Hearing Chase's words, Shijima just said disdainfully.

  "Hehe, he really didn't kill anyone."

  At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Shijima Gang.

  Shi Dao's body froze for a while, and then slowly turned his head, a very awkward smiling face came into his eyes.



  "Call God"

  He directly gave Shidao Gang a shudder, and Tian Luo said dissatisfiedly.


  Shidao Gang's face is even more ugly than just now, and the two most annoying people have appeared now

  "Because I'm older than you"

  "What kind of reason is this!!!!"

  "That's why"

  Ignoring Shidao Gang, who was already furious, Tianluo's eyes turned to Chase, no, it should be said to be the people around Chase, medic and several gods of death

  Just when Tianluo came, Medic also appeared, Chase fainted and fell into her arms.

  "Beauty, you will be jealous if you do this to your heart"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at the two people who were acting strangely at this time.

  "Hmph, I don't know what means you used to wake up Chase's memory, but don't be too happy, I will continue to transform him"

  medic looked at Tian Luo and said coldly

  "Hehe, beauty, you think too much, maybe it's because your aunt is weak."

  Tian Luo looked at the medic with a smile and said


  Medic's face turned dark, but she couldn't hold it any longer. She glanced at Tian Luo and Shi Dao Gang behind him. The figures of medic and chase slowly disappeared.

  "You just let them go?"

  Shijima just said angrily.

  "Then what else do you want? Have a fight, can you?"

  Tian Luo pouted and lowered his head subconsciously.


  "Hahaha, I forgot, you are still here, remember to slap less, or it will be wiped out..."

  "Hey, that's enough for you, I'll beat you up if you bully just believe it or not"

  At this moment, Zhijian Mist suddenly woke up, and she looked at Tian Luo angrily.

  "Cough, misty, we just said some normal things just now, um, man."

  Tian Luo smiled awkwardly


  Mizuki glanced at Tian Luo with contempt, and then the three of them left the place.


  In the base of the bad road

  "Medic, what's going on?"

  Looking at the unconscious chase, heart asked suspiciously

  "Chase's memory wakes up, there's something weird about it"

  medic frowned.

  According to her methods, this kind of thing should not happen unless...

  At this moment, the brain on the side was already sweating, and he quickly picked up the towel to wipe it, but the cold sweat was still dripping down.

  The power of medic has entered the chase procedure, but then she frowned, and then slowly retracted her hand

  Chase also woke up again, but at this moment he turned into an evil and cold look


  heart asked

  "Okay, a piece of virus has entered the core of chase, brain, do you know who did this?"

  medic nodded, then a different smile appeared on her face, she looked at the brain jokingly

  "I, how do I know"

  "Really? chase, kill him"

  medic smiled faintly

  "You... no, chase, what are you doing? No, flax fell~"

Chapter [-] Still not biological?

  "Shinnosuke, are you ready?"

  On the street, looking at the crowd walking back and forth, Tian Luo said to Shinnosuke who was beside him.

  He had already talked to Shinnosuke about chase's fight against Tianluo, and the time was up soon, so he asked Shinnosuke again.

  "Tianluo, is there really no other way?"

  Shinnosuke hesitated and said again.

  "It's the [-]th time, I said, the easiest way is to beat him"

  Tian Luo shrugged helplessly.

  Even in this situation, Shinnosuke still doesn't want to fight chase, it's really a hassle


  At this moment, a burst of explosions suddenly entered the ears of the two of them. It was not very far from here, and there were still people's shouts.

  "This is……"

  Shinnosuke was stunned for a moment

  "You've run out of options, go ahead"

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  Obviously, chase has come, and let go of all confusion to fight Shinnosuke to the death


  Shinnosuke nodded, his eyes became firm, and then disappeared.

  "Hey, how long are you going to hide?"

  Watching Shinnosuke disappear, Tianluo looked at a big tree behind him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  "Hmph, I'm just passing by" 440

  Shidao just slowly walked out from behind the tree, his face was full of displeasure

  "Passing by? You want to see if Shinnosuke can make up his mind?"

  Tian Luo smiled, he understood what Shidao was thinking

  "Don't be stupid, Shinnosuke found you too, but he didn't say anything. Although he hesitated, that guy is not a mother-in-law. He knows what to do."

  "Hmph, Brother Jin is like this, and sister is like this. They all have this kind of luck, and it's good that all the evil paths are eliminated."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Shi Daogang's eyes flashed with gloom.

  "Ah, what did I see? This is not what a young man like you should be like, boy."

  Tian Luo jokingly looked at Shidao Gang

  "What do you know, you don't know anything at all"

  Shidao just said slowly with a dark face

  "I don't understand, but I know your sister, until you, and your father, um, is the savage Tenjuro who created the evil way"

  "how do you know?"

  Shi Dao just looked at Tian Luo in shock. Not many people know about this matter except him and Dr. Harley, not even his sister. Tian Luo is so clear.

  "I know a lot of things, so I understand your mentality, but everything has a reason for its birth, you don't need to put so much pressure on yourself"

  "What do you know, even if you know, even if you understand, then you can't understand my mood. Do you think you are a god? What are you kidding!!!!"

  Shi Daogang's expression was abnormally bad at the moment, perhaps thinking of his father, he looked like Tian Luo with a trace of hatred in his eyes, in Tian Luo's stunned eyes, he... transformed.

  "Uh... I just want to pretend to be coercive, what the hell are you blackening?"

  "Give me death!!!!"


  Shaking his head depressedly, Tian Luo avoided Shi Daogang's fist, and then directly transformed himself.

  "Boy... give me what's appropriate."

  Looking at Shidao Gang who was still holding on, Tianluo punched him in the stomach


  Shidao Gang's body flew out directly, but he stood up again in just a moment, and also used his nirvana, his body jumped directly into the air

  "What a troublesome kid"

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