Unexpectedly, two troublemakers appeared at this critical moment.

  "Seriously, your brain is like bean curd dregs. If you waste so much effort and think you are successful, it can all be wrong."

  Tian Luo was lying on the beam and said jokingly

  "What do you mean?"

  Kageyama asked with a cold face

  "The real Zerg is not him, but the one next to him, only he sees my hyperspeed"

  Tiandao pointed his finger at another team member

  "Your brain can only be compared to an earthworm, and it's far from the guy before..."

Chapter seven hundred and fifty-four knight battle

  Tiandao and Tianluo are very familiar with the hurtful Kung Fu.

  It's just a casual sentence, and the face of Yingshan on the opposite side turns black and scary.

  Kageyama Shun has swelled since he became the captain, and he thinks that he has surpassed Yagato in terms of strength and wisdom.

  This time the plan is also perfect in his opinion. It is definitely a good deal to use a waste person to find the long-hidden traitor.

  But who would have thought that someone would make trouble at this critical moment and say that everything was wrong

  "Impossible, how could I go wrong?"

  Kageyama said in disbelief.

  However, while he was still in a daze, his teammates reacted, and then everyone turned their guns and pointed at the person Tiandao said.


  Kageyama Shun's face has turned black to carbon.

  It's too embarrassing that my teammates listened to other people's words

  "Katsu, isn't Kagami..."

  Misaki Yuzuki didn't pay attention here, her attention was all on Kagami

  After hearing Tiandao's words, she already understood that Kagami should be fine at this moment.

  "Just stunned"

  Tiandao pouted

  "Huh, that's fine"

  Hearing the answer, Misaki Yuyue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Knowing that Kagami was used as bait by Kageyama Shun, if Kagami died, she would definitely feel guilty for the rest of her life.

  "So is it time for this little boy to take off his mask? You're rude."

  Tian Luo's eyes have also fallen on the real Zerg.


  The zerg, who was pointed at the gun, snorted coldly, and then took off his helmet.

  The exact same two people appeared in the field, this zerg was the same as the one who shot before

  "It's easy to say, I have to say, Zerg is indeed very smart, at least stronger than someone"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded


  Ying Shan looked at Tian Luo with gritted teeth, he knew it was about him

  "Aren't you trying to protect me?"

  The shooter looked at the Zerg in panic.

  "Protection? It's no longer needed, so...you go to hell"

  Zerg smiled, and then he instantly changed back to his original appearance, and the claws penetrated directly through the body of the team member.

  "Working with Zerg, the ending is already doomed"

  Tianluo didn't pay attention to this matter, everything was brought about by himself, and he died in vain.

  "Hehe, it's you next..."

  After killing the team member, the Zerg looked at the people around him

  "Hmph, you dream, transform"

  Kageyama snorted coldly after hearing this, and then directly transformed himself.

  Following the battle between the two, a dozen zerg suddenly appeared around, and the surrounding warehouses were all surrounded by zerg

  "give it to me"

  Tiandao said, and then rushed towards the zerg

  The only thing that is clean now is the place where Kagami fell.

  Jumping off the beam, Tianluo walked over to Jia Youyue's side

  "What do you want?"

  Cape Youyue looked at Tianluo vigilantly for a moment

  They don't know anything about Heijiadou, and they don't know if it's harmful to them, so they have always maintained a vigilant attitude to face Heijiadou.

  "Ara, don't be so nervous, I won't take action against the beautiful lady."

  Tian Luo shrugged and squatted down.

  "Then which side are you on?"

  Cape Youyue still hasn't let go of her vigilance

  If Tianluo is the same as Tiandao, he is not too worried, but if it is the same as the Zerg, it will be a bad thing

  Armor will die after all. If evil people control the armor, it will be a disaster for mankind.

  "I'm on the beautiful side, just like... you"

  Tianluo raised Kazuki's chin and said lazily.

  "Don't move your feet"

  Jia Youyue knocked Tian Luo's hand off with a slap, her eyes filled with anger

  Few people dare to tease him, even Tianluo is a very small part of that

  "Hehe, don't worry that I will be your enemy, because then you won't be able to last even a minute."

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Then what do you want to do?"

  "What I want to do is very simple. Participating in this game is definitely simpler than you think"

  Tian Luo shrugged.

  "Games? You mean..."

  Misaki Yuyue's anger is even stronger

  This is not the first time he has heard Tianluo talk about the game.

  Zerg and humans, people die in battle every moment

  In Tian Luo's eyes, such a cruel thing is just a game?Misaki Yuzuki, who has a strong sense of justice, is really angry

  "Don't look at me like this, you haven't been in a high place before, so you won't understand how I feel"

  Seeing Kai Youyue's angry eyes, Tianluo shrugged helplessly.

  "Who do you think you are? God?"

  Cape Youyue shouted at Tianluo


  Tian Luo was stunned.

  Wouldn't it be a little too proud to answer "yes", and would Misaki believe it?


  "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's answer so succinctly, a row of black lines appeared on Cape Youyue's forehead

  Well, I really don't believe it

  "Forget it, you won't understand it anyway, you just know that I'm not your enemy."

  With a sigh, Tenra put his finger on Kagami's chest

  "What do you want!!"

  Magnetic pull

  An electric shock came from Tianluo's finger, and then Kagami sat up abruptly, and then looked around in confusion.

  "Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

  "Kagami, are you alright?"

  Misaki Yuzuki, who was worried about something just now, immediately looked at Kagami excitedly.

  Although it's only been a minute away, it's almost a parting of life and death

  Misaki Yuzuki feels guilty about what happened to Kagami because she was also involved in it

  "I'm...I remember..."

  Kagami slowly regained his senses, but when he remembered what happened, he fell silent.

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