"Mr. Police, please help my girlfriend, she suddenly disappeared"

  Hearing Shinnosuke's words, the young man jumped up directly. It seems that he was also quite frightened by this incident.

  "Can you tell me what happened at that time?"

  Shinnosuke reassured the young man for a while and asked again

  "I was driving home with my girlfriend at the time, and then a gust of wind blew from the car. With a bang, my girlfriend disappeared. I don't know what happened at all?"

  The young man finally calmed down, he looked at Shinnosuke and Tianluo and said slowly

  "Wait, are you sure it's a swoosh and not a swish?"

  Tian Luo suddenly asked

  "Is there a difference...?"

  Shinnosuke and the two were stunned for a moment, then looked at Tian Luo suspiciously.

  "Of course there is a difference. If it's a swoosh, if you say swoosh now, I'll be very uncomfortable listening to it."

  "..." x2

  "Can you not make trouble?"

  Seeing Tianluo's sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Shinnosuke's whole person is not well, please, now to do business

  "Okay, then ask"

  Tian Luo shrugged, he felt that the problem was really serious

  The questioning took about ten minutes. I probably already knew what happened. The probability of committing a crime in the evil way is [-]%, otherwise it would not be so mysterious, but I have no clue why the crime was committed.

  "Looks like it's going to be trouble again"

  Shinnosuke sighed, he had a bit of a headache, the evolution of the heart, the contradiction between savagery and the belt, and this matter, he was really too busy.

  "Don't worry, I'll check it out"

  Tian Luo nodded directly.

  "You? How do you check?"

  Shinnosuke looked at Tianluo, he was really afraid that Tianluo would mess around again, the ghost knows what he will do.

  In Shinnosuke's eyes, Tianluo picked up the phone and dialed a number directly.

  "Moses Moses, is that the heart?"

  "..." Shinnosuke

  "Yes, there is something I want to ask you, do you have any use of wind in your evil way?"

  "..." Shinnosuke

  "Oh, I see, thank you, I'll treat you to dinner another day."

  "..." Shinnosuke

  "It's done, don't you know that?"

  Tian Luo put down the phone, a smile appeared on his face, but when he saw Shinnosuke, he was stunned.

  "Shinnosuke, what's your expression like?"

  "Tianluo, why do I feel that we are not in the same world?"

  Shinnosuke said with a strange expression.

Chapter [-]: It's impossible to have a girlfriend in this life

  At this moment, Shinnosuke is really doubting his life.

  Have you ever seen someone asking the enemy for information?And the enemy actually told it, although it is not complete, but the heart's brain is definitely not showy?There is a war between the two races, so you sell your teammates like this?

  "Tianluo, you won't be the other party's spy~ are you?"

  "Fuck you, if I were an enemy, the humans here would have been exterminated long ago. Do you think you have the ability to stop me?"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes at him

  "That's right, we can't beat you anyway."

  Shinnosuke nodded, his power is getting stronger and stronger, but the more he does, the more he can feel the terror of Tianluo.

  His current strength can be considered top-notch, but in Tian Luo's eyes, it is not enough. If he wants to destroy the world, he can't stop it.

  "Anyway, we already know about it, 008, the evolutionary evil way of controlling the wind, and the characteristics of starting with girls, that's all, go back and think of a way."

  Tian Luo waved his hand.

  "Okay, I'm looking for things to deal with here."

  Shinnosuke nodded, then talked to the youth for a while, finished the transcript, and the two returned to the special case class again.


  the other side

  At this moment, Heart hung up the phone, and his face was full of tears and laughter. He didn't expect that Tianluo would ask him about things.

  "Lord heart, why tell him? We are enemies?"

  The medic on the side asked a little puzzled

  "Hehe, medic, our enemy is humans, not him"

  heart smiled

  "What do you mean?"

  "You know what, I was going to challenge him when I finished my superevolution, but I saw something and I... backed off."

  heart shook his head, his face became solemn

  "See what?"

  medic was also stunned. It was the first time he saw heart like this. Could there be any secrets about Tian Luo?

  Heart's face slowly slowed down, and then he faintly spit out two words



  medic exclaimed, she didn't expect heart to say such two words, it felt like a fantasy

  "That's right, it's hell, endless hellfire, and ice cubes, and a terrifying bird creature hovers in it, as if the world will be destroyed, I was scared away at that moment"

  There was a trace of fear in Heart's eyes, he was indeed a little scared, and at that moment he finally understood that Tian Luo was not a human at all, otherwise he would not be so powerful

  "Medic, do you really say that there are gods in the world? Then in the eyes of gods, what are we?"

  "In my eyes, the heart is a god"

  "Hehe, maybe in his eyes, our war is really just a game..."

  Hearing medic's words, the heart gave a wry smile. He heard what Tian Luo once said, but he only thought it was a joke at the time...


  At this moment, Tian Luo didn't know that the heart had seen his body, and at that moment after the evolution

  But even if they knew he wouldn't care, they are now mainly paying attention to 008

  But maybe it's too late, today's 008 has no action anymore

  The next day just dawned, and a call came directly to Tian Luo.

  "Moses Moses"

  "Tianluo, someone is missing again"

  This time, it was Zeshen Rena's call. There was no unnecessary nonsense, so he hung up after speaking.

  "It's really troublesome"

  Tian Luo snorted Hache, then put Li Xing in his arms aside and got out of bed

  "What? Is there another situation?"

  Li Xing was also woken up, he looked at Tian Luo and said suspiciously

  "Yeah, he's really an eyeless guy. Even if he doesn't sleep, he can't affect others. Don't get caught by me, or I'll punch him out."

  Tian Luo said with a bit of depression

  "Okay, let's go"

  Li Xing rolled her eyes at Tian Luo and said

  "Hey, baby, I'll make up for you when I come back at noon..."

  "Go away..."



  When I came to the special case class, sure enough, everyone had just come over, and Shinnosuke was watching with the documents in his hand.

  "What happened this time?"

  Tian Luo said suspiciously

  "Like yesterday, the same road, and the woman in the car suddenly disappeared, it should be done by 008"

  Shinnosuke said with a serious look

  "There's something wrong with this product, I'm picking on wives"

  Tian Luo couldn't help but complain

  "cough cough"

  The head of the class on the side couldn't help coughing, and he looked at Tian Luo helplessly.

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