Sure enough, with the barking of the dog, Meiling's eyes gradually became distracted, and slowly returned to normal, she looked down at the little guy in her arms with a smile on her face

  "how is this possible……"

  medic watched this scene in disbelief

  After spending so much effort, I didn't expect that the dog in my hands would solve the problem. This...

  "Hehe, I checked the so-called "Xiang" before. What surprised me was that this is not Miss Meiling's boyfriend, but her pet, which is the dog adopted by medic"

  A smile appeared on Tian Luo's face, he quietly looked at medic and said again

  "Actually, the love you have is not the love that Miss Meiling has. Although you copied her appearance, your feelings and abilities belong to this pet dog."


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Medic was stunned, she stood quietly as if recalling something.

  Scenes from the night of the frozen day came to her mind

  "I remembered, that happy moment, the purest heart, the love that is willing to give everything to the master, this is my feeling for Lord Heart"

  As if returning to the night of the freezing day, medic's emotions broke out completely.

  A dazzling golden light emanated from her body and slowly floated to the sky. After so long, she finally ushered in super evolution

  "I didn't expect medic's emotions to come from pet dogs"

  Looking at the medic in the sky, Shinnosuke said in surprise.

  "She wouldn't be able to heal without that pure devotion to others, but..."

  "what happened?"

  Seeing Tian Luo suddenly frowning, Shinnosuke asked suspiciously


  A burst of electric light suddenly came, and then I saw that medic's body suddenly appeared in a condition, and she suddenly fell from the sky.


  Heart was taken aback, he looked at medic worriedly

  Under everyone's attention, medic's clothes suddenly turned black, and she also stood there blankly, looking very strange.

  "What exactly is going on?"

  The sudden change shocked everyone, and the atmosphere that had just eased became solemn again.

  "Hahaha, because I moved her hands and feet, as long as she goes into super-evolution, she will become a puppet controlled by me"

  A loud laugh suddenly appeared, followed by a golden figure slowly walking out


  heart angrily looked at the silhouette that suddenly appeared

  That's right, it's savage. He has been waiting for this opportunity, and it didn't disappoint him. Medic has finally evolved.

  "Really, it's obviously a battle with Kamen Rider in a bad way. What are you doing, you old man?"

  Tian Luo lazily looked at the savage and said

  "Walking around? Am I just this position in your heart? There must be a limit to looking down on people!!!!"

  Barbarian was immediately angry after hearing this, and a huge energy ball suddenly appeared and threw it at Tian Luo.

Chapter [-] Did I say let you go?

  "Oh, so embarrassed, I thought you would continue to endure."

  Looking at the flying energy ball, Tian Luo waved his hand lazily, a strange energy suddenly appeared, and then the energy ball disappeared silently.


  Seeing Tian Luo easily defusing his attack, Savage's heart suddenly froze.

  I was really too careless just now, and I was actually aroused by Tianluo's anger. Now it's a bad ending.

  Fortunately, the heart suddenly moved at this time, and his eyes were filled with endless anger.

  "Savage, I'm going to kill you!!!"

  Heart is very fond of medic. It can be said that she is the hope of the evil way. If something happens to the medic, then the evil way will never have a chance to be resurrected.

  The current medic is being brutally manipulated, which can be said to have angered his resistance.


  Just as heart was about to rush towards Savage, a golden light suddenly stopped him, and then the stone on the ground cracked.


  Heart's face is even more ugly, because the one who attacked him turned out to be medic

  "Hahaha, heart, I advise you not to do it, otherwise I can't guarantee that medic will survive"

  Barbarian laughed when he saw this scene, with medic as his trump card, he couldn't do anything to him.


  Shinnosuke was also angered by the side, and the brutal approach made him very angry

  "Hehe, this is wisdom, Bo-Jun, even if you are strong, so what, don't you have to be timid under my wisdom? It's really cool, I like to see others being powerless."

  He stared at Shinnosuke with savage disdain.

