"You are the president, right, where are those explosives?"

  The fat man grabbed Kuramochi's collar and yelled

  At this moment, Kuramochi was almost scared to pee, and he finally understood what Tianluo said, so he could do it for himself. It turned out to be like this.

  "No, don't kill me, I tell you"

  Thinking that the monster only needs explosives, Kuramochi said quickly, this is not important at this moment, the important thing is his own life

  "Ok, take me there"

  The fat man nodded, and then followed Kurashichi and walked in, and then they came to a warehouse.

  "Ah~ I feel it, it's delicious"

  Feeling the energy emanating from the warehouse, Fatty shouted excitedly, but then his eyes turned to Kuramochi.

  "Then you're useless, what do you think I want to do to you?"

  "No, please let me go, I can give you anything"

  Hearing this, Kuramochi almost collapsed at the moment, he cried and looked at the fat man

  "Ah le le, it's really incredible, isn't this the arrogant President Kuramochi, why is he so embarrassed now?"

  At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside, and a young man with a smile walked in. He looked at Kuramochi, who was kneeling on the ground, with a smile on his face.

  Life is really changeable. It was the first time I saw Kuramochi's arrogance and disdain, which made everyone unhappy, but now it has come to this end, tsk tsk...

  "It's you, that policeman? Come and help me!!!!!!"

  Seeing Tian Luo, Kuramochi seemed to see a savior at this moment, and he hurriedly shouted at Tian Luo

  "Uh...why should I save you?"

  Tian Luo was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head.

  Hearing Tianluo's words, not only Kurashiki froze, but the fat man and the younger brother were also a little confused.

  "Hey, aren't you a policeman? Are you going to watch me get killed by these monsters?"

  Kuramochi looked at Tian Luo in disbelief

  "Well, that's a good idea indeed"

  After listening to Tian Luo, he nodded seriously.

  "What are you kidding!!!!!!"

  Hearing Tenra's words, Kuramochi yelled angrily.

  Tian Luo's eyes showed a playful look, and he looked at Kuramochi and said slowly.

  "Hehe, do you still remember what I said before? Come out and hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later..."

Chapter [-] Orochi and Fortified Fatty

  "Hey, hey, what's the situation with you? Just kill both of you."

  Hearing the conversation between Tianluo and Kuramochi, the fat man roared a little depressedly.

  "Hehe, little fat man, you are very arrogant."

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Bastard, you are called Big Brother Little Fatty, you are dead"

  An evil path beside Fatty immediately roared, and then rushed towards Tianluo.

  "Little one, just stay and go"

  Tian Luo didn't even bother to lift his eyelids, he just raised his hand to shoot two shots, and the monster flew out instantly.

  "Damn, the person who dared to hurt me, boy, you completely angered me"

  Seeing Tian Luo's action, the fat man roared angrily, and then charged directly towards Tian Luo.

  "What a troublesome guy"

  Tian Luo shook his head, he wasn't talking about Fatty, but the Kuramochi who was looking at him.

  I saw Tianluo's figure suddenly disappeared, and then only heard a pop, the sound of an object falling to the ground remembered

  Fatty stared blankly at the place where Tian Luo disappeared, then he turned his head and saw Tian Luo appeared beside Kuramochi, but Kuramochi fell to the ground, and 390's face was swollen

  "Hehe, sure enough, not only will you get dizzy if you hit your neck, but you will also get dizzy if you hit your face, and it's cool."

  Seeing Kuramochi being stunned by himself, Tian Luo nodded in satisfaction, and then pressed the gun in his hand to his hand.


  The voice fell, and a golden and red armor appeared on Tian Luo's body.

  "Hmph, Kamen Rider, I'm going to kill you"

  Seeing Tian Luo's appearance, the fat man yelled, and then his body turned red, like magma.

  bang bang

  Countless bullets were ejected from the gun and hit Fatty, but Fatty was fine.

  "Hahaha, I'm a rock, how could your attack hurt me?"

  Seeing this scene, the fat man smiled proudly.

  "If that's the case, then I'll change it"

  Tian Luo shrugged indifferently, then took out a different chariot and put it in.

  This time was different. When the power of the chariot was released, Tian Luo suddenly had a machete in both hands.

  "Cancer's weapon? It's pretty good."

  Feeling the power of the weapon in his hand, Tian Luo's mouth showed a smile, and then he quickly rushed towards the fat man, and the machete in his hand slashed directly at him.


  A broken voice remembered that a deep crack was seen in the fat man's body

  "Nani? What's going on here?"

  Seeing this scene, Fatty was stunned, Tian Luo actually broke his defense

  "Hehe, even if it's a stone, I'll chop you into powder."

  "Damn, stop talking big!!"

  Hearing Tian Luo's provocative words, Fatty rushed towards Tian Luo, his huge body trembled every time he took a step.


  The two knives and fists touched each other, and the two separated. Tianluo was safe and sound, but a crack appeared on Fatty's fist again.

  "Why is it so sharp, my hand..."

  Seeing what he looks like at the moment, the fat man is also a little afraid, if he continues...

  "Yes, explosives"

  At this moment, Fatty suddenly thought of something, and then looked at the warehouse, and then rushed in when Tianluo was not paying attention, and was knocked out of the wall.

  At this moment, a red car also rushed in from the outside, and then quickly came to Tian Luo's side.

  "Tianluo, how is it?"

  Shinnosuke walked down and asked

  "It's okay, but that guy entered the explosives storehouse. If you do it now, everything will be over here."

  Tian Luo pointed to the hole in the wall and said

  "What should I do?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Shinnosuke also frowned.

  The two didn't do anything, and Shinnosuke came to Kuramochi's side and took him aside, and then came to Tianluo's side again.

  "Hehe, it looks like you figured it out"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "I really figured it out. Although it's uncomfortable, I'm not really fighting for him alone. There are many people who need my protection."

  Shinnosuke nodded and said

  "That's good, but you can vent while he faints, it's fine."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "Uh...you hit him in the face?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Shinnosuke instantly thought of Kuramochi's swollen face like a pig's head.

  "Yeah, you can't let him go so easily, you can try"

  "Forget it, let's deal with the current situation first."

  Shinnosuke shook his head directly, Tian Luo didn't have the idea of ​​Tian Luo

  With the gap between the two of them talking, a roar suddenly erupted in the warehouse, and a blazing day erupted from it.


  Tian Luo let out a low voice, then looked towards the entrance of the cave, a scarlet red monster with steaming heat was slowly walking out, and the ground would collapse by half a minute with every step he took.

  "Can't this guy drink all the liquid explosives?"

  Tian Luo looked at this scene in a daze. The fat man at the moment was like a crater, as if it would erupt at any time.

  "It's not going to work"

  Shinnosuke was also stunned, and then transformed directly.

  "Hmph, there are actually two of them. If that's the case, let's die here together."

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