Hearing Tianluo's words, Wakana's face showed a smile, and being praised by her own man was much better than those who didn't know.

  "By the way, Tian Luo, did those things appear again today?"

  Ma Ye, who was sitting beside him, said with a smile.

  "You guys are pretty well informed, it did appear,"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded

  "Did you catch it?"

  Nana also asked

  "No, I was rescued, but I did it on purpose"

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth.

  "I know, what conspiracy does this guy have?"

  Li Xing also asked with curiosity in her eyes.

  "Bah, what is a conspiracy, am I that kind of person? I just want to make the hearts super-evolve quickly"

  Tian Luo gave Li Xing a white look

  The most naughty among the girls are Nana and Li Xing, and both of them are masters who are not afraid of big things.

  "Hehe, as a policeman, you let your opponent evolve quickly. I really feel sorry for your teammates. How much evil did you do to meet you?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Nana sighed with emotion.

  He knew that Shinnosuke felt a little sympathetic to this unfortunate child at this moment.

  "This is to exercise him, well, hurry up to eat, watch TV, and do something more meaningful at night."

  "Cut, go to hell..."

  "Big Satyr..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, several women gave him a big white eye, and then started to eat



  It's a new day, Tianluo and his party are busy again, they want to find Renliang's hiding place

  As I guessed before, Renliang didn't plan to hide at all, and quickly found him

  Shinnosuke rushed over, but the result was that he still escaped, and the case reached a deadlock again until...

  "I am Renliang, the head of the first section of the Metropolitan Police Department. This time, I held this press conference with Mr. Nengjian from the research institute..."

  On the TV screen of the special case class, the news was live at the moment, and it turned out to be Brain and Renliang, surrounded by many reporters.

  "What does this guy want to do? And hasn't brain's previous identity been exposed?"

  Shinnosuke frowned.

  "It doesn't seem to be a good thing. As for brain, not many people know him and they are all benevolent people. It's easy to hide it from the past."

  Tian Luo said slowly

  Although his voice fell, Renliang's voice sounded again on the TV

  "This time, I will mainly talk about a few points. First of all, it is about the missing Minister of Defense Soichi Kageyama. After investigation, he turned out to be a mechanical life form, but now he has died in the hands of Kamen Rider."

  "One more thing is that, after investigation, it was found that the special police department of the Metropolitan Police Department is actually an accomplice of the mechanical life form..."

  As his voice fell, the surrounding machinery was in an uproar, including everyone in the special case class, who couldn't believe it, watching Renliang on TV, did not expect him to do this?

  "Hehe, things seem to be a little big."

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth. He didn't expect Renliang to dare to play like this. Did he take the lead in solving the special case?

  "But what evidence do they have? It's just nonsense."

  Misty couldn't help but say

  "After our investigation, many people in the special case class are related to mechanical life forms, first of all, Xicheng Ji, who lived with the evil way, and Zeshen Rena, whose boyfriend once cooperated with mechanical life forms, Oi Tian Xianhachiro, his teacher Oni no Tachibana was also copied by the mechanical life form, and Kamen Rider chase, after investigation, he is actually a mechanical life form, but the special class Shijima who has a good relationship with him did not report it. , this is very problematic..."

  Renliang spoke one by one, and the projections behind him also showed pictures, including Nishijou and Nishijou No. [-], as well as Xianhachiro and the copied senior Tachibana, Sawasami Rena's ex-boyfriend, and Mist Zi and the original Mo Jin tracer

  The evidence was put on it one by one. If Tianluo didn’t know the truth, maybe they would have believed it. This is so convincing. Those idiots will believe it [-]%.

  "This... how to do?"

  Xi Chengjiu was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect Renliang to come up with these evidences.

  "I'll go, this guy deserves to be a villain, one by one."

  Tian Luo also sighed, if it was just an ordinary person, this time it would definitely be dead. Even if he didn't make a mistake and through the media and Renliang's stirring up the flames, those melon eaters who didn't know the truth would come out and step on it, lore.

