There are words cut out from other places on it, this is a notice letter

  "At four o'clock in the morning, the stone monument in Qingshan Shopping Plaza exploded?"

  Tian Luo said suspiciously

  "Is this the latest explosion notice?"

  Xicheng hurriedly said

  "Indeed, it started a week ago. At first it was a street lamp, and then a statue. As long as the notice was received, the explosion occurred on time."

  Hachiro said solemnly

  "Something looks at a man-made case, and it's still such an old-fashioned bombing case"

  Tian Luo silently shrugged.

  Since a certain thief became popular, the trend of imitation has started all over the country, and the notice letter and so on are all old-fashioned now.

  "That's true, but we didn't find any traces of bombs at the scene, so I think those monsters did it"

  A smile appeared on Hachiro's face

  "Why do you look so excited?"

  Shinnosuke looked at Ken Hachiro coldly

  "Of course, this is a good opportunity to make a name for our special case class, let those guys take a good look at how good I am"

  Hachiro shouted

  "Yes, we did this vote"

  Tian Luo nodded seriously

  "Hey, you guys look a lot like the legendary bandits now."

  Shinnosuke looked at the two helplessly

  "I don't care if he is a bandit or not. After being bored for so long, he can finally move. We must catch this little mouse. Today our team is called the mouse-catching team."

  "Don't use such a dirty name!!!!"


  In an amusement park, it is full of SWAT officers looking at it, because the explosion notice appeared again, and this time the target is here

  There was also a large group of people gathered around, watching the situation inside

  The bombing is already very popular at this time. These ordinary people want to watch it from a distance. Therefore, the essence of watching the fun is very popular all over the world.

  In a place that no one knew about, three figures had already begun to look for the whereabouts of the bomb. It was Tian Luo and Shinnosuke, including Shidao Gang.

  "Damn, why should I come too?"

  Shidao just looked at Tian Luo angrily.

  In fact, he refused at first, but due to some special methods of Tianluo, he could only bite the bullet.

  Stop so much nonsense, there are only ten minutes left before the explosion

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes at him.

  The three of them have transformed at this moment, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, and no one knows where the bomb is, so this is the only way to be safe.

  "Split up so it's faster"

  Shinnosuke said


  Tian Luo nodded, then the figure disappeared, and when it reappeared, it appeared on a Ferris wheel

  "The whole amusement park is free of bombs, it seems more interesting than expected"

  Sitting in one of the rooms, Xiao Luo said thoughtfully

  He has already used his mental power to investigate, everything is normal, so the bomb is not loaded now, but...


  At this moment, a red shadow suddenly appeared in Tian Luo's line of sight. The shadow was well hidden, and it was a hundred or two hundred meters away from Tian Luo, but it couldn't escape Tian Luo's eyes.

  "Sure enough, there is a problem, I will see how you make this place explode"

  A smile appeared on Tian Luo's face

  The time for the explosion notice is getting closer and closer, and the expressions of the surrounding special police are getting more and more solemn.

  One minute, forty seconds, ten second

  At this moment, Tianluo suddenly felt a wave of fluctuations coming from a distance. He couldn't see it, but he could feel the specific location.


  Reaching out, Tian Luo's hand has an extra delicate small dart, like a rocket


  A voice suddenly entered Tian Luo's ears, the red figure hiding in the distance.

  "Hehe, it turns out that this is the case, your routine has been seen through by me."

  A smile appeared at the corner of Tianluo's mouth, and then the dart in his hand shot directly at the red figure.


  There was an explosion, followed by a scream of pain, and an imaginary ugly monster appeared in the distance

  "Call the black cat sheriff, the mouse has appeared, please arrest it immediately"

  "Tianluo, you are enough!!!"

  Shinnosuke's helpless voice suddenly came from Tian Luo's ears.

  Black Cat Sheriff?what the hell?

Chapter [-] Warning

  "Damn, are you Kamen Riders?"

  Looking at Shinnosuke who appeared in front of him, a surprised look appeared on the face of the monster, and then he understood what was going on.

  "Are you that bomber? Finally got you"

  Shinnosuke looked at the monster in front of him seriously

  "Hahaha, catch me? Are you kidding me?"

  The monster laughed out loud, and then Shinnosuke suddenly exploded, and he flew out backwards.

  "How is it possible? Can't see it?"

  Shinnosuke looked around in amazement, because he couldn't feel where the attack was coming from.

  "Goodbye, Kamen Rider"

  The monster smiled, his body slowly disappeared

  "Brother Jin, how are you?"

  At this moment, Tianluo and Shidao also came here, Shidao just looked at Shinnosuke and asked

  "Run, this incident is indeed done in a bad way."

  Shinnosuke said with a serious face

  "Haha, it's funny, it's not just the bad way"

  Tian Luo also came here, he looked at the ground, a dart like before was lying there

  "This is……"

  "The attack method of the evil way, in fact, we were wrong at the beginning. The so-called bomb does not exist at all. It's just that when the time comes, this guy will use an invisible attack to cause an explosion. It's this kind of thing."

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "I see"

  Shinnosuke suddenly woke up, and all the previous problems were solved.

  "Let's go back first and wait until we find out who this guy will attack next time."

  After thinking about it for a while, Shinnosuke said


  Tian Luo also nodded.


  It has been confirmed that the murderer is an evil way, and everyone has clues. The next step is to investigate the situation of the people around.

  Because this case is not just a bad way, it may also include some special people, or...

  "I found, there is a person in these explosions, you see..."

  Just as Shinnosuke was thinking, Nishijou suddenly shouted, and then a few photos appeared on his computer, and after zooming in, a boy appeared in it.

  Sure enough, where all the explosions appeared, this boy was there

  "It turned out to be him?"

  Shinnosuke said in surprise.

  "Shinnosuke, do you know him?"

  Tian Luo and Xi Cheng Jiu were both stunned.

  "Well, I saw him once at the amusement park before and he was taking pictures of the Ferris wheel"

  Shinnosuke nodded thoughtfully.

  At that time, he met this young man while he was looking for a bomb. He didn't think much about it just now, but now it seems that this guy is inseparable.

  "Whether it's right or not, let's call him over first, students of Qingshan High School"

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