"I'll leave the rest to you, and Lingzi, please take care of you. Before that, I will prepare a big gift for him."

  Minister Kagami looked at Tenra and thanked him

  "It's not necessary, but I'm just curious, why did you contact me suddenly? Are you also suspicious of your plan?"

  Tian Luo shook his head and asked

  "It's true, so like you said, since it's all messed up, it's better to make it messier"

  Minister Kagami nodded.

  "Hahaha, it's interesting, it's really interesting, then this chat is over, you can enjoy your old age well, this world is now the era of young people, leave it to them..."

  "Okay, I hope it's like what you said"

  Minister Kagami nodded, then the screen slowly dimmed

  The smile on Tian Luo's face grew stronger


  Kageyama Shun was put back in the end, as for how zect handles him, that's zect's own internal affairs

  Anyway, Tian Luo hasn't heard from him for a few days.

  Also missing is Daisuke Kazama

  He hasn't appeared since Xiaoyan left, he has been busy with makeup duties, but news about him often appears in some newspapers.

  The hotel where Xiaoxi is staying is business as usual, the guests are still the same old customers, everything is so calm

  However, a peaceful life cannot last forever, and life also needs to add some exciting things, such as...

  "football match?"

  Three voices sounded at the same time, Tianluo, Kagami, and Tiandao all looked at the proprietress

  "That's right, the football game held together on this street needs a substitute because the team has fewer personnel. You..."

  The proprietress Gongzi looked at the three with a series of smiles

  Xiaoxi sat there with a look of indifference, this kind of thing has nothing to do with her

  "Football... no"

  Kagami shook her head directly

  He knows a little about baseball, but he doesn't know anything about football.

  "Where's Tian Luo?"

  The lady boss looked at Tian Luo again

  "This, does video football count?"

  Tian Luo said hesitantly.

  "What did you say!!!"

  Everyone was speechless and gave Tianluo a blank look.

  "Then it won't"

  Tian Luo shrugged

  He's really not interested in this kind of boring and boring sport, and he'll die if he's not careful.

  "Then there is only the way of heaven..."

  The proprietress looked at Tiandao with a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

  "Cough, I received a lot of care from Miss Gongzi before. Since it is your business, I am bound to do so, but..."

  Tiandao paused here.

  "But what?"

  The lady boss asked

  "But I'm alone, and I don't need other people to be with me. If they're together, they'll only hold us back."

  Looking at the lady boss, Tian Dao said lightly.

  "..." Madam Boss

  "..." Kagami

  "..." Tian Luo

  "..." Xiaoxi

  Although they don't know much about football, they know that this is a game that many people can play together

  go alone?This forced...

Chapter seven hundred and sixty seventh sword of the gods

  On a spacious court, more than a dozen people in red uniforms stood there quietly

  On the opposite side of them, Tiandao is wearing a white uniform to oppose them.

  The scene was very embarrassing, and Tian Luo, who was watching the battle, knew what to say.

  That's right, Tiandao really came alone

  One person against the other eleven, and only he dares to agree to this game

  "I feel like it's lost its meaning before it even starts"

  Kagami looked at the field helplessly and said

  Soccer game is a team game, is a person's word still a game?Whether Tiandao wins or loses, this game is already broken

  "That may not be the case. Maybe there will only be one person from the red team."

  Tian Luo shrugged

  "that's true"

  Kagami nodded.

  No one will be happy with this feeling of being underestimated, and the red team will never bully others with more


  Xiaoxi, who has been silent, rolled her eyes.

  As time passed, the last player of the red team also entered the field

  It was a young man who looked handsome, but his eyes were full of arrogance.

  When he knew that Tiandao was alone, there was anger in the eyes of the youth, and then he directly let the others leave the stadium

  One to one

  The original ball game instantly became a special match for two people

  "Who is this guy? It seems to be very powerful..."

  Kagami had a surprised look on her face when she saw the youth who was opposed to the way of heaven.

  "Let me see, the Sword of God, a famous family in the country of Ying. Now it has fallen into disrepair. It is extremely powerful, but it is extremely good at everything. The mantra is "No matter what you do, you must stand on the top."

  Tian Luo took out his mobile phone and said slowly.

  "It's amazing, this guy is very similar to Tiandao"

  Hearing Tenra's words, Kagami's eyes suddenly lit up.

  Tiandao is such a stinky fart, what Kagami hopes most is that someone can crush him

  "It's really powerful, but the shortcomings are also obvious. It's similar to Tiandao, arrogant and conceited. Now it's worth watching."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  With their chat, the game has already started on the field at the moment

  The people on both sides are very powerful, and there is a strong smell of gunpowder in the field

  The football flew back and forth, and the people watching the game burst into exclamations

  after an hour……

  "0:0, the game is over"

  "Whoo~ it's finally over"

  Hearing the verdict, Kagami breathed a sigh of relief.

  Xiaoxi on the side also nodded.

  The ghosts know what they have gone through, both sides are too strong, no one can score goals

  What's the point of this game

  However, it was obvious that the two people in the field could not understand the feelings of the audience. They looked at each other, and the flames flashed from their eyes.

  "You're very strong, what's your name?"

  The sword of the gods looked at Tiandao and asked arrogantly

  "Heavenly Director General, the man who is in charge of everything"

  Tiandao answered lightly

  "The sword of the gods, the man who walks the path for heaven"

  Divine Sword nodded and said again.

  "I will never allow a tie, I have to stand at the top of everything"

  "Oh, me too"

  Hearing the words of the God Generation Sword, Tian Dao's eyes also showed a trace of light.

  "Hey, what are these two guys doing?"

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