"I'm so miserable~"

  "Get away from me!!"


  Hearing Mishima's roar in the office, Kageyama Shun rushed out.


  "Bastard, let's fight!!!"

  When Luo walked into the hotel that day, this sentence came directly from the inside.

  Tian Luo stared blankly at the Sword of God who was sitting inside.

  By the way...why is this thing coming again?

  "I don't know either, he just said he was looking for you, and he couldn't drive away."

  Xiaoxi gave Tianluo a look that I couldn't do anything about, and then walked into the kitchen

  "Damn, even sneaking up on the noble me, I will never let you go"

  God Generation Sword looked at Tiandao angrily and roared.

  Today is definitely the most humiliating day. I was deceived and thrown into an unoccupied corner.

  shame, absolute shame

  This shame can only be washed away by fighting, otherwise...



  "It's half a million, immediately disappear from my sight"

  He took out a stack of money, then stuffed it into the hands of God's Sword, and then pointed to the door

  "This...thanks for the hospitality, goodbye"

  He was stunned for a moment, and then the sword of the gods quickly returned to his senses, and then rushed out of the hotel in the eyes of Tianluo and Xiaoxi.

  Tian Luo "..."

  Xiaoxi "..."

  What about the good shame, have you been gone these days?

  Sure enough, shame on people with low morals can be brushed off with money.

  "You are so wasteful, you're topping my salary for two months"

  Xiaoxi looked at Tianluo and complained.

  "Hey, you want me more, you can burn it and play"

  Tian Luo replied with a smile

  Then the two closed the shop and went out.

  Of course, if the weather is good, we will go out on a date.

Chapter [-]: Knight System... Fairy

  It's been two days

  And in the past two days, the most depressing one is Yingshan Shun.

  After two days of thinking and preparation, he finally decided to arrest Xiaoxi

  As for Tian Luo and the others, he believed that zect would cover him

  After preparing his team, Yingshan rushed towards the change not far away, because now Xiaoxi is said to be there

  On the other side, Tian Luo put down the main control board in his hand and showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

  "Have these guys also started to act? Then let's give you a surprise."

  Originally, he didn't know about Zect's actions, but it was strange that Ying Shan Shun had found someone to monitor him.

  Tianluo's control of mental power is absolutely top-notch, even if someone looks at him at a distance of [-] meters, he can feel it, not to mention that he is constantly monitoring

  Realizing that someone was watching him, Tianluo immediately started an investigation, and the result was zect

  Tianluo didn't expect that just after he got the Zerg side, zect actually came. It turned out to be a group of bugs, and he couldn't get rid of them.

  "Unfortunately, things are not as simple as you think."

  The smile on the corner of Tianluo's mouth deepened, and then he walked out of the office.



  Xiaoxi stood there quietly, the sea breeze gently blowing her skirt, as if blending with the whole world

  She's been here for half an hour, but she hasn't seen half a figure

  "What the hell is that guy doing?"

  Xiaoxi said with some complaints, a little unhappy on his face

  When she was resting, she was called here by Tianluo and said that something very interesting would happen.

  But it's been so long now, there's not even a ghost

  "When I see him, I will beat him hard"

  Looking at the sea water in the distance, Xiaoxi said murderously

  But at this moment, a messy footsteps suddenly came from a distance, and then a dozen people in black combat uniforms rushed in front of Xiaoxi

  "this is?"

  Xiaoxi frowned, he looked at this group of people with disgust

  "catch him"

  Seeing that Xiaoxi was alone, Ying Shanshen also showed a smile on his face, and then slowly moved towards Xiaoxi with the phantom team.

  "Who the hell are you?"

  Xiaoxi couldn't help but take a step back, the appearance of these people was obviously beyond her expectations

  "Who? Of course the one who caught you, you zerg"

  Kageyama said in a cold voice


  Xiaoxi was stunned after hearing this.

  "Hahaha, you don't even know it, do you? But it doesn't matter, you'll understand when you catch it, transform."

  Kageyama burst into laughter, and then turned directly into a wasp

  "This guy is also a knight..."

  Seeing this, Xiaoxi touched the necklace on her neck subconsciously.

  At this critical juncture, the surrounding space seems to have suddenly stopped.

  The sound of the wind is heard, and the sound of the waves is gone

  Kageyama Shun and the Phantom Squad, who had rushed up, stopped moving and remained motionless.

  The surroundings became very strange, and the only one who could move normally was Xiaoxi.

  "How is this going?"

  Xiaoxi stared blankly at this magical scene

  "Of course I did it"

  A voice suddenly sounded from behind her, and then she saw Tian Luo walking out slowly

  "Tianluo? What the hell are you doing!!"

  Xiaoxi was a little surprised at first, but the next moment her face sank

  He feels that these things are related to Tianluo, so he's not happy

  "Hey, don't get excited, this is the trial ground I specially prepared for you"

  Tian Luo smiled, and then pointed to the still Ying Shan Shun and the others.

  "They have to deal with you in the end anyway, so I'll just find some time for you to exercise and use what I gave you"

  "That belt?"

  "Yes, this is specially made for you"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "Oh, what did they mean just now? They said I was a zerg"

  Xiaoxi nodded, and then asked with a confused look.

  She was really caught off guard by what happened just now, especially when Kageyama Shun called her a zerg.

  "Don't worry about this for now, I'll tell you in a few days, now summon the belt"

  Tian Luo shook his head and said.

  "Okay, then what?"

  "Sensing the location of the goblin, be careful"

  Tian Luo said again

  The first transformation is still a bit unfamiliar to Xiaoxi, of course, it needs to be taught step by step.

  Xiaoxi closed her eyes, then felt something quietly, and a minute later, she suddenly opened her eyes


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