Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Just right, transform"

  Tiandao shook his head, and then directly summoned the bug

  "Now the three of us, it's game over"

  Kagami also transformed directly

  They all heard what they said just now, as long as they rely on the three of them to use their nirvana at the same time, then Reiji Nogi will be completely defeated.

  "Damn, I will never let you succeed, give it all to me, and kill all the people here!!"

  Seeing the three of them together, Reiji Naoki immediately felt that something was wrong, and he hurriedly shouted at the Zerg swarm not far away

  "Everyone is ready to stop the Zerg"

  Seeing this, zect immediately took action

  Bullets were flying in the air, and the zerg exploded into powder one by one under this attack.

  But the number of zerg is too much, even this can't be cleaned up

  "It's not good for us to go on like this, let's deal with them first"

  Tiandao frowned

  Although these zerg are very weak, it will be very troublesome if there are too many. With the current power of zect.

  "No, they should be there soon."

  Tian Luo shook his head and said

  "They? Who?"

  Tian Dao and Kagami were stunned for a moment.


  At this moment, suddenly two muffled noises came from the Zerg swarm, and two figures slowly appeared there.

  One black and one green

  The armor on the two figures looks the same, it is the hell brothers

  "He, why are they here?"

  Kagami stared blankly at the two figures.

  "Hmph, we're not here for money"

  Kageyama said in a cold voice.

  "Yeah, not for the recipe either"

  Yagaka nodded in agreement.

  Heavenly Dao "..."

  Kagami "..."

  Please, do you think we'll believe it?

  "I believe you, so these guys are handed over to you"

  Tian Luo gave a thumbs up and said with a smile.

  "As long as you know"

  Yacaru and Kageyama nodded arrogantly, and immediately started fighting.

  Kagami and Tiandao watched Tianluo for a long time without saying a word, this guy...

  "Hey, you have to follow their wishes when you ask people to help, and the money is all zected out. How about it, am I very good?"

  Looking at the eyes of the two, Tian Luo showed a smile on his face.

  Everyone has weaknesses, so it's still difficult to find the right medicine.

  "Okay, let's start tackling that guy"

  The two of Tiandao didn't say anything, they looked at Reiji Nogi

  Just get rid of this guy and the Zerg will be gone too

  "Go together"

  Kagami also nodded, then pressed the belt directly

  "The game is really over"

  Tian Luo smiled, lightning flashes condensed on his right foot

  "Bastard, I can't lose!!!"

  Nogi Reiji roared angrily, and then a powerful force erupted from his body, and a layer of electric light continued to wrap around his Zhou Shen.

  "Knight kicks..."

  "Knight kicks..."

  "Knight kicks..."

  The three of Tian Luo turned into three electric lights and rushed up

  The four forces collided in an instant

  The space seemed to freeze at the moment of impact

  The energy in Reiji Naoki kept beating, while the energy in Tianluo's body kept gathering towards him.

  One second, two seconds, three seconds

  As time passed, Reiji Nogi's body gradually began to understand, and the energy in his body seemed to be out of control.

  The white, blue, black, and purple energies continued to swim around him and finally collided violently.


  When the explosion sounded, Reiji Nogi flew out.

  The three of Tianluo also slowly fell to the ground, and they looked at Reiji Nogi who fell to the ground.

  "No...impossible, I..."

  Reiji Naoki looked at the three of Tian Luo in disbelief, but at this moment his body seemed to fall apart, which means that the copying really failed

  "Ascension, Kill, Hundred Insect Cannon"

  The same trick, once again died in the hands of the same person

  After a burst of explosions, Reiji Nogi disappeared into the space.

Eight hundred and nineteenth chapter the destination of the sword of the gods

  "How about the sword?"

  In the Municipal People's Hospital, Jia Youyue finally came here after finishing her work. He looked at the sword of God on the bed and asked.

  "Everything is normal, but in a coma"

  Tian Luo sat lazily on the edge of the bed and said, while the old man beside him was sitting there quietly.

  "That's fine"

  Kazuki finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

  This time, the sword of the gods can be said to have saved them. If it wasn't for the delay at the beginning, most of their zect people would definitely be killed or injured.

  Seeing the sword of the gods who fell into a coma, Misaki Yuyue was also very moved, and the heart that she hated was much better.

  "Why don't you go back first, I'll let you know if he wakes up"

  Tianluo looked at Cape Youyue and said


  Misaki Yuyue didn't refuse either.

  The impact of this incident is very large. Although it has been dealt with almost, there are still some impacts.

  Seeing that the old man and Tian Luo were here, she was relieved a lot, and left the hospital after saying it again.

  Watching Jia Youyue leave, Tianluo has a smile on his face

  "It seems that the Sword of God has successfully won her heart..."

  If it was in the past, Youyue Cape would never come back, so this time Tianluo has seen a little scrutiny.

  "Even so, I still want to stop them from 987..."

  The old man nodded after listening, but then shook his head again

  He was the first to know the identity of the Sword of God, but he kept hiding it.

  As he once said, what the family needs is an heir, whether that heir is human or zerg

  If everything was the same as before, he wouldn't care about it, but now it's different, the sword of the gods is almost unable to suppress himself.

  If the two are together, it is bound to become a tragedy

  "You really want to do this?"

  Tian Luo looked at the old man and asked

  "Yes, please"

  The old man nodded solemnly

  "Then there is no way, let's start"

  Tian Luo also nodded when he saw this.

  Then the two stood up and finally came to the sword of God

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