
  Tiandao nodded again

  "Bastard, you..."

  Seeing that Tiandao is still like this, Kagami almost cried aggrieved

  The motorcycle stolen by Tiandao is not ordinary. It is a knight prop that Zect has spent a lot of time making.

  Originally, this was handed over to Kagami for safekeeping, but who knew that it was robbed by Tiandao

  The high-level officials who knew the truth gave Kagami a severe lesson, and she is still suspended from work. This is a tragedy

  "This is originally for me, and it can't exert any power in your hands."

  Looking at Kagami's angry look, Tendo said lightly again.

  "Forget it, they shouldn't let you go anyway, you'd better be careful"

  Seeing Tendo's appearance, Kagami sighed

  The Cavaliers thing doesn't matter to him, he's worried about zect

  Now Tiandao has attracted zect's attention, his situation is very bad

  "I know this, if they want to come, come on"

  Tiandao shrugged

  One more opponent is not too much for him

  "Hehe, I always feel like you are talking about some terrible things. Do you want to tell me, maybe I can help you."

  Tian Luo, who was listening to their speech, suddenly smiled and said.

  "You? Forget it"

  Kagami shook her head directly

  In his eyes, Tian Luo is just an ordinary person, what can ordinary people do?

  "I have something I need your help with"

  Tiandao suddenly opened his mouth and said

  "what's up?"

  "Let's go out"

  Tiandao said a word, then walked towards the door, and said something special before leaving.

  "Don't follow Kagami..."

  "I'm too lazy to follow..."

  Kagami said speechlessly, then sat down again lazily.

  Tian Luo was thoughtful, looking at Tian Dao's figure and chasing after him


  Under a hidden overpass, Tiandao stopped, and he didn't turn around until Tianluo also came here.

  "What are you doing here?"

  Tianluo looked at Tiandao suspiciously

  "It's you..."


  "Yesterday's Black Armor"

  Looking at Tian Luo's doubtful eyes, Tian Dao said this time.

  "What armor? Something to eat?"

  The doubts on Tian Luo's face did not disappear.

  At this moment, I saw that Tiandao suddenly moved, he quickly came to Tianluo, and then kicked over.

  "Fuck, are you serious?"

  Tian Luo was startled, his body hurriedly dodged

  This guy, Tian Dao, used all his strength, and this time ordinary people fell directly.

  "It was weird to see you from the beginning, I knew nothing about you and you knew me like the back of your hand"

  Tiandao saw that Tianluo escaped the attack and rushed up again. He was still very ruthless, as if he wanted to kill Tianluo with one blow.

  "Hey, I'll fight back like this, your brain is flooded? Why do you say I am?"

  Tian Luo said silently while avoiding

  "By intuition, I trust my intuition. When I first saw Heijiadou, I thought of you at first sight."

  Tiandao answered solemnly

  "Is Nima hanging up?"

  After hearing this, Tian Luo was speechless again. As expected of the protagonist, he still has this ability.

  Originally, he still wanted to slowly hide people and pretend to be forceful, but who would have exposed them as soon as they came out?

  "This time, I will kill with one hit and transform."

  Ignoring Tian Luo's words, Tian Dao transformed directly, and then the axe spear appeared and shot directly at Tian Luo.

  "This guy trusts himself too much, right? If ordinary people would hang up right now."

  Tianluo waved his hand helplessly, a black figure flashed by, and the bullet that hit was blocked.

  "Did it really appear?"

  Tian Dao put down the grab, and his eyes turned to the black figure in Tian Luo's hand, it was the black beetle

  "So, I hate smart guys like you the most, so what do you want to do?"

  There was also a smile on Tian Luo's face.

  Although it is exposed, it does not affect anything, at most it is just one less chance to play

  "This should be what I want to ask you, why are you here? Is your target me or Xiaoxi?"

  Hearing Tianluo's words, Tiandao asked

  "Don't say it like that, I didn't do anything to you, I just came to play"

  Tian Luo shrugged.

  "Do you think I'll believe it?"

  Tiandao frowned

  "You have to believe it, because if I were to harm you, you would already be dead"

  Tian Luo smiled slightly, then transformed directly, and his figure disappeared.


  Seeing the situation, use the superspeed directly

  But in the next second, the two appeared again, Tiandao fell to the ground, and Tianluo stood quietly beside him

  "See, this is the difference in strength, do you believe it now?"

  Tian Luo contacted him, transformed into a smile, and said

  It's too troublesome to explain, so Tian Luo thinks it's better to speak with strength

  Solve the way of heaven directly, which is easier than any explanation

  "So strong, why? Obviously they all have the same belt?"

  Tiandao stared blankly at Tianluo

  The solution just now is actually a momentary thing, it doesn't matter if you speed up

  Both he and Tianluo used armor, but the gap was too big, right?

  Tiandao, who is extremely confident in his own strength, has been severely hit this time.

  "Because my own strength is stronger than you, by the way, did you really confirm that I am Heijiadou? Is it very mysterious for intuition?"

  Tian Luo smiled and asked again

  "not sure"

  Tiandao was silent for a while, then slowly said

  "Then you shoot directly!!!"

  Hearing this, Tian Luo was stunned, and then shouted.

  "If you can't dodge, then I'll use superspeed to save you, but you didn't want to dodge at all, and even summoned the beetle."

  Tiandao said lightly

  Tian Luo was stunned, this guy was actually blowing him up?I'll wipe...

  "So, I hate smart people the most..."

Chapter [-] Hello, Director! !

  Although Tian Luo's identity was discovered, it was nothing to him.

  Because of Tianluo's powerful power, Tiandao also kept silent on this matter.

  But before he left, he warned Tianluo better not to do anything to Xiaoxi, or he would even risk his life.

  For this super sister control, Tian Luo also had no choice, and finally the two reached an agreement

  Life seems to have calmed down again, and another three days have passed in the blink of an eye

  "Husband, look, someone died today..."

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