Tian Luo looked up at Tiandao

  "There is a situation, the beetle appeared outside just now"

  Tiandao said solemnly

  "Sure enough, these guys are going to destroy this party, or they are going to kill all the executives here, and the world will be in chaos by then."

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded

  "I'll fix it"

  "Forget it, leave it to me."

  Tian Luo waved his hand

  He just wanted to go out for a walk, an hour is enough

  After saying hello to a few people beside him, Tian Luo walked out.

  The periphery of the hotel, due to special reasons, there is no one around at the moment

  The cold wind swept across the deserted street, and occasionally there was an animal cry.

  However, in the woods not far away, several figures are hiding in hidden corners. It is the zerg.

  Not only them, there are many hidden zerg around, the number is no less than fifty

  "Is this an intention to wipe out those people? Interesting."

  A smile appeared on Tian Luo's face

  His figure slowly walked towards a place where the zerg was hidden, getting closer and closer

  Just as he was about to approach there, a roar suddenly came, and then the Zerg rushed towards Tian Luo quickly.


  Jin Tie Jiao Mingsheng heard that Tian Luo had already put on armor


  "Hehe, it's too slow, Knight Slash"

  Tian Luo smiled, and then the battle axe in his hand slashed towards the Zerg.

  Only a few seconds apart, the first Zerg is resolved

  "Although I have no interest in such gatherings, I can't let you mess around. After all, this is my territory."

  Looking at the group of zerg that instantly surrounded him, Tian Luo said with a smile

  The battle axe in his hand was raised again, and Tian Luo planned to solve it quickly.

  But just as he was about to move, an afterimage suddenly appeared, and then the dozen or so Zerg surrounding him exploded in an instant.

  In a second, the surroundings become clean again

  Tian Luo "..."

  After a moment of silence, Tian Luo turned to look behind him.

  I don't know when a figure appeared behind me

  The red armor looks similar to the armor, like adding some unknown parts in the form of a beetle

  The horns on the head are bigger than Jiadou, and the strength is stronger, just standing there gives people a sense of oppression

  "King Jiadou? The current heaven doesn't have this kind of power, right? That means... the future heaven?"

  Seeing this figure, Tian Luo showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was also curious about the guy in front of him.

  "Let's fight..."

  The voice came from the Douwang, and then his figure disappeared.

  "Hehe, you won't be able to beat the future me to come here, right?"

  Hearing this, Tian Luo couldn't help laughing.

  "You talk too much"

  An icy voice sounded from behind Tian Dao, and then Tian Luo flew out directly.

  The powerful force made Tian Luo's body fly several dozen meters before he stopped.

  "So strong resentment, it's like I stole something precious from you, wouldn't I have left with Xiaoxi at that time?"

  Tiandao got up and said again

  "You bastard!!!"

  The cold voice came again, and a fist suddenly rushed towards Tian Luo's face

  "I got it right"

  The corner of Tianluo's mouth was slightly remote, his body took a few steps back, and then the superspeed started.

  The space suddenly stopped, and Tianluo saw the figure of Douwang again.

  "You haven't changed"

  Looking at Tianluo, King Jiadou stopped and said slowly.

  "Of course, there's nothing that can make me change. It's you, the more time passes, the less calm you will be."

  "You think it's because of someone that I'm not calm?"

  The King of Fighters gritted his teeth and said

  "Well, sister control is really a terrible creature, and then, why did you come here?"

  Tian Luo shrugged, and he could understand the attitude of Dou Wang.

  "I just want to see Xiaoxi, after all, she was deceived by someone in the future"

  "Cough, can you stop being so murderous when talking about someone..."

  After hearing this, Tian Luo coughed dryly and said again.

  "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will treat Xiaoxi well"

  "Don't call me uncle!!!"

  "But is it true?"

  "Neither the truth"

  "Well, I can't run anyway, so I won't call if I don't call."

  Tian Luo finally shrugged

  King Jiadou seems very dissatisfied with this title, maybe he will be called often in the future, well done

  "I'm going to see Xiaoxi, and then I'm going back"

  After a while of silence, King Armor said slowly.

  "Okay, right, just take a look, don't show up."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "This is my sister"

  "That's my wife, who knows what you're going to say"

  "Hmph, I won't change anything"

  The Fighter King snorted coldly

  "That's good, go back quickly, save what you want to change"

  Tian Luo waved his hand.

  He didn't want to know more about the future. The more he knew, the more boring he felt, so he didn't want to ask anything.

  King Jiadou didn't say anything, his figure disappeared here

  The surrounding space returned to normal, and Tian Luo also released his transformation.

  Walking back to the hotel, the game continued, Tian Luo walked to Tian Dao's side

  "How about it?"

  "Solved, but met an interesting person"

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's face, and he looked at Tian Dao with a strange expression.


  Tiandao also asked a little strangely

  "you guess"

  Tian Luo slowly spit out two words

  Heavenly Dao "..."

  Just as the two were talking, the game over there had already started, and the dishes were all finished and placed on the table in the middle.

  "Very well, now to judge, start from the left"

  Minister Kagami looked at the food on the table with a smile on his face, and then picked up a piece...  

Chapter [-] The end and the beginning, Xiaoxi's crisis

  zect headquarters, in Mishima's office

  "Has the King of Fighters already appeared? He has just successfully developed the ultimate sublimator, and he plans to deal with those guys."

  Mishima looked at the information in his hand and said solemnly.

  "Are the guys you're talking about referring to us?"

  A voice suddenly sounded from behind him, and I saw Rina Mamiya came behind him at some point.

  Mishima was taken aback, but then calmed down

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