
  With a scream, a figure appeared in front of Tian Luo, the battle axe was embedded in his shoulder

  "Damn, how did you find out..."

  "Just keep your eyes open"

  Tian Luo said lightly

  Then a black lightning condensed on the battle axe, and Tian Luo slammed down.

  Thunder and lightning slashed the zerg directly with the battle axe.

  The fire flashed, then disappeared without a trace

  "Finished work, I can finally go back to sleep"

  After releasing the transformation, a smile appeared on Tian Luo's face, and then he walked towards the distance.

  a minute later

  A pair of black armored zect team members suddenly appeared where the Zerg died, and the leader was Kageyama Shun.

  "Report, target is dead"

  Looking at the sand on the ground, Kageyama Shun said into the walkie-talkie.

  "Who killed it?"

  Mishima's voice came from inside, and the voice was so cold that even Kageyama Shun couldn't help shivering.

  "I don't know, but it shouldn't be Kagami's work. He just finished work and went home."

  Kageyama shook his head instantly.

  "That's good, how is Tianluo's surveillance?"

  Mishima's voice came again

  "Everything is normal, he has nothing abnormal, Mr. Mishima, why are you investigating Director Tian Luo?"

  Kageyama Shun shook his head again, wondering.

  This is the order issued by the headquarters in the past two days, but he does not know the reason

  "This is not something you should ask, you just need to execute it"


  "Then withdraw from the team and continue to monitor Tianluo"


  Kageyama nodded instantly and turned off the walkie-talkie, but there were still doubts in his eyes.

  "Mr. Mishima is a little weird lately..."

Chapter seven hundred and seventy seventh: Xiaoxi's change

  "Yo, Xiaoxi, why are you so listless?"

  Came to the hotel again, but Luo was stunned when he looked at Xiaoxi that day.

  Because he looks haggard at the moment, he probably hasn't slept all night


  Xiaoxi shook his head, but the next moment he hesitated, and then said again to Tianluo

  "Can you accompany me to a place?"


  Tian Luo agreed without thinking.

  The two then prepared and walked out of the hotel

  After about ten minutes, the two came to a forest.

  The woods are not big, but not many people come here because this is a cemetery

  The meteorite fell seven years ago, the number of people who died is too many, and this is the cemetery of those people

  "Are these your parents?"

  Seeing Xiaoxi walking to one of the tombstones, Tianluo asked aloud.


  Xiaoxi nodded, then slowly put the prepared flowers aside

  "Tianluo, do you think people can go to heaven after death?"

  "I don't know, I haven't been there, but hell does exist"

  Tian Luo shook his head

  He belonged to the side of hell before. It can be said that there is hell in this world, but heaven is unknown.

  "Then there must be heaven. My parents should go there, right?"


  Tian Luo smiled and nodded

  "They will surely bless me, won't they?"

  "Will do"

  Tian Luo nodded again

  "I'm very happy now because I have you by my side"

  Xiaoxi turned her head, and then slowly took Tianluo's hand

  I don't know if the two have known each other for almost half a year.

  From the original indifference to the current dependence, Xiaoxi has also slowly changed.

  At this critical moment, she finally understood something, which made her life easier.

  "What happened? You've changed a lot"

  Tian Luo asked softly

  If the usual Xiaoxi would never be so bold, what did he encounter?

  "Yesterday I met Kagami, and I saw him fighting those weirdos, and that belt."

  Xiaoxi said in a low voice

  "What were you thinking then?"

  "very angry"

  teasing brow wrinkled

  "Hehe, what about now?"

  Tian Luo showed a smile, and then pinched her little face.

  "Well now, I figured out a lot of things"

  "Maybe like you said, the memories of childhood are inaccurate, you, Tiandao, Kagami, I have doubted it before"

  "But you're all very good to me, I know it's wrong, so, I'm not going to think about it anymore..."

  Xiaoxi didn't dodge Tianluo's movements, she whispered, her face becoming more and more relaxed

  "That's right, no matter what the question is, there will be an answer, and one day it will be found. The current blind thinking will affect the thinking. Take your time, I will help you."

  Tian Luo put down his hand and smiled.


  Xiaoxi smiled and nodded.

  "Hey, it's not bad for you to laugh. Come on, boo one"

  The smile on Tianluo's face suddenly turned evil, and then he blinked at Xiaoxi.

  "Do not"

  Hearing this, Xiaoxi's face suddenly became expressionless

  "Hey, you're changing too fast!!!"

  "Hmph, put away your wretched expression"

  "Where's the wretchedness? It's obviously handsome."



  And not far from the goal, two figures are quietly watching this scene

  One of them is Tiandao, but at this moment his face is no longer cold, all are anger, even if it is far away

  The other is Kagami, his face is full of envy, jealousy and hatred

  "Damn, why did he get all the benefits, and I'm not bad?"

  Looking at the two of them hugging each other, Kagami came sour

  As a diaosi, of course he has some thoughts on the goddess, and it so happens that Xiaoxi is his goddess

  Well, now the goddess has been soaked away by others, and I can only hide and watch secretly, and I will cry if I talk more...

  "Bastard, this guy already has several wives, why does Xiaoxi still follow him? What the hell is going on in this world? Do women like this kind of pervert!!!"

  "you shut up!!!"

  Hearing Kagami's wailing, a row of black lines appeared on Tendo's forehead.

  "Tian Dao, aren't you angry? He soaked Xiao Xi away!"

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