"I want me too, woo woo... I feel so happy, so delicious."

  Tiandaoshuhua also imitated the two of them to take a bite, and instantly he was intoxicated, and the whole person lay on the chair

  "Is it so exaggerated?"

  Kagami looked at the three of them dumbfounded. He wanted to do it too, but it was no longer possible. He ate too fast and already finished the mackerel miso. It's a tragedy.

  "It's the perfect food that evokes emotions"

  Tian Dao sighed after eating, and then looked at the rest of the soup

  "Give it to you, this is a greeting gift to the tree flower, right?"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Thank you then"

  Tiandao also nodded.

  "Brother Luo these days"

  Tiandao Shuhua smiled happily, thinking that she could eat this kind of soup next time, she was so happy

  "Okay, it's almost time, I should go back, then come back next time"

  Tian Luo stretched, then stood up

  "Okay, it's four o'clock now"

  Tiandao also nodded.


  Kagami on the side spat out when he heard the time, he seemed to think of something

  "Don't get excited, it's just that you didn't go to work, Xiaoxi won't kill you"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes at him.

  "You actually know? Nothing that you didn't say earlier?"

  Kagami looked at Tenra excitedly

  "You didn't ask"

  Tian Luo innocently blinked his eyes.

  "It's over, it's over, Xiaoxi will never let me go, the half-month's salary is gone, and now the salary will be deducted, dead dead..."

  Kagami instantly became unlovable again

  Today was already very unlucky, who would have thought that the unfortunate thing is not over yet, and I will definitely be scolded again when I go back.

  Packing up her things in an instant, Kagami rushed out the door at a speed of [-] miles.


  Tiandao and Tiandao sighed at the same time

  "Okay, I'm going back too"

  Tianluo waved at Tiandao Shuhua

  "Well, Brother Tianluo will come often, hehe, I finally made friends, please take care of him in the future."

  Tiandaoshuhua smiled and nodded

  "..." Tiandao

  "Well, I will definitely take good care of him. After all, there are not many people who can bear his temper."

  Tian Luo also smiled and nodded.

  "..." Tiandao

  Tian Dao did not speak in the end, he was defeated by his sister's words, and at the same time he had a new understanding of Tian Luo's thick skin

  Looking at the back of Tian Luo leaving, he finally stopped his urge to draw a knife

  "Shuhua, don't get too close to him in the future"

  Looking at his sister, Tian Dao said seriously


  Tiandao Shuhua looked at Tiandao suspiciously

  "He's not a good person. This guy is a big radish. He has six wives at home, and more than a dozen lovers. Even the secretary will not let go."

  Tiandao gritted his teeth and said

  At this moment, he has no morals at all, and exaggerated Tianluo's deeds countless times and said it.

  "Ah, no"

  Tiandao Shuhua looked at Tiandao in surprise

  She has a very good impression of Tianluo. He looks handsome and gentle, and more importantly, there is that magical soup.

  "That's right, so don't get too close to him, he's still a lolicon"

  Tiandao nodded seriously


  Tiandaoshuhua also nodded, she decided to listen to her brother

  "Yes, it is like that"

  Tian Dao finally showed a smile on his face when he looked at his sister, and there was a joke in the smile.


  "Ahie~Ahie~ Damn, who said bad things about me?"

  Walking on the road, Tian Dao sneezed twice in a row, and he scratched his head in confusion.

  But then his hand rang. It was the Metropolitan Police Department's phone.

  "Moses Moses, oh, okay, I'll go right away..."

Chapter [-] Do you want to be my secretary?

  "Yo, isn't this Miss Yuyue Cape from zect? Why are you free to come to me today?"

  When he came to his office, Tianluo saw a woman in business attire. It was Kagami's boss, the woman named Misaki Yuzuki.

  "Director Tian Luo, this time I am here to hope that the Metropolitan Police Department can help us"

  When Kai Youyue saw Tianluo come in, there was also a smile on her face.

  She didn't know much about Tianluo, and she was full of curiosity about this young man who suddenly appeared and took over the Metropolitan Police Department.

  "Oh? What can make you zect come to me?"

  Tian Luo was stunned for a moment and looked at Cape Youyue suspiciously.

  "It's about a person"


  Tian Luo asked again

  "I wonder if Director Tian Luo has heard about the news that the knight system has been activated recently?"

  Cape Youyue looked at Tianluo and asked

  "I know a little bit about this. The operation of the wasp is left to the thought of Yacar, but as for the armor, it was dressed by an unknown person, right?"

  Tian Luo sat on the office chair and smiled.

  At this moment, he seems to understand what Cape Youyue wants to ask. It should be about the way of heaven.

  Sure enough, the next moment Kazuki spoke up.

  "It's about the dresser of Jiadou, I hope Director Tianluo can help us find that person"

  Misaki Yuyue's face also became serious

  They don't know the information about Tiandao at all. The only thing they know is that Kagami seems to know him, but Kagami refuses to say who it is.

  Zect advocates fighting against the Zerg, their intelligence is not as fast as the police, so Chi Youyue will find Tianluo

  "This is completely trivial, I believe I will find it out for you soon."

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded

  "Then thank Director Tianluo"

  Cape Youyue clicked, but she didn't feel anything about the phrase "help you".

  "By the way, Cape, have you ever thought about changing jobs, I just happen to be missing a secretary"

  Tian Luo is no longer called by name, and he looked at Cape Youyue with a smile on his face.

  "Sorry, I have no plans to change jobs yet."

  Kazuki shook his head directly

  "That's a pity. Zect should be very hard. If you feel uncomfortable there, you can come to the Metropolitan Police Department at any time."

  Tiandao shrugged regretfully

  "Then thank Director Tianluo, if I have nothing to do, I will leave first."

  Cape Youyue nodded, and then she left without looking back.

  She knew that Tian Luo was teasing her, but she couldn't get angry and had to leave

  Watching Jia Youyue leave, Tian Luo sat there quietly, with a treacherous look in his eyes

  "I don't know what will happen if Tiandao knows about this matter? No, how could it be possible to let him know, there are not many opportunities for this kind of cheating."


  Tianluo didn't take Jia Youyue's help for help, because there is no need to investigate at all, and it will be fine to talk about it later.

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