling the surrounding

  "I don't know, I just marked [-], I don't know anything else"

  Naomi-chan also came out and shook her head.

  "Well, then let's go to the city and take a look."

  Nodding, everyone slowly walked towards the city

  This is a very quiet city, and it is no different from Tianzhichuan. It is also very convenient to communicate with the times. At least the money does not need to be changed.

  Come and go, talking and laughing, walking past a few people, occasionally glancing at everyone, and then busy with their own business again

  "It's not right"

  Looking at these people on the road, Tian Luo frowned.

  "what happened?"

  Several women also noticed Tianluo's situation and quickly asked

  "How do you feel about these people?"

  Tian Luo pointed to the people around him

  "No feeling? Isn't it normal?"

  Several women shook their heads

  "Although it seems nothing, but each of them is very nervous, or fearful, you can't find it now"

  Tian Luo shook his head, then walked to a couple

  "Excuse me... can I use my cell phone?"

  Arriving in front of the couple, Tian Luo asked slowly, a golden light flashed through his eyes.

  "Okay...Okay, here you go..."

  Seeing Tian Luo's gaze, the couple was in a trance for a moment, and then the boy slowly took out his mobile phone

  "Thank you"

  Nodding with a smile, Tian Luo looked into the phone and quickly swiped his fingers to search for all the information in the past two years.

  A minute later, Tian Luo closed his eyes to organize his thoughts, then returned the phone to the couple, smiled at them, and Tian Luo returned to the girls.

  "How? Did you find anything?"

  When I saw Tian Luo come back, I went up to ask today

  "Well, let's talk while walking"

  Tian Luo nodded, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  This time it was indeed very rewarding, and it also let him know where he had come.

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