But he didn't flinch, his body quickly jumped towards one of the big trees, and then cut off the branches that attacked one by one. It seemed that there was no pressure.

  "It's really strong, ordinary trees can't defeat you at all."

  Tian Luo sat on the tree and said with a smile

  "Hmph, some only these tricks"

  chase snorted coldly

  "Hehe, trickery is also part of victory"

  Tian Luo laughed, and then took out a chariot again, red-black, but there seemed to be a pair of strange eyes in front of the car.

  "Be careful, this time it's a petrochemical bomb"

  After shouting at chase, Tian Luo shot him twice.

  Seeing this, chase hurriedly dodged, the bullet hit a big tree, and the big tree quickly petrified under chase's shocked eyes.

  "A terrifying power"

  "No, it's even scarier than this..."

  As if hearing the voice of Chase, Tian Luo said slowly, and then snapped his fingers, only to see the petrified tree moving again.


  Seeing this scene, Chase quickly stepped back.

  "Hehe, I forgot to mention, my abilities can be used at the same time. Now what you have to deal with is the guardian of the forest with petrified skin."

  Tian Luo said with a smile


  Hearing Tianluo's playful laughter, Chase was very angry at the moment, but he couldn't do anything, because a huge figure had already attacked him, and the jet-black rock branches stabbed him fiercely.


  With a loud noise, there was a daze where Chase was standing, and Chase had already jumped to a tree

  bang bang

  There were a few more gunshots, and the other big trees were petrified and became extremely hard, and then they attacked Chase.

  The chase, which was okay at first, fell into a disadvantage in an instant.


  Tian Luo raised the pistol and pressed the trigger directly. A bullet hit Chase's back, and Chase flew out.

  "Looks like I won"

  Stopping the forest guardian who was about to start, Tian Luo smiled and walked in front of Chase and pointed at Chase's head.


  Chase wanted to stand up, but he finally gave up after seeing this scene

  He lost, and he lost very thoroughly. Although Tianluo is suspected of hanging up, he can only say that he is too weak.

  "Go ahead"

  chase looked at Tian Luo and said slowly

  "Hehe, why do you want to do it?"

  Tian Luo smiled, then put away the gun, released the transformation, and the surrounding trees also changed back, they plunged into the soil again

  "You...don't kill me?"

  Seeing Tian Luo's actions, Chase was a little stunned

  "Do you really want me to kill you?"

  Tian Luo asked back


  "It's just a test, there's no need to be so serious, and I'm having fun too"

  Tian Luo shrugged and said

  "Who the hell are you?"

  chase also released the transformation, and there are some more 2.3 colors on the expressionless face

  "Kamen Rider king, now a policeman"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Kamen Rider..."

  Chase was lost in thought. At this moment, he didn't know what to feel, nostalgia, sadness, or confusion.

  Just when the atmosphere fell into a strange state, Tian Luo's cell phone suddenly rang

  "Hey, is it me, Nani? Is Shinnosuke hospitalized?"

  Taking the phone, Tian Luo suddenly exclaimed, he was too serious, he even forgot about this product, it really shouldn't be

  "Okay, I'll go back right away, hang up first"

  After speaking at the inside, Tian Luo planned to leave. The matter here has been resolved, and he does not need to stay any longer.

  Ignoring Chase, who was still in a daze, Tianluo walked straight out of the forest, leaving Chase, who was contemplating, still thinking about something.  …

Chapter [-] Do it for yourself

  In special class

  "What's up with Shinnosuke?"

  Tian Luo, who pushed in the door, asked directly to several people inside.

  "The injury is not serious, but I have to rest for two days"

  After listening, the principal shook his head and said

  "That's fine"

  Tianluo nodded when he heard the class leader's words, and then his eyes looked aside, only to see a middle-aged man sitting there quietly, while Oita Xianhachiro was staring at him.

  "This is……"

  "He is the president of Kuramochi, the principal of that company, and an important suspect in the smuggling of explosives this time."

  Xicheng said with a serious face.

  "Oh, so that's the case. I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and I don't look like a good person. How could Shinnosuke be deceived?"

  Tian Luo looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with a smile on his face, with a sinister smile on his face, he was not a good person at first glance.

  "President Kuramochi, there are no outsiders here. I hope you can explain to us exactly what's going on."

  Oita Kenhachiro looked at Kuramochi with a serious face and asked

  In fact, Kuramochi has been here for a long time, but he has remained silent, even if 17 is still now, as if he hadn't heard Oita's words


  At this moment, I saw Tianluo slapped on the table fiercely. Both the class leader and Kuramochi were frightened. The room suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes turned to him.

  "Cough cough, liven up the atmosphere, don't worry about it"

  After a dry cough, Tian Luo said slowly.


  "Okay, then let me say a few words, uncle, you are very smart, but too smart is stupid, you can do it yourself..."

  Looking at Kuramochi, Tian Luo said with a smile.

  "What do you mean?"

  President Kuramochi frowned. This was also the first time he looked directly at Tian Luo.

  "It doesn't make any sense, I just feel that you have to weigh your own weight in everything you do, otherwise you will be self-inflicted."

  The corners of Tian Luo's mouth were slightly raised, and there was a divine light in his eyes that people could not understand.

  "Hehe, I don't know if I'm a cocoon or not, but now you guys don't have the right to arrest me, right?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Kuramochi just smiled disdainfully, and then sat there peacefully.


  Seeing that Cangchi was so arrogant, Chaita Xianhachiro, who was on the side, immediately held back. He wanted to rush up to beat Cangchi, but was stopped by others.

  Just when the atmosphere was dignified to a few hours, they suddenly opened again, and I saw Shinnosuke walk in from the outside, his face still with wounds.

  "Ah, you were discharged from the hospital so soon?"

  When Tianluo saw this, he smiled and said.

  "You're worried"

  Shinnosuke nodded at Tianluo and the others, and then his eyes turned to Kuramochi with a complicated look in his eyes.

  "President Kuramochi, you..."

  "Okay, don't ask, this guy won't admit it"

  Tian Luo waved his hand directly. The one who suffered the most was Shinnosuke. After all, being betrayed by someone is not a good feeling.


  Just when Shinnosuke was about to say something, we opened it again, and saw Tongyuan police inspector and Reina walk in.

  "Tongyuan Police Watch"

  Seeing them, the headmaster and the others all greeted them, but a glimmer of light flashed in Tian Luo's eyes.

  "Senior Head of Honganji Temple, President Kuramochi is now released immediately"

  Glancing at everyone, Tongyuan police officer said to the head of the class

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