"Well, the two answered the same thing, but I'm very curious, he's a little strange."

  Shinnosuke nodded.

  "Why is it strange?"

  "He seems to be... guarding that evil way"

  "how do you know?"

  "The Intuition of the Police"


  Hearing that Shinnosuke brought this out again, Tian Luo suddenly laughed.

  Things were deadlocked, everyone didn't know what to do, Shinnosuke disappeared, Tianluo didn't know what he was doing, but in the afternoon he appeared again in front of everyone with an extra plate in his hand

  "This is……"

  Tian Luo looked at the plate suspiciously, with an unknown anime painted on it, it seemed to be quite delicate

  "Hey, Bo, you're not going to use this to make them..."

  Hachiro also looked at Shinnosuke speechlessly.


  A confident smile appeared on Shinnosuke's mouth, and he showed his plate in front of the two Nishijou

  "This is……"

  Unlike Tianluo and the others, the two Xichengjiu looked surprised, puzzled, excited, and unbelievable.

  "There are only five new commemorative plates in Japan?"

  "What? Is it the new Lifan?"

  Tian Luo said thoughtfully


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the two Xicheng almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and they looked at Tian Luo with anger in their eyes.

  "Hey, hey, don't you just say something? There's no need for that, right?"

  Tian Luo immediately took a step back, he was really afraid that these two guys would rush up to beat him, and then be killed by him accidentally

  "Tianluo, you are wrong this time, this is a very precious thing for them."

  Shinnosuke shook his head, he looked at the plate in his hand, then looked outside, and threw the plate out under the shocked eyes of the two Xicheng.

  "Don't" x2

  Seeing this scene, the two Xicheng Jiu were about to split, and they rushed towards the plate quickly.

  However, the strength of ordinary people cannot catch up with the plate. The real Xicheng fell down, and the evil way jumped up and grabbed the plate.

  "The answer has been revealed"

  Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Shinnosuke's face.

  "That guy is the bad way"

  Seeing Xicheng in white jumping five meters high, everyone also reacted.


  The evil way at the moment also knew that he was exposed. Looking at the crowd, he quickly ran towards the distance.


  Seeing this scene, Shinnosuke and Mizuki quickly chased towards the evil path, and Tianluo followed closely.


  "You can't run away"

  Looking at the evil path that has no way out in front of him, Shinnosuke said slowly

  Tian Luo also surrounded him from behind, and now he has no way to escape


  "Sure enough, it was discovered."

  The evil way at the moment also gave up resistance, he quietly looked at the plate in his hand

  "That's just a replica"

  Shinnosuke looked at the evil way and said


  "It was copied by us using the power of the chariot, it's very similar, right?"

  Shinnosuke said with a smile, looking at the surprised evil way.

  "I see, you are Kamen Rider."

  Hearing this, the evil way also reacted.

  "Haha, after all, I've lived with us for so long, until this is nothing, remember that the first day I came here, you replaced Xiaozhu?"

  Tian Luo looked at the evil way with a smile on his face

  "Tianluo, you know? But why..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Ye Lu said in shock, he didn't expect Tian Luo to already know

  "Actually, I know almost about you. You didn't threaten Xiao Zhu, but lived together as a person, didn't you?"

  Although Shinnosuke was surprised why Tianluo knew, but he didn't ask, he looked at the evil way and said


  Evil road nods

  Everything at this moment has been said, this evil way does not attack humans everywhere, but integrates into human beings.

  ps: Ah le, two minutes late, but it can be regarded as yesterday.

Chapter [-] Rescue and Plan

  Very strange story, just a few days after the freezing day, this evil way of writing 072 found Xicheng and copied him

  Originally everything was very simple, just kill Xicheng again.

  But this is the case, but Xi Chengjiu made a strange request, that is, can he watch the last episode of the animation before he dies?

  So, a simple-minded evil way became a diaosi, and just like that, he and Xicheng lived a happy otaku life.

  "So, the evil way can actually be a good person, just like..."

  Looking at 072, Shinnosuke involuntarily thought of chase


  At this moment, a long whip suddenly appeared, but it did penetrate 072's body

  "how come"

  072 turned his head in disbelief, and the three figures in between slowly jumped up from the roof on the side. It was the woman in the middle who just shot.


  Tian Luo frowned for a while, killing people under his nose, did he despise him a little too much?

  Shinnosuke on the side, they had come to 072 to support her, and his eyes showed an angry look, because the core of 072 was destroyed by taking it just now, and medic actually gave a dead hand.

  "Why? Isn't he your companion?"

  Looking at medic, Shinnosuke said with anger

  "Companion? Hahaha, are you joking, a traitor like this who has taken refuge in human beings is not qualified to live at all"

  Hearing Shinnosuke's words, medic suddenly laughed, his eyes were full of ridicule


  Shinnosuke's anger grows even more

  "Death gods, kill them for me"

  medic didn't talk nonsense, looked at the two figures beside him and ordered

  "grim Reaper?"

  Looking at the two figures, Shinnosuke was stunned for a moment.

  These are two red figures. They are different from the evil way they encountered before. Their breath is even more terrifying. They hold scythes in their hands.

  "That's right, chase is no longer capable of serving as the god of death, these are the forces of the god of death that I recreated"

  medic laughed, and then the two figures rushed towards Shinnosuke

  "Tianluo, help me watch Mizuki and the others"

  Shinnosuke said to Tianluo, and then handed 072 to Tianluo


  Nodding and saying nothing, he supported 072, and then a ball of water polo appeared in his hand

  "Tianluo, you are..."

  Seeing this scene, the mist on the side was stunned for a moment.

  "It's not damaged yet, it should be repairable"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  Yes, this water polo is the power of Aquarius. This is something that can even be repaired by the core switch. There should be no problem in repairing the core of the evil way.

  With the injection of the water polo, 072's expression really improved, well, in fact, I can't see his expression at all, but it is indeed better

  This scene was also seen by medic, and a shocked look suddenly appeared on his face.

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