  "Hehe, compared to the villains I have met, you are definitely the weakest, no, you are not a villain at all, at most you are just a filter of evil, savage, you have the consciousness to do a good job of death ?"

  Tian Luo looked at Savage and asked suddenly

  He has met many big villains in the world. They are all crazy, and they can even die if they are crazy. Compared with them, the savage is really a little bit different. At most, they are a little smart.

  "The consciousness of death? Hahaha, how can I die with my wisdom and strength, are you joking?"

  Savage replied with a smile

  "Sure enough, how can you succeed if you don't even dare to face death? It's really bad. Since you believe in your wisdom so much, then I'll help you recognize the reality."

  Tian Luo smiled and shrugged, and then the main control panel appeared in his hand, and a row of programs appeared on it.


  As Tianluo's voice fell, I saw the medic's body suddenly trembled.

  A black light radiated from her body, and the light flickered and then slowly dissipated towards the outside.

  "Nani? How could it be!"

  Savage suddenly widened his eyes when he saw this scene, this feeling was too familiar to him

  During the transformation of medic, he sent 084 to do the tricks. The special program was implanted in medic.'s body. As long as the super-evolution program is completed, it will start directly and take over the body of medic.

  But when the black light on medic dissipated, he immediately felt that his program was suppressed, and with the help of Tianluo, he was slowly excreted from the body.

  "See clearly, no matter how powerful the virus is, it will be cracked by others after some time. Your wisdom, your data, and all your research results will be transparent in the future, and you still feel that you are very Great?"

  The corner of Tian Luo's mouth showed a mocking smile.

  Was the world's panda burning incense so powerful?Was the ransomware virus that bad?It's all amazing, but in the end, a solution was developed. This is the power of the future.

  Today's Tianluo has this kind of hang, and the current virus and program will be unlocked in the future, especially the madman's technology.

  "Impossible, how could this be possible, in the future..."

  Seeing that the virus implanted in the medic was slowly excreted, savagely shouted in disbelief.

  What he believes most is his own wisdom. Wisdom represents strength and power. Even his sons and daughters are used as experimental tools by him.

  But at this moment, he is confused. In front of the pervert like Tian Luo, everything he talks about seems to be empty talk. How ridiculous is this?

  "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can I let others crack my technology in the future, it's just a bunch of rubbish, unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!!!"

  "The things of the dead can of course be studied casually"

  "No, I won't die, it's you who will die, give me all to die!!!!"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Savage can't stand it anymore. He wants to control the world, but he wants to live, otherwise his genius and wisdom will be wasted.

  He already understood Tianluo's words. He died in the future. Although he didn't know how he died, he absolutely couldn't accept such a fact.


  With a loud bang, the savage body suddenly burst out with endless energy, the energy began to spread around him continuously, and the ground exploded and the air distorted.

  "not good"

  Shinnosuke felt bad when he saw this, he came to Meiling and quickly took him away from here

  At this moment, heart also came to medic's side to protect him

  "Is it more energy? Then try it"

  The corners of Tian Luo's mouth grinned, and a violent burst of energy instantly erupted.

  The two energies collided together, the surrounding space was all twisted together, the gravel slowly floated in the air, and finally was turned into powder by the energy.


  The two erupted at the same time again, the two energies exploded instantly, and a terrifying energy shot up into the sky, as if it was the end of the world

  All the people in the city raised their heads to look at this spectacular scene

  At this moment, the place where Tianluo and the others are located is in a mess, and the ground within [-] meters slowly collapses, as if it was melted.

  With the passage of time, the ground at this moment has become a [-]-meter-wide pit, and Tianluo and Barbarian are standing there quietly, the energy seems to have no threat to them

  "Damn, completely suppressed, you monster!!!"

  Savage looked at Tian Luo with gritted teeth. Although the two of them seemed to be evenly matched, he knew that Tian Luo was still hiding. This feeling made him very aggrieved.


  "Haha, I'm not happy to be called a monster by someone like you."

  Tian Luo smiled, and then slowly removed the energy

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