Tian Luo asked with a smile

  "No...no, I don't have a girlfriend"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the young man's face turned red, and then he quickly shook his head.

  "Well, looking at you like this, you can't find a girlfriend."

  Tian Luo nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.


  The young man's face froze suddenly, he didn't expect Tian Luo to be so direct, so embarrassing...

  "Hehe, I'm Tianluo, a boring young man attracted by your melancholy temperament"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Uh... I'm Park Shinnosuke, I'm a policeman"

  The young man said speechlessly, he felt that this guy was a bit strange.

  "Police? Just you?"

  Tian Luo looked at Shinnosuke with a suspicious look on his face.

  "What's the matter, doesn't it?"

  Shinnosuke said suspiciously.

  "Of course it's not like, you don't have any motivation at all. How did you get admitted to the police academy and spend money?"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "How is it possible, I was admitted by my ability!!!!"

  A look of anger suddenly appeared on Shinnosuke's face, and it was no longer the same as before.

  "That's right, the police should be like this, boy, we will meet again"

  Tian Luo didn't show any other emotions, he stood up from the ground, then waved his hand, and the figure slowly disappeared into the park

  "This guy... who the hell is he?"

  Looking at the back of Tianluo leaving, Shinnosuke was also a little stunned. He appeared inexplicably and left inexplicably. What a strange person

  "Nosuke Tojinosuke, you are under arrest"

  At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came, and then Shinnosuke felt his arm go cold, only to see that a handcuff had been put on his hand at some point, and the owner of the handcuff was a policeman wearing a police officer. girl in clothes

  "Mizuki, what are you doing?"

  Shinnosuke's face instantly turned bitter.

  "Hmph, as a policeman, I am often absent from work, go back to me"

  The girl said coldly, then pulled Shinnosuke directly and left

  "Hey, hey, can you untie it before leaving?"


  "Mizuki, this is very embarrassing..."

  "none of my business……"

  "...". …

Chapter five hundred and ninety-one special case class, new members

  It has been half a year since the global freeze. Although the matter is over, it still creates a huge shadow on people's hearts, and more importantly, there are still aftermath.

  Small-scale "turbidity" occurred many times in half a year, and I wrote to the government under great pressure

  As a result, a special department of the Metropolitan Police Department was established, that is, the special case class, a special organization dedicated to "turbidity"

  However, although the purpose is this, no one is optimistic. In the eyes of other colleagues, these are just grandstanding and useless at all.

  "Xicheng, is there still nothing today?"

  Nosuke Tojinosuke lay lazily on the table. In fact, he also accepted his fate. Since the incident half a year ago, his whole person has changed, he has become confused and decadent, and because of this, he has been transferred to this useless special He didn't feel anything

  "It doesn't seem to be, but I heard that there will be a newcomer here today, and it looks very powerful."

  Seeing Motojinnosuke like this, a young man with glasses next to him said

  The young man looks a little fat, his glasses have a hint of wretchedness, and he keeps tapping on the keyboard with his hands. At first sight of him, one can think of two words... otaku

  He is indeed an otaku, but he is a tech nerd, a researcher in Xicheng, proficient in computer networks, and an intelligence officer specially transferred by the Metropolitan Police Department.

  "15 newcomers? I don't know if they are handsome or not"

  Hearing Xicheng's words, a woman in a white coat walked in, with long hair and a pair of glasses, looking very charming

  Rena Sawagami, a researcher in the special case class, a beautiful woman with a lot of knowledge

  "Hmph, shallow woman"

  Hearing Sawagami Rena's words, a middle-aged man sitting next to him looked disdainful and chased Tian Xianhachiro, the backup staff of the special case class, but he was not optimistic about the special case class. even more disdain

  "What are you talking about with the ugly!!!!"

  Hearing Oita's words, Zeshen Rena immediately looked at him angrily.

  "What? Isn't it?"

  Not to be outdone, Chaitian looked back, and as soon as they met, there was a smell of gunpowder around.

  "Okay, don't make trouble, the principal is still here"

  At this moment, Shinnosuke and Xicheng hurriedly came over to persuade them to fight. Their eyes turned to the old man sitting on the desk looking at his mobile phone, who was the head of the special case class.


  A muffled sound came, everyone's movements stopped, and their eyes turned to the head of the class

  "Senior, you..."

  Everyone fell silent, is the principal angry?

  I saw the old man's face gloomy, and the air suddenly became dignified. At this moment, I saw the old man's face suddenly bitter.

  "Today turned out to be a sign of bankruptcy, oh no~, how could this happen!!!!"

  bang bang bang

  The voices of the four to the end came, and the four Shinnosuke looked at the head of the gnashing teeth speechlessly.

  "Please, can you not do this, it will scare people to death, and the constellation is not allowed at all"

  Zeshen Lingnai looked at the head of the class speechlessly, and sure enough, the people in this special class were not normal.

  Several other people also looked at the teacher helplessly.

  "Cough, um, is this a special case class?"

  At this moment, a voice suddenly came, and the solemn atmosphere in the room was instantly broken. Everyone's eyes turned to the door, only to see a handsome looking young man looking at them with a smile on his face.

  "It's you...the one from a few days ago..."

  Seeing the person coming, Shinnosuke said in surprise.

  That's right, it's Tian Luo who came in at the moment.

  "Hello, I'm a new police officer from the Special Cases Division. My name is Tian Luo"

  Tian Luo smiled and said hello

  "Wow, so you're new here. You're quite handsome. I'm Zeshen Rena, just call me Rena."

  "I'm Oita Kenhachiro"

  "Xicheng, just call me Xicheng"

  Hearing Tianluo's words, Zeshen Rena and the three quickly introduced that although they were unhappy just now, they should be friendly to newcomers.

  "I'm Jun Honganji, the head of the special case class. I'm glad you can join in. I've heard a little about you."

  The principal smiled and came to Tian Luo and stretched out his hand.

  "Hahaha, it's just a small matter, Shinnosuke, we meet again"

  Tian Luo smiled, then waved to Shinnosuke who was beside him.

  "Do you know?"

  Seeing Tianluo and Shinnosuke saying hello, the others asked in surprise

  "I've met before, but I didn't expect that Mr. Tian Luo is also a member of the Metropolitan Police Department."

  Shinnosuke explained with a smile

  "Hehe, don't underestimate Mr. Tianluo. He graduated from the most famous police academy in Ying country. He has solved many major cases. If he didn't want to come here, the senior management would definitely be reluctant to put him in the special case class."

  The headmaster explained

  "Wow, Mr. Tian Luo is really amazing!!!!"

  Hearing the teacher's words, several people suddenly exclaimed, so young and so powerful

  "Oh, it's just a little thing."

  Tianluo shook his head embarrassedly. It was exactly as he said. Of course, there were still some errors.

  When he said he wanted to come here, those high-level executives all cried, not reluctant, but scared to cry, and all those documents were filled with knives around their necks, um, it was so violent

  "By the way, I remember there is another person in the special case class, right?"

  Looking at a few people, Tian Luo suddenly asked

  "Oh, you said Mizuki, she has something to do now and should be back in the afternoon. Although she is a girl, don't hold out too much hope. She has an ice face and is very savage."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Shinnosuke said with some complaints.

  "Oh, ice cube face, savage, so that's what I see in Bo's eyes"

  As soon as Shinnosuke finished speaking, a cold voice came from outside the door 913

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