Tian Luo shook his head and said, then directly transformed, and the figure disappeared here

  "Damn, you left me behind..."

  Zeshen Reina stomped her feet viciously, but she couldn't go or help.


  On the other side, Kirito and Shinnosuke are in trouble at this moment, the voit still can't be found, but the guy they don't want to meet the most is still here

  chase, brain, and an evil path that hasn't evolved, the scene suddenly becomes dangerous


  Brain looked at the evil way and nodded.

  Hearing the brain's order, the evil way quickly flew towards a building in the distance

  "Don't go"

  Seeing this situation, Shinnosuke hurriedly stopped him, but a purple figure had already come to him

  "Your opponent is me"

  "Chase, are you finished yet?"

  Shinnosuke looked at chase with an ugly face.

  A chase, coupled with a mysterious evolutionary brain, at this moment his situation has become very dangerous

  "My goal is just to knock you down and then get rid of him"

  chase said expressionlessly


  Hearing this, Shinnosuke suddenly had a headache, he didn't know what to do with this guy at all.

  Looking at the evil path that has been prepared in the distance, although I don't know what his purpose is, it will definitely not be a good thing, and it must be stopped.

  "What is Chase doing with so much nonsense, kill him"

  Brain on the side shouted impatiently

  He hates Kamen Rider, if it weren't for their Heart, he wouldn't be hurt

  "Damn, mist, you hide first"

  Seeing the two gradually approaching, Shinnosuke's face was a little ugly, and then he directly used the strongest chariot, and the green armor quickly analyzed the strategy that was beneficial to him.

  The battlefield at the moment is full of gunpowder, but the evil way on the other side has already completed its goal

  A slate was tightly attached to the roof of the building, and blue currents began to emerge.

  During this period of time, the entire city was in a power outage, and people suddenly panicked.


  Shinnosuke also noticed this situation, but at this moment he couldn't pull away, and could only watch the evil path-style plan complete.

  However, at this very tense moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the roof, flashing a flash, and the slate on the roof shattered instantly.


  This sudden scene instantly shocked chase and brain, they didn't expect this to happen suddenly


  Shinnosuke shouted excitedly.

  That's right, this figure is Tian Luo, who has been late, but at the moment he is holding his mobile phone, as if he is on the phone

  "Okay, my wife, I see, it's just a power outage, I'll be fine soon, you guys wait a minute"

  Talking to the inside, Tian Luo sighed speechlessly. It was only a minute or two of power outage. Ruona and the others actually called her. Couldn't it be possible to generate electricity manually?women are troublesome

  Putting down the phone, Tian Luo's eyes turned to the evil way that was still in a dazed state. Everything just happened too fast, and he didn't respond.


  "Hey you, do you know what you are doing!!!!"

  After recovering from the confusion, he shouted angrily at Tianluo in a bad way.

  If this plan can't be completed, then they will be greeted with real destruction. Even if he dies, he can't forgive himself.

  "I'm sorry, it's a little unfair to you, but the reality is like this"

  Tian Luo shrugged, and then directly shot to seal the evil way.

  After everything was settled, he looked down

  At this moment, chase and brain have stopped fighting, and looking at Tian Luo, they are also staring at Tian Luo.

  "Don't look at me like that, it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "You wait for me..."

  Brain gave Tianluo and Shinnosuke a cold look, and then disappeared here with chase

  "Come on, the villains say so"

  Tian Luo shrugged indifferently.

  ps: Well, it’s almost New Year’s Eve, I’ve been busy recently, I have to buy something, and I have to buy a ticket to go home. In short, I’ll try to update it as much as possible.

Chapter six hundred and twentieth angry chasing fields

  "Heart, we failed"

  It was still the same place, brain said helplessly when he came to Heart.

  Originally, the two went with great confidence, but who knew that something would suddenly happen

  "Failure? No, you have already succeeded"

  Looking at brain and chase, a smile appeared on Heart's face


  The two looked at Heart in confusion.

  "Hehe, we succeeded from the moment we received the power. Come and welcome our newly resurrected friend, the goddess of healing... medic"

  Heart smiled, then looked upstairs

  chase and brain followed his gaze and saw a figure smiling upstairs, it was a woman in a black dress


  "Master Heart, let me serve you in the future"

  Ignoring the two of them, Medic Dia walked over to Heart and sat down.

  "Of course it's my pleasure"

  Heart smiled and nodded


  "Cheers, Happy Birthday Shinnosuke!!!"

  In a festive restaurant, Tianluo and Shinnosuke were happily drinking wine

  Today is a special day, not only Christmas, but also Shinnosuke's anger. Since Tianluo is like this, there is no reason why he can't come.

  "Hehe, Shinnosuke is very upset right now."

  Tian Luo has a schadenfreude smile on his face

  "That's right, it's really pathetic"

  The principal also nodded.

  "Hey, don't go too far, today is my birthday"

  Shinnosuke looked at the two helplessly

  I am indeed a little unhappy today, although the matter has been resolved, but after all, I almost made a big mistake today, if there is no Tianluo...

  "Okay, don't think too much, I'll have a good meal today"

  Tian Luo waved his hand, and then everyone ate again

  The time everyone played this time was not very long. They left at eight or nine o'clock. Tian Luo left earlier because there were a lot of wives at home to accompany them.

  A year has passed like this, and people continue to lament the passage of time

  During the new year, nothing happened. The people in the special class once again lived a relatively lazy life for a few days. Tian Luo also took time to play with a few girls for a while, and the days passed by.

  "Ah~ so boring"

  Sitting lazily on the chair beside him, Tian Luo snorted Hache

  "It's really a bit boring, and the Metropolitan Police Department won't call us for ordinary missions."

  Shinnosuke shrugged helplessly.

  At this moment, there are only four people left in the special case class, Tian Luo, Shinnosuke, Xicheng, and Rena

  The section chief went out because of some things, and Kiriko heard that his younger brother was coming back. As for Ken Hachiro, he also went to the Metropolitan Police Department.

  At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Oita Kenhachiro walked in from the outside with a gloomy face.

  "What's the matter with you? Who messed with you again?"

  Seeing him like this, Zeshen Rena asked suspiciously

  "Ah!!!! I'm pissed off, those bastards..."

  Hearing Sawagami Rena's question, Oita Xianhachiro broke out directly, and then yelled at the empty wall beside him


  "It's like this, a case happened today. A real estate businessman's house was stolen, and it was fair and square. No one found his trace, but the real estate businessman was sent to the hospital."

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