"Well, that's it, but today I saw 001. Today this matter should be inseparable from him."

  belt said seriously

  "Yes, I know"

  Shinnosuke also nodded seriously.

  This new opponent makes Mr. Belt take it so seriously, it is definitely a strong enemy

  Seeing that things were almost said, everyone left, but everyone except Tian Luo had a heavy face, and they felt a kind of pressure

  "001, so familiar to say"

  On the way home, Tianluo had a troubled look on his face

  Because the corners of his mouth are lazy, he feels that his mind can't move, he doesn't bother to pay attention to many things, and he forgets some things.

  At this moment, Tian Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, he seemed to have thought of something

  "It turned out to be him, it's really interesting"

  He thought about things from a long, long time ago, well, in fact, it was not long after he came here.

  In order to find a suitable identity for himself that day, he came to the residence of the high-rise of the Metropolitan Police Department, and then seized several high-rise

  And among the few people, there is an old man, who seems to be a committee or something, these days Luo can't remember a little

  Anyway, the old man was very stubborn just now, and it turned into a bad way, the number seems to be 001

  Adhering to the virtue of respecting the old and caring for the young, and that day, Tianluo didn't want to cause trouble, so 001 was just beaten to death by Tianluo, um, half-dead, and he didn't care much about the future.

  "Hehe, what a coincidence, it seems that this is an old friend. If you have time, go invite him for a cup of tea."

  With a smile on his face, Tian Luo slowly walked towards the house.

Chapter [-] The story of brother-in-law and Xiaosan

  "Hahaha, this time it really has something to do with you"

  In a house, heart looked at a figure with a smile on his face

  It was also an evil way, and he did not become an evolutionary body, but his Zhou Shen exuded a terrifying energy, and his chest was marked with 001

  "heart, long time no see, and medic"

  001 came to the heart and said slowly

  "It seems that brain is looking for you"

  medic said disdainfully

  Since the last failure, the brain has disappeared, and when it reappears, it has a fusion virus chariot, which must be created by 001

  "Yes, he is now in my hands"

  001 nodded

  "Then what are you doing this time?"

  heart asked slowly

  "Of course it's a collaboration, you should know about those Kamen Riders, right?"

  001 said slowly

  "What's the matter, do you want to deal with them?"

  Medic's face shows interest

  "No, I just want to deal with one, the guy named king"

  001 said coldly, a powerful energy erupted from his body

  "This doesn't match your character. What did he do to make you so angry?"

  Heart's face also showed a different look

  "You don't need to know this, I'm just here to cooperate with you"

  001 said coldly, he will never forget that day, when he was lying on the ground covered in injuries, while a young man sat on top of him with a playful smile on his face.

  "It's too weak, but I don't want to kill people today, so be glad"

  It was this sentence that gave him a strong sense of humiliation and also made him stronger, so he decided to take revenge

  "I reject"

  But the opposite heart shook his head directly.

  "Why? Are you afraid of him too?"

  Hearing this, 001 immediately roared

  "It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that I'm not interested. I don't feel like playing with him at all."

  Heart shook his head, he has never been afraid of death, he just wanted to find someone to have a good fight with, but unfortunately that person is not Tianluo

  "I also advise you, don't deal with him until super-evolution, and now we are not necessarily his opponents together, so don't die, after all, you are also the one I expected"

  "Hmph, I understand this, and I will do my best to assist you."

  Glancing at heart, the figure of 001 disappeared.

  "This guy is horrible"

  Looking at 001 who suddenly disappeared, heart frowned.

  001 is so mysterious and powerful, which makes her feel a sense of oppression

  "He is about to enter the threshold of super-evolution, I'm really looking forward to it."

  Heart smiled, and there was a flash of flame in his eyes.

  "I can't be too bad either..."


  Special class

  "Wow, haha, don't you know, how many people look at me admiringly on the road today, and there are many girls who want to sign autographs. It's really a headache to say that I'm going to meet at the hotel."

  Entering the special case class, Tian Luo couldn't help laughing when he saw everyone inside, with a very stinky expression on his face.

  "You're too embarrassed to say, now I don't dare to go out, it's full of reporters outside"

  Shinnosuke looked at Tian Luo speechlessly. He was chased by reporters every day, and it was scary to think about it.

  "Hey, don't blame me for this, the teacher made it."

  Tian Luo looked at Shinnosuke's angry eyes and laughed.

  "Actually, I just said it at the beginning. I didn't expect you to actually do it, so it's still because of you."

  The principal said with a serious face

  "Bah, sure enough, leaders like to leave responsibility to their subordinates. I see through you."

  Tian Luo glanced at the teacher with contempt.

  But how to say, the two of them are now completely famous, and they are definitely more famous than those big stars, so the next troubles are absolutely inevitable

  "By the way, that Tagaji is locked up again?"

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly asked

  "Well, it's handed over to the first class again."

  Shinnosuke nodded.

  "Then there's nothing wrong with us, and if something happens, it's theirs."

  Tian Luo nodded, then looked at Mizuki again

  Feeling Tianluo's gaze, Mizuki hesitated for a while, but finally made up his mind

  "Actually... chase is still alive"


  Shinnosuke sprayed it out immediately, he looked at Mizuki in surprise, and also just as shocked.

  "Don't be so surprised, this time thanks to him we were able to develop a countermeasure"

  Sawagami Rena explained to you

  "Sister, did you save him?"

  Gang's face became icy cold, what he was worried about still happened, Kirito still has feelings for chase

  "Chase has gotten better, I think he can be with you guys..."


  Just interrupted her words directly, and then walked out with a gloomy face.


  The atmosphere instantly became deadly, and the fog stared at the door blankly.

  "Let's go and have a look, I just want to meet chase"

  Shinnosuke was the first to break the silence, he looked at Kiriko and said slowly

  "All right"

  Mist sighed and finally nodded.

  The two left, and the special case class became lively again in an instant.

  "Hey, hey, what are you talking about?"

  Hachiro asked suspiciously

  "I don't know, why did you hate chase so much?"

  Xichengjiu shook his head, he felt that Mizuki was right, not every evil route was bad, and after he finished speaking, he looked at his hand, where there was a large amount of black chariots

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