"Hehe, interesting, very interesting..."

  Looking at the empty abandoned factory, a smile appeared on the face of the man, and his body suddenly changed

  A purple armor slowly emerged. With his change, the surrounding space suddenly solidified, and he was the only one who could move in the entire space.


  "What a deserted city..."

  Tianluo's group finally came to the city, and when they saw that there were only a few people on the street, the girls sighed with emotion.

  Now they finally know the consequences of the zerg. Compared with the world they have been to before, the people here live in danger all the time. Even if there is a special block to deal with the zerg, there is no way to change the fear in their hearts.

  "Maybe they're taking a nap, should we also find a place to rest?"

  Tian Luo stretched lazily.

  "Then find a place to eat. I don't know if there is any very delicious food here. You will get tired of eating golden soup."

  Naomi said with a smile

  "Okay, let's go over there and see"

  Tian Luo also nodded, and everyone started walking towards the front.

  After walking for more than ten minutes, a striking sign was noticed by them.

  BistrolaSalle, La Salle's tavern, with a very unique name, Tian Luo walked in directly with the girls

  "Welcome, what do you need?"

  As soon as she came in, a woman in her thirties who really wanted to go asked Tianluo, and there was a girl with a blank face standing beside her.

  "Ms. Boss, is there any signature dish? It's delicious. I won't pay if it's not good."

  Tian Luo looked at the woman with a smile on her face

  "Don't worry, our food here is delicious"

  The woman also smiled. Tian Luo looked like a young man in his early twenties, and he smiled very warmly, which made him a very good impression of Tian Luo.

  As for not paying anything, she just took it as a joke. As for the reason, look at the clothes and jewelry of Wakana and the girls. They can't afford any of those rings and necklaces.

  At this moment, Tianluo is a noble boy who comes out to play in the heart of the proprietress, and she is also very confident in her own food.

  "Since that's the case, you can do it, for seven people."

  Tian Luo also nodded.

  "OK, just a second"

  The proprietress nodded, she didn't ask so much and walked into the kitchen, while the expressionless girl was sitting at the bar.

  "Wives, I just discovered something very important."

  Seeing that no one was paying attention, Tian Luo suddenly said

  "whats the matter?"

  The girls were also stunned, they looked at Tian Luo suspiciously.

  "How many years is it now? We forgot to exchange currency"

  Tian Luo said solemnly


  The girls were also silent for a while. In other words, they never seemed to worry about money before. There are a lot of bank cards, but now they can't be used.

  "Would you like to exchange it for something? This amethyst bracelet of mine should be able to exchange for a lot of money, right?"

  Maya was stunned for a moment, and then pointed to the bewitching and beautiful bracelet on her hand.

  "No, they can't eat it, maybe there will be an accident"

  Tian Luo shook his head

  "Then find the lowest price"

  Xiao Wu said

  "What do you think is the cheapest thing you have?"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes

  As their own women, everything on Wakana and the others is priceless.

  "I'll look for some stone-alchemy techniques later, the price-performance ratio of gold should be lower."

  Tian Luo thought for a while and said

  "All right"

  Hearing this, the girls also nodded.


  At this moment, a sound of pouring water suddenly came from the table next to it, followed by a scolding sound.

  Tian Luo and the others looked over and saw the expressionless girl, and the scolding was the guests at the table, a few tall young men.

  "No smoking here"

  Seeing the angry looks of several young people, the expressionless girl slowly spit out a few words

  "Bastard, we can smoke if we want, can you control it?"

  One of the young people looked at the girl angrily, and then she reached out and grabbed the girl

  "Hey, it's not right to take a shot at a lady, and...I also hate people smoking next to me"

  Tian Luo stood up, he looked at a few young people and said

  "Who are you tm?"

  The young man was stunned for a moment, and shouted casually. As his voice fell, several of his companions stood up at the same time, and then surrounded Tianluo.

  "Really, is the security of this world really that bad? But..."

  As if thinking of something, Tian Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at these young people as if he was looking at the prey again.

  "Bastard, talk to me"

  Seeing that Tian Luo didn't speak, the young man just punched Tian Luo directly.


  There was a crisp sound, the sound of bones breaking, and then there was a scream

  "Bastard, call me..."

  click, click, click

  With the movements of those young people, the sound of broken bones kept coming, and in just a few seconds, they all fell to the ground, while Tian Luo stood there lazily.

  "Okay, can you go out with me now?"

  Grabbing a few of the young people, Tian Luo asked slowly

  "Ok, Ok"

  The young man was already scared to pee, and he quickly nodded when he heard Tian Luo's words.

  "You too come out"

  Tianluo nodded with satisfaction and faced several people on the ground, while he grabbed the young man and walked out, just like he was catching a chicken

  After walking out of the hotel, Tian Luo took these young people to a small corner beside him.

  "Listen now, everyone squat down and put their hands on their heads, you can talk, but anything you don't say here will become evidence in court."

  "Are you a policeman?"

  "No, start looting now and hand over all your money"

  Tian Luo replied with a smile


  Holy crap, then you say these are useless!

  "Stop talking shit, believe it or not, I'll break your legs too"

  Tian Luo said coldly.

  "Yes, we give money"

  Hearing Tianluo's threat, several young people hurriedly took out the money, and there was really a lot, at least enough for this meal.

  "Well, not bad, hurry up and get out, I won't be so lucky next time."

  Tian Luo nodded in satisfaction

  Hearing Tianluo's words, those young people ran away, and the speed was as fast as Bolt. Sure enough, the potential was forced out.

  After finishing everything, Tian Luo planned to go back, but when he turned around, he saw a figure and looked at him quietly.

  This is a man, very handsome, very stinky, he is quietly looking at Tian Luo

  "Uh... hi"


  Hey, uncle, the first robbery here was discovered. Do you want to kill and silence, and I really want to kill and silence. This guy's aura is so disgusting! ! !

  ps: I finally got a new volume, I couldn't help but come out and bubble, this chapter is a big chapter, if it is too small, it will be boring. I will consider all comments and comments. Also, ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for Reward, ask for everything.

Chapter seven hundred and twentieth pretending to be a criminal

  "Husband, what happened outside just now? Why do you keep looking at that person?"

  In the restaurant, Xiao Wu, who saw Tian Luo's appearance, couldn't help but say

  It has been almost half an hour since the time just now, and when he returned to the hotel again, Tian Luo was thanked by the hotel proprietress.

  Of course, you still have to pay for the meal

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