Shinnosuke suddenly stood up and rushed outside.


  Seeing this scene, everyone in the special case class exclaimed, but found that he had already run away.

  "This guy……"

  The belt glanced at the door angrily, and again, this guy is too messed up


  Mist's eyes turned to Tian Luo

  "I see, what a troublesome guy"

  Tianluo shrugged, he knew what Kirito wanted to say, the current Shinnosuke didn't have a belt, it would definitely be miserable if he encountered 001, and now only he can help him

  Stretching, Tian Luo walked out directly

  "Let's go..."

  Looking at Kirito, the belt on the side suddenly said, although he was annoyed by Shinnosuke's actions, he definitely didn't want anything to happen to Shinnosuke.


  Misty's face instantly became surprised

  "I really owe him"

  The belt sighed helplessly


  At the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department, Shinnosuke had already rushed in, and he happened to meet Soichi Kageyama in the corridor.

  "Shadow Mountain..."

  "Hehe, isn't this Kamen Rider Shinnosuke? Why do you have time to come here?"

  Seeing Shinnosuke, a smile appeared on Kageyama's face, as if he was just an ordinary old man.

  "I already know your identity, 001"

  Shinnosuke still had a gloomy face, and he stared at Soichi Kageyama.

  "Well, what do you think?"

  Souichi Kageyama's expression didn't change, his eyes looked at Shinnosuke with a hint of playfulness.

  Unlike Tianluo, Shinnosuke's power at the moment can't deal with him at all, so he is not nervous at all.

  "What on earth are you trying to do? And my father's business..."

  Shinnosuke looked at Kageyama Soichi and said coldly

  "Hahaha, do you want to know? Then find it yourself."

  Kageyama Shouyi laughed out loud, the surrounding space suddenly solidified, and only his assistant and Shinnosuke were able to move.


  Looking at the two assistants, Soichi Kageyama said slowly

  Upon hearing the order, the two assistants instantly turned into gods of death, and then rushed towards Shinnosuke.

  "Damn, I can't transform"

  Shinnosuke frowned when he saw the Shinigami rushing towards him. He was now arguing with the belt, so he was alone when he came. It seemed that he was in trouble.

  bang bang

  At this moment, sparks suddenly erupted from the two gods of death, and the figures flew out instantly.


  Ying Shan Zhuang was startled for a moment, his eyes looked in the direction of the voice, and Tian Luo was sitting on the guardrail looking down with a smile on his face.

  "It's you……"


  Unlike Kageyama Soichi, Shinnosuke was delighted. He didn't expect Tianluo to come.

  "You are so messy, everyone is very angry."

  Tianluo ignored Soichi Kageyama and complained to Shinnosuke.

  "Yes... I'm sorry for worrying you"

  Shinnosuke lowered his head, he understood that it was his fault this time, but he was still very moved that Tianluo could come.

  "Are you going to intervene in this matter?"

  Kageyama Soichi looked at Tian Luo and said slowly, a bit of dread in his eyes

  "No, I'm just keeping him safe, as long as he doesn't die"

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  "you sure?"

  Kageyama Soichi looked at Tian Luo suspiciously, this guy can't be a fool, right?

  "believe it or not"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes at him

  "Okay, you step back, this time let me come"

  Nodding his head, Kageyama Sou called the two gods of death back, and he walked over to Shinnosuke.

  "I won't kill you, but I will make you forget everything"

  The voice fell, and a blue ice needle flew out of his hand, and then stuck behind Shinnosuke's ear, Shinnosuke fell down without even responding.

  "He's fine, I'll go first"

  Glancing at Tianluo, Soichi Kageyama walked outside with the gods of death, and the surroundings returned to calm.

  "Get up, you still want to sleep, don't you?"

  Watching Soichi Kageyama disappear, Tenra said to Shinnosuke on the ground.

  "I'm... all right?"

  Shinnosuke also opened his eyes, and he looked at his body strangely, as if...

  "I'll be fine with nothing?"

  His eyes turned to Tian Luo, wouldn't he lose his memory logically?

  "You'll know if you ask him"

  Tenra pointed to Soichi Kageyama who had already left.

  "But Mr. Belt he..."

  "Shinnosuke, here we come"

  At this moment, the voice of Mist suddenly came, and he was holding the belt in his hand.

  "Mizuki, Mr. Belt, you..."

  Shinnosuke is so moved at this moment, I didn't expect them to come too

  "Hmph, if this happens again next time, I will never let you transform."

  The belt looked at Shinnosuke and snorted coldly.

  "I see, thank you"

  Shinnosuke nodded, then picked up the belt and rushed out

  "Tianluo, let's go too"

  Seeing this, Mist said to Tian Luo

  "Forget it, I'm going back"

  Tian Luo waved his hand


  "Because I can't fight"

  Looking at the doubtful mist, Tian Luo pouted and said.

  The possibility of defeating 001 in other people's territory is too small. Even if you want to fight, you have to find a place with no one. In the current situation, the possibility of fighting is too low.

Chapter [-] No, I'm here to beat him

  "Hello, are you back?"

  In the special case class, looking at Shinnosuke's disheartened return, a smile appeared on Tian Luo's face, and... schadenfreude


  Shinnosuke glanced at Tian Luo depressedly, then nodded helplessly.

  Just as Tianluo thought, the two sides just fought and then stopped, because Kageyama Soichi was still quite afraid of Tianluo, and he didn't kill him much, but this made Shinnosuke very depressed, not only everything I didn't ask, I got a needle

  "Actually, it's not a bad thing. Let Rena-chan take out the ice needle behind your ear, maybe you can develop an antidote."

  Looking at Shinnosuke's appearance, Tian Luo said with a smile.


  Hearing this, Shinnosuke's eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes turned to Sawagami Rena, who was studying beside him.

  "It should be possible, but it's too dangerous to do so, I don't know if you can handle it"

  Zeshen Rena nodded, and then said worriedly.

  "Of course I can, Sister Reina, I'm fine."

  Shinnosuke nodded directly and said, if an antidote can be made to crack the power of 001, then Fujiki can also restore his memory, and the rest will be easy to do.

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