And on a mountain not far from Xiaoxi, two figures are just staring here

  When they saw the last kick of the news, the two shuddered at the same time.

  "Damn, what did you guys teach Xiaoxi? Why is she so violent now?"

  Tian Dao gritted his teeth and looked at Tian Luo

  The originally quiet and lovely sister has become so violent, all because of this guy in front of her

  "Hey, I didn't teach this. As a man, do you think I would teach him this kind of move?"

  Tian Luo looked at the beach in a cold sweat

  Seriously, Xiaoxi's last kick was really amazing, at least Tianluo thought so

  Impeccable, [-]% crit to men's lethality

  "Sure enough, women will have some means of self-protection, Tiandao, you are careful, just now Xiaoxi said that he is going to fight with you, remember to protect the following"

  Thinking of Xiaoxi's last words, Tianluo looked at Tiandao with some schadenfreude.

  "Hmph, if it wasn't for what you made, Xiaoxi wouldn't change, but that's fine, at least it's safe."

  Although Tiandao hates Xiaoxi and Tianluo being together, there is one thing he feels he is inferior to Tianluo

  That is power, whether it is his own power or the power of 583 to protect Xiaoxi

  Because it is impossible for him to develop such a heaven-defying thing as the knight system for Xiaoxi

  Even so, he was still very upset

  Originally, he had already thought out a lot of strategies for a little hee, even the worst plan.

  Defeat all knights and zerg for the sake of my sister

  As long as he is the only knight left in the world, then Xiaoxi is not in any danger even if the identity of the zerg is revealed.

  But things changed when Tianluo came, and Xiaoxi no longer needed his protection.

  Tiandao feels as if he has been abandoned, and the whole world is full of malice

  "Hehe, don't think so much, when did you meet Xiaoxi?"

  Tian Luo shook his head and asked

  "Wait for now, she doesn't seem to need me anymore, if possible, I hope to continue like this"

  Tian Dao shook his head, and then walked towards the distance

  "What a tangled guy, but that's okay"

  Tian Luo also had a smile on his face

  Tiandao and Xiaoxi don't need him to intervene, just give some pointers.

  Now that all danger has been stifled in the cage, he no longer needs to worry about it

  But the next moment Tian Luo was stunned, he suddenly thought of something

  "No, you don't tell me how I explained to Xiaoxi that she is a zerg, is it a mutation? What the hell..."

Chapter seven hundred and ninety fourth poor young master who sells equipment

  zect headquarters

  "Three, Mr. Mishima..."

  Kageyama Shun looked at the expressionless Mishima with a terrified expression.

  Just came back from the hospital, and before he could recover from the innocuous surprise below, he was called by Mishima.

  Needless to say, it must be because of the failure of the action

  "Can you tell me why you failed?"

  Sure enough, when I saw Kageyama Shun's first question, it was this

  "Mr. Mishima, please listen to my explanation, this failure is not because of us"

  "Is it because of me?"

  "No, it's that hot sun, she actually has a knight system, something I've never seen before"

  Seeing Mishima getting angry, Kageyama Shun hurriedly explained.

  Regarding Xiaoxi's knight system, even at this moment, Yingshan Shun is still confused

  Because it's so weird, I've never heard of the knight system like this

  With wings, it can also accelerate during superspeeding, can clone, and can lead people into strange places

  This is no longer the knight system, it is the power of God

  "Huh? Tell me about the situation at the time"

  Mishima frowned upon hearing Kageyama Shun's answer.

  The number of knight systems is certain, and there will not be one more suddenly, which is very strange.

  "Yes, today I brought the team..."

  Kageyama nodded instantly, and then went through all the generals, and didn't even omit the matter of being kicked.

  After hearing the narration, Mishima fell silent.

  The extra knight system, and she is still a woman, her ability exceeds that of any system I have seen.

  Who made this? zect definitely didn't do it

  "Another annoying guy...wait, again?"

  Mishima's face suddenly froze, and he thought of a person

  The same unknown knight, equally powerful, and... that woman is still his girlfriend

  "Heaven... Luo..."

  Mishima gritted his teeth and spat out these two words

  "Yes, Mr. Mishima, it must be that guy, what are we going to do?"

  Kageyama Shun immediately nodded in agreement.

  All he wants now is to throw the blame quickly, no matter who it is.

  "How do I know what to do, that guy is very hard in the background, he seems to be familiar with the general, we can't touch him at all"

  Mishima yelled angrily.

  He was very angry at the moment, not to mention the people behind Tian Luo

  But even if there is no one behind Tian Luo, I can't deal with it.

  Obviously want to kill the other party, but there is no way, this feeling...

  Kageyama Shun "..."

  "Forget it, back off."

  Seeing Kageyama Shun, who dared not speak, Mishima waved his hand.


  Kageyama nodded quickly after hearing this, and then walked out.


  After a while of silence, Mishima suddenly spoke up


  A deep voice suddenly appeared from the corner of the office

  It was a woman, not very big, but she had the aura of a soldier

  "Join this place immediately, and then monitor the Director of Heavenly Dao, looking for opportunities to kill him"

  Looking at the woman in front of him, Mishima said in a deep voice


  The woman nodded dumbly

  "Very good, you are much better than those junk, go for it"

  Mishima nodded.


  Woman answers for life and walks out

  Watching the woman leave, Mishima slowly sat on the office chair, and he quietly looked at a safe on the table

  "Tianluo, Tiandao, each one is a headache, but I will definitely not let you all agree..."


  "Pfft, you joined zect? When?"

  In the hotel where Xiaoxi was, Tian Luo looked at Tian Dao who was sitting beside him and asked aloud

  It's not that he makes a fuss, it's just that this guy is doing things so abnormally, he hates others to take care of him the most

  "Just now"

  Tian Dao glanced at Tian Luo and replied lightly.

  "What? Now that things are settled, you shouldn't have to do this, right?"

  Tian Luo asked suspiciously

  "No, Xiaoxi's matter has been resolved, but mine has not been resolved, and Kagami."

  Tian Dao shook his head, and there was a ray of light in his eyes.

  "What do you mean?"

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