It seems that there is no one left, so this time I will kill you completely for revenge, and that blue guy

  The monster exuded an icy aura, and then ignored Shijima and fired a missile directly at the special case class.

  "Do you think you can succeed?"

  Shidao just jumped and kicked the missile directly, and there was an explosion in the sky.

  "Damn, you bastard give me death"

  Seeing that his attack was blocked, the monster was also angry, and the darts on his body just shot towards Shidao, mixed with bursts of green light.

  "This is... poison?"

  Shidao just frowned, and when he touched the dart, he felt weak for a while, and it turned out to be poisoned.

  "Hahaha, I'm different from before"

  the monster laughed

  Being rescued by the brain, he not only became stronger, but also got the brain's toxin. I don't know how much the strength improved

  "Sure enough, it's more troublesome, but..."

  Gritting his teeth, Shidao quickly moved his belt when a terrifying red energy burst out.

  The death zone, no, this power is even more terrifying than the death zone. Shidao just stood there in pain, and his body kept shaking under the red energy.

  "I...will never...defeat"

  Painful voices seemed to be squeezed out of his throat one by one. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, it was enough to imagine how painful he was at the moment.

  "Tianluo, are we..."

  Shinnosuke suddenly appeared behind Tian Luo upstairs. He looked at Gang below with some worry. The current situation is very dangerous. If he is not careful, Gang will really die, even if the monster doesn't move.

  "If he can't bear even this pain, then what he pursues can only be in vain."

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  "Shinnosuke is silent. In fact, he also understands that the best thing to do at this time is not to take any action and leave it to Ganglai to deal with it."

  "Oh, it's done"

  The corner of Tian Luo's mouth suddenly showed a smile, because it was almost over.

  " strongest...!!!"

  As if it was the roar of a beast, ordinary magma-like abilities suddenly erupted from Shijimagang's body, and then a figure slowly stood at the center of the ability.

  It was still white mixed with red, but at this moment, the tires on Shijima's body had turned into a strange pattern, giving people a hellish aura.

  "This is……"

  The monster looked at Shidao Gang in shock. In just a few seconds, the guy in front of him became so powerful. What did he do?

  " the power to break death? It's so strong"

  Feeling the power in his body at the moment, Shi Dao just said excitedly, that he surpassed the death zone, this is his power, and there are no more nasty side effects.

Chapter [-] Renliang

  "Lord heart, look, the brain failed again."

  On an overpass, medic and heart suddenly appeared there, medic looked at the brain mockingly as the monster was destroyed


  Brain's face was blue and white. He gritted his teeth and looked at medic. He didn't expect that even if he gave himself strength, he would still lose in the end.

  "No, I saw a very interesting scene. The mere ordinary people broke the death zone. It's really surprising."

  Heart shook his head, he looked at Shidao Gang with solemn eyes, originally he thought that only Shinnosuke could become his opponent, it seems that this guy is not bad, as for Tianluo... well, omit, just omit

  A storm just passed

  Although it is a little thrilling, it has made Shidao grow up a lot, and it can be said that he has a new understanding of power.

  Of course, the class leader has also gained a lot this time. After experiencing the test of life and death, the class leader and Mogi Koro actually left their heart-to-heart relationship.

  Mogi Koro was taken away. Although he is still a student, he will eventually be punished for making mistakes. The impact of this incident on society is not small, so this guy will spend a long time in the detention center.

  "Hoo~ finally all solved"

  Back in the secret room, everyone finally let out a long breath

  "Yeah, but, what should I do with this? I just said it doesn't seem to work anymore"

  Zeshen Rena suddenly said that there was an extra thing in her hand. It was a belt, similar to Shijima Gang's.

  "Is this the power boosted drive?"

  Tian Luo said with a smile


  "Then keep it for now, maybe you can use it later."

  "All right"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Zeshen Rena could only helplessly shrug her shoulders. It seems that she was really busy this time.

  At this moment, Tianluo's eyes suddenly turned to Wuzi, who had no focal distance in her eyes at this moment, and she was dazed at first sight.

  "What are you thinking about?"

  When he came to Wuzi's side, Tian Luo asked in a low voice

  "No... nothing"

  Mist was startled and quickly shook his head

  "Oh, you are sure"

  A playful smile appeared in Tian Luo's eyes, and Mizuki was suddenly uncomfortable, as if all the secrets had been seen.

  "Of course it's fine"

  Misty nodded again

  "Well, it's not convenient for me to intervene in your affairs. It's up to you how you do everything."

  Tian Luo shrugged

  He can probably guess the secret of Mizuki, but there is no need to intervene in this matter, it can only depend on how she does it


  Time flies, it's a week

  Nothing happened, the world returned to a short-lived calm again, and the boring days of the special class came again, but there was a special person who came

  "Hahaha, isn't this everyone in the special class? They are all so leisurely."

  A lewd-sounding voice suddenly came from outside the door, and everyone who was still playing poker looked over at the same time.

  This is a middle-aged man who looks normal with a pair of glasses, but when he laughs, he is very wretched and annoying.


  Oita Kenhachiro suddenly exclaimed

  "Isn't this the head of Renliang of the first department? How can you come to our special case class?"

  The principal looked at the wretched man Renliang and said with a smile

  "Hahaha, didn't I come to see Xianhachiro, a member of our first division, by the way, Honganji, should we return him to us, it will destroy him in a place like you that has no future and was abandoned by others. of"

  Looking at the lazy task, Renliang's eyes showed contempt and disdain

  "This guy sucks"

  Tian Luo said lazily


  Nishijou and Kiriko next to them nodded in agreement. This kind of remark completely attracted the hatred of all special cases class.

  "Senior Renliang, don't forget that the re-acceleration incidents are all resolved by us"

  Shinnosuke stood up and said seriously.

  "Oh? You are... Park Shinnosuke"

  Renliang looked back at Shinnosuke, thought for a moment, and said slowly.


  "Hahaha, it's the guy who was transferred because he accidentally injured a teammate. Hahaha, by the way, your father and I are very familiar. Although he has passed away, I am still very grateful for his help to me, so..."

  Having said that, Ren Liang suddenly came to Shinnosuke's side and said something.

  " quieter next time..."

  "Fuck, don't stop me, I'm going to beat him to death"

  Hearing Renliang's arrogant words, Tianluo stood up directly from the stool, but the misters beside him stopped him instantly.

  "Calm down, calm down, this guy is the boss, don't do it"

  Xi Chengjiu whispered comfortably by the side.

  Under the angry gazes of Shinnosuke and Shiori, Renliang walked out arrogantly, and the special case class suddenly became silent.

  "What a hot guy..."

  After a while, Shinnosuke squeezed his fist and said

  "Okay, don't worry about that guy, let's continue"

  The principal shook his head and smiled.

  "Forget it, I'm not interested anymore"

  Tian Luo shrugged

  "I'm going out to get some air"

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