
  Seeing the chariot, Heart suddenly became angry. He didn't expect Tianluo to enslave them.


  A powerful force radiated out, the surrounding air became hot, Heart's forehead body began to change, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a monster with two pairs of big horns.

  "Haha, are you angry?"

  Tian Luo smiled and then transformed directly. The breath of the two exploded to the extreme, and the surrounding ground began to vibrate.


  The two punched each other at the same time, with a muffled sound and then took a step back at the same time.

  "Kamen Rider, accept my anger!!!!"

  Heart let out a loud roar, and flashes of lightning burst out from his body, and fiery red energy permeated his body, as if he was running wild.

  "This is the power of the dead zone, come on, let me see your true strength"

  As the energy of the body exploded again, Heart's power skyrocketed again, and he came to Tianluo in a flash.


  Another punch and both took a step back again


  Seeing this scene, Heart looked at Tian Luo in surprise, he actually caught it again

  "It's such a strong power, you'll kill me as soon as you come up, you're really impatient."

  Tian Luo rubbed his fist and said speechlessly.

  This guy is really crazy. If he burns himself to increase his strength, he will kill himself if he is not careful. What kind of hatred does he have to do this?

  "Well, otherwise, I have something to do today, and we will fight another day?"

  Tian Luo said with a haha

  In fact, just a minute ago, the Special Cases Division had called and said that there was an arson case, and this was not the first time, it was very strange, so the Metropolitan Police Department planned to let the Special Cases Division intervene, who knew this fellow Heart will suddenly come to the door

  "Stop dreaming, this time I will never let you obstruct, even if it is death!!!!"

  Heart roared loudly, and then the fiery heat broke out again, and then rushed towards Tianluo without hesitation.

  "So this time, you really did it? Hey, hey, don't be like this, you're really killing yourself."

  Tian Luo said speechlessly while dodging the attack.

  Such a burning limit, even if you don't die, you have to peel off a layer of skin, why bother?



  With a muffled sound, Heart fell, Tian Luo couldn't help rolling his eyes

  "Everyone said don't do it. Although you are very strong, the level gap is still very large."

  The Heart at the moment is also stronger than the ordinary evolutionary evil path at most, but it will not be stronger, so if Tianluo is serious, he only needs one blow

  "Okay, now you can take him away"

  With a sigh, Tian Luo looked behind a big tree beside him.

  "how do you know?"

  Chase walked out with a blank face and looked at Tianluo, then at Heart on the ground.

  "Guess, this guy who dares to use this method must have a backhand, and no one will die."

  Tian Luo shrugged

  Once the burning limit starts, you can't stop it. You can't stop without a blow, you can only wait to die slowly.

  "Did you fight me before?"

  Seeing Heart killed by himself, chase's face was a little ugly. After all, anyone would be very upset to hear this, not to mention the proud him.

  "It's the same whether I keep it or not, you can't beat me anyway, the master is lonely~"

  Tianluo let out a sigh, then threw Heart directly to chase


  Although it is true, but after hearing this, Chase still has the urge to beat Tianluo violently.

  "I owe you another favor this time"

  Taking a deep look at Tian Luo, chase took Heart and left without looking back.

  "Che, what a cold guy"

  Tian Luo pouted and left here too.


  On the other hand, Shinnosuke and Kiriko are being besieged at the moment. They are besieged by two ordinary evil paths and an evolutionary one.

  "Why hasn't that guy Tian Luo come yet?"

  Seeing this situation, Shinnosuke also had a headache.

  Two common and one common evil path is not scary, what is scary is that the mature stage with control current, no matter how attacked can't hurt him

  "Hahaha, Kamen Rider isn't that good either."

  Seeing Shinnosuke's appearance, he said with a smile in his mature age.


  Hearing this, Shinnosuke 1.2 suddenly became anxious, but he can't do anything now, he can't use the new model, so he can only fight the war of attrition like this

  "Since the mission has been completed, let's retreat."

  Glancing at the ban, the evolutionary evil path slowly said, and then disappeared at the same time as the other one. One had already died in the battle just now, and they won't be of any benefit if they continue to fight.

  "Damn, why can't you calm down?"

  After releasing the transformation, Shinnosuke sighed helplessly.

  The new model requires him to be extremely calm to use it, but now he can't calm down.

  "Leave them alone, we have to investigate this matter quickly, it doesn't feel like an ordinary arson case"

  Mist said seriously


  Shinnosuke also nodded, and then the two quickly drove away.  …

Chapter [-] Depressed Shinnosuke

  "Ah~ still no, calm down, calm down, must calm down..."

  In the secret room, looking at the chariot whose left hand was still unable to move, cold sweat broke out on Shinnosuke's head.

  "Hey... I think you can forget it. You can't succeed at all in this state."

  Tian Luo sighed aside.

  At this moment, Shinnosuke is under too much pressure, and it is impossible to be absolutely calm.

  The drive is different from other drives, it has a lot of restrictions, the determination to move forward, the absolute cool head, etc., it is impossible to use the new tank as long as it is slightly substandard

  "This can't be done. This time the guy is very difficult to deal with. If he can't succeed, it will be dangerous."

  Thinking of the monster that could use electricity, Shinnosuke felt anxious again.

  After Rena's investigation, this arson case was caused by the evil way of using the point, so he must be solved.

  "The more you are like this, the worse you will be, relax and think about the feeling of receiving a gift tomorrow is Christmas Eve"

  Tian Luo said with a smile


  "Uh, what's wrong with you?"

  Different from what Tian Luo expected, Shinnosuke's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this, Tian Luo hurriedly asked aloud.

  "I...tomorrow is my birthday"

  Shinnosuke said with an ugly face.


  "Birthday? I'll go, so punctual?"

  Hearing this, Tian Luo said in surprise.

  "Tianluo, can you imagine the feeling of having a birthday and Christmas together?"

  "How do you feel?"

  Tian Luo shook his head and asked

  "It's obviously two festivals, but I can only receive one gift every year, can you understand?"


  Hearing Shinnosuke's words, Tianluo directly sprayed, and then he looked at Shinnosuke with sympathy, poor child, he must have suffered a lot of grievances before, but...why did he want to laugh so much in his heart?


  "Bastard, don't laugh!!!!"

  "Yes, I'm sorry, but... I can't help it~ Hahahaha~"


  Seeing Tianluo like this, Shinnosuke's face instantly turned into a pig's liver color, he gave Tianluo a vicious look, and then Shinnosuke ran out directly

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