"Then give me the car first"

  A wicked smile appeared on Tianluo's face, but he was very clear about Narutaki's tricks.

  "you are vicious"

  Narutaki glared at Tian Luo, and then threw out another thing, it was a golden model car

  "Oh, it's actually very simple, just go in and format the system."

  Tian Luo took the model car and said with a smile


  "By the way, do you want to go to my house for a meal, it's an old friend anyway."

  "no need……"

  He gritted his teeth and spat out a few words, and Narutaki disappeared.

  "Cut, after living for so long with such a small mind, you deserve to be unlucky"

  He pouted, looking at the two things in his hand, Tian Luo went home with a smile.

Chapter five hundred and ninety fifth belt, transformed

  It's a new day. When Luo came to the special case class again that day, everyone except Chasing Tian was there.

  "Yo, Shinnosuke, you look good today, don't you?"

  Seeing Shinnosuke, Tian Luo couldn't help but teased.

  Indeed, today's Shinnosuke is very different. When Tianluo first met him, he seemed to have no motivation at all, but now he seems to have come out of that state, and the whole person looks spirit up

  "I figured out some things, so I can't be confused anymore"

  Shinnosuke also smiled and nodded.

  Although the belt said it was best to stay away from Tianluo, Shinnosuke didn't take it seriously, because his intuition told him that Tianluo was not malicious. As a policeman, he always had confidence in his intuition.

  "That's right, young people must have vigor, thinking about so many things to do, living is the best proof."

  Tian Luo smiled and patted his shoulder

  Hearing Tianluo's words, not only Jinnosuke, but the others also looked at Tianluo with a smile on their faces. They didn't expect Tianluo to comfort Jinnosuke in this way, because compared to Jinnosuke, Tianluo looked on the contrary. smaller

  "Little guy, you know a lot"

  The headmaster's monkey-like face also showed a smile as he looked at Tian Luo, and then he looked at Shinnosuke again.

  "You should have found something, what is it?"

  "Oh, look at this"

  Hearing this, Shinnosuke reacted immediately, and then took out a few things, which were found at the scene yesterday, and they were like pieces of paper.

  "This is?"

  "Every incident is there, it's the pill wrapper, and with the victims who are bullied and turned red, I think of a possibility."

  A serious look appeared on Shinnosuke's face.

  "And a victim woke up yesterday and said he used it with his girlfriend."

  Shijima Kiriko added aside

  "So, what's the connection?"

  The principal nodded, and then asked thoughtfully.

  "Senior, there is a heavy acceleration reaction near the amusement park!!!"

  Just when Shinnosuke was about to answer, Sawasami Rena suddenly shouted.

  "What? Then I'll go first"

  Hearing this, Shinnosuke was the first to react, and then quickly rushed outside.

  "Wait for me"

  Shijima Kiriko saw this and rushed out.

  "Well, let me follow along and have a look."

  Tian Luo shrugged and said to the class principal.

  "Ok, be careful"

  The principal nodded

  With a wave of his hand, Tian Luo slowly walked out of the special case class, but he did not keep up with Shinnosuke, but disappeared directly into the space


  In an amusement park not far from the special case class, there is no one here at the moment

  When Shinnosuke and the two drove here, they happened to see you and the carousel not far away

  "Mizuki, there..."

  Shinnosuke ran down directly, and then came to the carousel, and saw that there were several people tied up on it.

  "How is this going?"

  Seeing this scene, Shijima Kiriko asked in shock.

  "Hahaha, I didn't expect to find it, but it's too late."

  At this moment, a loud laugh suddenly came from behind the two of them. Looking back, a strange woman was standing there, but what surprised Shijima Kiriko was the woman who looked like her on the merry-go-round.

  "Sure enough, as I expected, the gears have turned completely"

  A smile appeared on Shinnosuke's face, and he looked at the woman in front of him with a strange color in his eyes.

  "The people who were attacked before seem to be people who were not selected by you, and these people are not, because those people are not in good health"

  "Hahaha, indeed"

  The woman laughed again when she heard Shinnosuke's words, and then her body changed. At this moment, he became a tall man.

  "This person's body, plus that person's face, have gathered at this moment, and now I am the most perfect!!!"

  Satisfied with an excited smile on his face, his body changed again, and then turned into the monster he saw yesterday

  With his change, the surrounding space suddenly solidified, this is the re-acceleration

  "Come on, I've been waiting for a long time, let's evolve"

  Feeling the power in his body, the monster roared, only to see his body changed again, and the original height of two meters grew again.

  "This is……"

  Seeing this scene, Shinnosuke said in surprise, but at this moment his body could not move


  At this moment, a voice suddenly came, followed by a series of strange voices, and suddenly, Shinnosuke and Mist suddenly felt their bodies relax and then returned to normal.

  "This is?"

  Looking at his recovered body, Shinnosuke looked at his waist suspiciously. At this moment, the belt had been put on, and there were three model-like cars next to him.

  "Hurry up and transform, that evil way has evolved"

  Seeing that Shinnosuke was still in a daze, the belt shouted loudly

  "Ah, yes, change... become a ghost, how do I change?"

  "Idiot, look at your left hand"

  The belt is a bit hateful that iron is not steel.

  "Uh, okay"

  Seeing the strange device on his left hand, Shinnosuke nodded

  "Let me come"

  Seeing Shinnosuke's clumsy appearance, Mist on the side said helplessly.

  Then he took out a car and placed it directly on the strange instrument in Shinnosuke's left hand, then twisted the button next to his belt.

  "And then?"

  "Flip the car, then yell to transform"

  "Oh, Transform"

  Hearing Kiriko's words, Shinnosuke hurriedly followed suit.

  As the sound fell, a strange light flickered out, and finally formed a strange circle, and the strange armor parts slowly merged into Shinnosuke's body.

  And right here, a black tire suddenly flew out from the car on the side, and the tire hit Shinnosuke directly in the light.


  The light dissipated, and Shinnosuke had changed his appearance at the moment, his body was red, like a sports car, and the tires on his chest looked so weird

  "Wow, this is..."

  Seeing his new look, Shinnosuke shouted with excitement.

  "What's the matter? Why do you have another..."

  At this moment, the evil way has also evolved, and the appearance has undergone tremendous changes, becoming more ferocious, but the power is dozens of times stronger, and he looked at Shinnosuke in disbelief.

  "Nothing for 1.7, come on, run a lap with me"

  Ignoring the monster's roar, Shinnosuke bent his body slightly, and then rushed out.

  "Damn, kill him for me"

  Seeing this, the monster roared angrily, then stretched out his hand and waved, two prototype evil paths sprang out from the side, and then rushed towards Shinnosuke

  "Hmph, let's solve it together"

  With a cold snort, Shinnosuke rushed directly in front of the two of them.

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