Seeing that he suddenly came to the mountain, Tian Dao forced himself to calm down, and then looked at Tian Luo Dao

  "Hehe, Tiandao, you are really smart, at least ranked in the top three among the knights I met, much better than those guys who are rushing forward."

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  He didn't plan to hide his identity for too long, because he knew that Tiandao was very smart

  As time goes on, this guy will surely find out

  Tian Luo's body began to emit golden light, and the light was even brighter than the sun in the sky.

  Standing opposite the golden light, Tiandao felt that his whole person was purified.

  Even the wounds he suffered before are all healed, it seems like a miracle

  "This is……"

  "God's power, do you want to say that?"

  Tian Luo's voice came out from the golden light, and then the golden light slowly faded, and Tian Luo also walked out from inside.

  The golden body flickered in the sun, and the eagle-like eyes quietly looked at the heaven.

  This is the body of Tianluo, the undead bird that surpasses the ultimate body

  "Who the hell are you?"

  Feeling the oppression emanating from Tian Luo at will, Tian Dao asked coldly

  "You already know it in your heart, don't you?"

  Tian Luo asked with a smile

  "Impossible, how can there be a god in the world, it can only be a creature I don't know!!!"

  Tian Dao shouted loudly, and then turned on the speeding directly. His figure appeared in front of Tian Luo in an instant, and then the battle axe slashed at Tian Luo.

  No sound, no spark, as if smashed in the air

  "How, how is it possible?"

  Tian Dao looked at Tian Luo in shock

  At this moment, Tian Luo didn't move at all, but his body seemed to have turned into light, no matter how he cut it, it was useless.

  "Is this an illusion?"

  "No, it's real, it's just turning the body into a light element, Heavenly Dao, can you kill light?"

  Tian Luo shook his head and asked

  Elemental words, very strong ability, but also has this kind of power in other worlds

  But in this world, this power belongs to the gods, neither humans nor zerg can have this power

  "How can you have such power? But how long can you last?"

  "Not much 830, only ten years"


  "Forget it, you won't understand if you don't show a little bit, Tiandao, let you see my true power."

  Tiandao looked at Tiandao and said

  Tiandao is very smart and strong, so it is better to use strong power to convince him


  As Tianluo's voice fell, there was a sudden loud noise in the sky, and then the whole sky darkened.

  The once clear sky became cloudy, and silver lightning kept falling from the clouds.

  "Controlling the weather? Such a terrifying power..."

  Tian Dao looked at Tian Luo in shock

  "Want to try being struck by lightning?"

  The corners of Tianluo's mouth are slightly raised



  Before Tiandao could react, a thunder and lightning hit him, and a trace of black smoke came out of him.

  "Damn, I wanted to try it for a long time, let you pretend"

  Seeing Tiandao's appearance, Tianluo's heart blossomed with joy

  But at the moment he can't show it, otherwise today's pretense will fail

  With countless abilities, he finally chose to control the weather, for nothing else, this move is definitely the most shocking ability

  As long as Tiandao is deterred this time, then it will be easy to deal with

  "Hehe, boy, you must give up this time, Xiaoxi is mine..."

  ps: I didn't dare to write it down. The amount of information in the back is a bit too much, so I read it again, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes.

Chapter seven hundred and seventy ninth

  "Hey? God, did you perm your hair?"

  As soon as she walked into the store, Kagami's doubtful voice entered Tendo's ears.

  And after Tiandao heard it, a row of black lines appeared on his forehead

  "Hehe, he wanted to change his hairstyle, so he went to the barber shop"

  Tian Luo explained with a smile

  He wouldn't say that this matter was struck by lightning, otherwise, with the self-esteem of Tiandao, he would definitely collapse and want to die with him.

  The matter was solved perfectly, albeit with some small tricks

  Under the coercion of Tianluowei, Tiandao finally agreed with him and Xiaoxi

  Brother-in-law agrees, is there any chance of this matter changing?

  But at the moment, Xiaoxi still doesn't know the identity of Tiandao, so she still has to take her time.

  "Xiaoxi, if you really want to know about Shibuya, I can accompany you now."

  Tiandao ignored Kagami, and his eyes turned to Xiaoxi

  He knew that Xiaoxi wanted to understand what happened seven years ago and wanted to go to Shibuya, but Tiandao didn't want her to go before.

  It’s different now. With Tianluo joining in, it’s only a matter of time before I know it, so I might as well tell Xiaoxi myself

  "No, I don't want to go now"

  Xiaoxi shook her head, then walked into the kitchen

  "..." Tiandao

  what the hell?Is this still Xiaoxi from before?Just going out for a trip to change so much?

  "Hehe, you will know when you should know, there is no need to say it now"

  Tian Luo smiled and sat on the chair beside him, and then said again.

  "By the way, you seem to have made some big news today. The royal chef of the Cardibil family challenges the man who walks the path of heaven. This is on TV."

  "Huh? Really?"

  Hearing Tianluo's words, Kagami was instantly attracted, and he looked at Tiandao in surprise.

  "Just boring people"

  Tian Dao's face returned to normal and then sat down

  "It's really boring, that guy is hard to handle."

  Tian Luo nodded thoughtfully.

  The Sword of God is definitely a person who works hard when he sees the facts. His goal now is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven must defeat him.

  Although it's just cooking noodles, don't forget the mantra of the sword of the gods

  "Even if I have to eat, I have to stand at the top..."

  "..." Tian Luo

  "..." Tiandao

  "..." Kagami

  Thinking of the appearance of the sword of the gods, the three of them suddenly showed an uncomfortable look on their faces.

  "Forget it, don't talk about him, Xiaoxi, I want to eat steak"

  Tian Luo waved his hand and said to Xiaoxi in the kitchen


  Xiaoxi nodded.

  "And in the shape of a heart"


  "Don't you think it's romantic?"

  "All right"

  Hearing Tiandao's words, Xiaoxi showed a helpless expression

  "..." Kagami

  "..." Tiandao

  Sure enough, this guy is more annoying than the sword of God

  "I'm going back"

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