"Your current strength is at best on par with Shinnosuke, but if the three of them go together, you will be finished. If this is the so-called ultimate form, you are too weak."

  Tian Luo looked at the dazed brain and shrugged.

  "Impossible, just because the three of them want to kill me? I will never believe it."

  Brain looked at the three of them in disbelief. He was really confident in himself now, so he looked at Tian Luo with a provocative gaze.

  "This unfortunate child, it has not been two days since super-evolution, so I will be killed once."

  Tian Luo shook his head, and his eyes turned to the three of Shinnosuke.

  "Leave it to you"

  The three of Shinnosuke nodded, and then looked at the brain vigilantly. They didn't dare to be careless. After all, the brain at the moment was a super-evolution, a super-evolution that was stronger than 001.

  "I'll let you see my current strength, you die for me"

  Seeing the three of Shinnosuke rushing towards him, the brain waved his arm violently, and saw countless golden lightnings suddenly fall in the sky, and the sudden change directly knocked the three of Shinnosuke flying out.

  "Hahaha, die, I am the strongest"

  Seeing the three of them fly out, Brain laughed and said, the terrifying power continued to condense from him.

  "Really awesome"

  Tian Luo sat aside and looked at the brain

  The brain's ability is actually very simple, it is the power of thought and toxins, those golden thunderbolts are the power of thought

  And the three of Shinnosuke who flew out have stood up again, this attack is nothing to them

  The three rushed towards the brain again, this time it was Shinnosuke who took the lead. Seeing this, the brain threw a thunderbolt directly.

  Magnetic pull

  A flash of lightning flashed, but this time Shinnosuke blocked all the attacks by himself.


  The brain was taken aback, he didn't expect Shinnosuke to block it

  Just when I was stunned, two figures quickly came out from behind Shinnosuke, and then attacked the brain mercilessly.


  With a muffled sound mixed with screams, the whole brain flew out, and fell to the ground after flying for more than ten meters.

  "Impossible, I'm invincible, how dare you..."

  Brain got up from the ground in disbelief. Although the two blows just now didn't hurt much, it hurt his self-esteem.

  "Idiot, brain, die..."

  Shijima just gave brain a cold look, and then directly launched a nirvana, chase and Shinnosuke followed closely.

  "Impossible, don't think you can kill me like this, let you see my strongest power"

  When the brain saw this, he roared angrily, the golden light on his body kept flashing, and he burst out with all his strength.


  Looking at the situation on the field, the corners of Tian Luo's mouth twitched, and then he left here without his head.

  The ending is doomed, the ending of brain, the ending of Renliang, and Shinnosuke...


  Brain was defeated in the end, Renliang was also arrested, and everyone in the special case class was released, and everything seemed to return to its original state.

  The only difference is Shinnosuke. After this period of experience, Shinnosuke has become more mature, and the end of his father's affairs has also made him feel relaxed.

  The relationship between Shidao Gang and Chase seems to have eased a bit. At least they won't be beaten to death like before. This is a good start, but both of them are liberals, so they didn't bother in the special case class.

  In the blink of an eye, another week has passed, and many things have happened during this period, but it is not too busy.

  "Old man, I have to rest tomorrow"

  In the special case class, Tian Luo squinted and sat on the chair beside him, his eyes were on the class leader who was occupying the servants with his mobile phone.

  "Oh, good...Bah, kid, don't you deserve a beating, I'm your boss!!!"

  The class leader replied subconsciously, but then he reacted, and the monkey face looked at Tian Luo angrily.

  Although he is in his fifties, the class teacher still feels very young. At least he feels that the old man is an insult, an absolute insult.

  "Hehe, the whole boss who has nothing to do and play with his mobile phone to take care of his servants and treasures"

  Tian Luo glanced at the teacher with contempt.

  He feels that his class leader is less reliable than Renliang. Renliang will at least be dispatched when he has something to do, but this guy from Hongan Temple doesn't care about it at all, he is actively playing.

  "Boy, pay attention to what you say. I'm very busy every day. It is necessary to occupy the servants. This is for your own good. Do you think you will be so smooth without me opening the way for you?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the principal said with a bad look.


  "Hehe, you big bastard!!!!"

  "Anyway, I just want to rest, and I won't come tomorrow anyway."

  Tian Luo ignored the angry section leader and said with a smile

  "What are you going to do tomorrow?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the section principal and others all looked at Tian Luo


  Tian Luo said slowly

  "Cut" x6

  "Hey, what do you mean? Don't you have anything to say?"

  Tian Luo looked at everyone suspiciously

  "Not at all" x6

  They already fully understand Tianluo, and they must not show expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred for this kind of thing, otherwise this guy's tail will be raised to the sky.


  Tian Luo rolled his eyes, and now he has no sense of accomplishment at all, these guys are too thieves

  "By the way, Tian Luo, I don't know what you think about the previous three incidents of spontaneous combustion in the wrong way"

  At this moment, Shinnosuke suddenly asked Tianluo

  A strange thing happened two days ago, that is, the evil path came out to destroy, but these evil paths were all on fire, and they looked very uncomfortable.

  One event may be said to be an accident, two events may be a coincidence, and it is not normal for three events to be the same.

  "Who knows, it's too hot? What a joke, do you think the machine will get hot? Would you like a cup of Wanglaoji?"

  Tian Luo pouted his lips.

  "..." Shinnosuke

  Well, don't listen at all, what hope is there for this guy

  "That's weird, this thing turned out to be like a victim, who is going on..."

  Shinnosuke frowned, he looked at the information in his hand

  "What do you think about, just wait, there will always be a discovery"

  Tian Luo shook his head, and then he also looked at a photo on the profile

  Zhi Jian was struggling on the ground in pain, while a golden flame was burning from his body.

Chapter [-]: An Unexpected Meeting... Beasts

  On a quiet coast, four people suddenly appeared at this moment. They were divided into two waves and looked at each other like this.

  A cool breeze blew slowly, making the originally silent space appear dignified

  "008, I didn't expect you to come back too"

  At this moment, a wave of men in white suddenly spoke up, and he looked at the tall man on the opposite side.


  The man frowned, but said nothing.

  At this moment, the sound of footsteps came again, and then from far to near, a red figure appeared here, it was the heart.

  "Hahaha, welcome back..."

  "Since the boss called, of course we have to come back to help"

  Hearing the heart's words, the tall man finally smiled

  "Okay, since he's still coming back, then we're going to start moving, and then we'll give you two one task each."

  heart nodded, his eyes became serious

  Hearing this, the faces of the man in white and the tall man also showed solemn expressions.

  "First, beat Kamen Rider and the police who helped them"

  "Second, capture the savage, or just kill it"

  Heart looked at the two of them and said solemnly

  This is all that has to be done, especially savage, absolutely cannot let him survive

  "heart, rather than talking about these, I think you should be careful about the people around you. You should know about natural events."

  At this moment, the man in white suddenly said, he took out a tablet computer, which was the news about the self-combustion evil way.

  "It actually appeared again?"

  Heart's face turned gloomy

  He did know about this, but he didn't expect that someone would take action against them and be so reckless

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