  "It may be too late now. People from the Metropolitan Police Department will be here soon. We can only admit it."

  Shinnosuke sighed.

  "No, it's the four of them who are the ones who have planted it. In fact, we have nothing to do with each other."

  Tianluo said suddenly, he pointed at Nishijo, Xianhachiro, Sawagami Rena, and Kiriko

  "..." x4

  At this moment, the four of them all looked at Tian Luo silently, why did they feel that they were abandoned?

  "Hey, don't worry, I will visit you often, and even if something happens, I will burn incense sticks for you to worship."

  Looking at the eyes of the four, Tian Luo said with a smile.

  "..." x4

  I want to kill him! ! !

Chapter [-] Big brother, you have the potential to be the protagonist

  "Nishijo, Oita Kenhachiro, Sawagami Rena, Shijima Kiriko, we are from the General Headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department. Now we suspect that you are related to mechanical life forms. Please come with us."

  Sure enough, before waiting for a minute, a group of people came directly to the special case class, looked at the four and said directly.

  "I...we are wronged"

  Looking at the menacing group of people, Xicheng said in a panic.

  "This matter is still under investigation, please come with us first"

  The one headed looked at the four and said again

  "So, if you take a trip, you may not be able to come back, right?"

  Tian Luo couldn't help shaking his head.

  This sentence has an attribute of being lenient with confession, especially if there is benevolence involved.

  "Mr. Tian Luo, you'd better not talk nonsense, otherwise..."

  "Otherwise what?"

  Tian Luo's eyes narrowed, and the surrounding space suddenly became cold, and the person who spoke at the head seemed to be stuck in an instant and stood there.

  "No... nothing"

  "That's good, they'll be taken care of by you, if anything happens I'll find you"

  Tian Luo nodded, and then the space returned to normal again


  The leader nodded immediately, his face was covered in cold sweat, and he felt like he almost died for a moment just now.

  At this time, he remembered that the person in front of him was Kamen Rider, and this was not something they could deal with.

  "Take it, we have"

  Glancing at Tian Luo, the leader gave an order, and then quickly left the special case class without looking back. The rest of the people also disappeared with the four of them. In the blink of an eye, only Tian Luo was left here. The three of the introduction and the teacher

  "It's troublesome"

  Shinnosuke sighed helplessly, the special case class suddenly lost so many people, the next investigation will be more difficult, and I don't know what Renliang will do next.

  "Trouble? Shinnosuke, it seems you are still like this"

  Hearing Shinnosuke's words, Tianluo laughed.

  "What do you mean?"

  Shinnosuke stared blankly at Tian Luo

  "The same sentence, you are a Kamen Rider, and in the eyes of ordinary people you are a god. If you care too much about principles, even ordinary people can design you."

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head

  Shinnosuke just cares too much about the identity of the policeman. Although he is so powerful, he makes an ant-like benevolent calculation. It is a bit ironic to think about it.

  "Tianluo, I know, but I'm still a policeman after all"

  Shinnosuke nodded, he understood the truth, but he couldn't do as Tianluo said, doing so would destroy his faith

  "Let's go, maybe this is the way you should go"

  Tian Luo nodded, but he did not persuade Shinnosuke again.

  Shinnosuke is different from him, Shinnosuke belongs to this world, and he is not

  "By the way, have you seen Gang recently? It's better to call him over."

  Tian Luo looked at Shinnosuke about to go out and said quickly

  "I see"

  Shinnosuke nodded.

  In the blink of an eye, the next day, Shinnosuke and Tian Luo split up to find clues. In fact, they didn't need to search at all, because they all knew that Renliang would find them by himself.

  Sure enough, when the time came to the afternoon, a news appeared again, about Shinnosuke and chase

  This is a short video, in which the transformed Shinnosuke and chase are standing there quietly, and below them is the dying Renliang who was beaten

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