"Very good, if I have time, I will meet him and teach him how to use power first."

  Murakami nodded

  "Okay, then I'll leave first, goodbye, president."

  smartlady nodded, then left the office with a smile

  Looking at the empty office, a smile appeared on Murakami's face.

  But the next moment his face froze, and then his nose sniffed.

  "The taste of barbecued pork buns? Someone has been here before..."

  Tian Luo "..."

  I'll go, I didn't expect this guy to have a pretty nose.

  Hearing his words, Tian Luo, who was hiding in the wall, was speechless for a while, but he didn't come out, but went through the other side.

  "Goodbye, we will meet again"

  Looking at the door of the office, Tian Luo showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then slowly walked downstairs

  However, he did not leave, but took the elevator to the last floor. This was his second purpose here.

  The elevator door is open, the surrounding is dark, and the heart is a basement

  Compared with before, it is quieter and colder here.

  Slowly moving towards the front, Tian Luo quickly came to a room

  It looks very old, as if no one has been here for a long time

  However, there are many mechanical devices around, and those devices are still running on their own.

  Just in front of the equipment are several glassware, and in the glassware, there are strange belts.

  "Sure enough, it's here, Emperor's Belt"

  A smile appeared at the corner of Tianluo's mouth, and then he slowly walked towards the glassware

  "I advise you not to touch him, although I don't know why you came here, but if you touch him, you may die..."

  Just when Tian Luo was about to touch one of the belts, a voice suddenly came from all around.

  Tian Luo stopped what he was doing, then looked around, no one was there.

  "Aren't you coming out to meet me? Anyway, I'm here too"

  Tian Luo said with a smile


  As his voice fell, a wooden door beside it suddenly opened, and a figure came out from inside

  It's a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties, he looks strong and wears a turban on his head.

  "who are you?"

  The middle-aged man looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "Tianluo, how about you?"

  "flower shape"

  The man who called himself a flower said slowly

  "This is not the place you should come, I advise you to leave..."

  "This can't be done. The purpose of my coming here is the Emperor's belt. Of course, I can't just leave like this."

  Tian Luo shrugged.

  "Although I don't know where you know about this belt, you may be disappointed. It's just a test item, it can't be used at all, and it's life-threatening."

  Hua Xing shook his head with a smile, and then looked at the several belts in the vessel with some disappointment

  Tested too many times, and every time he tried it would kill him, he was losing faith in it

  "I don't care if it's an experiment, all I want is a belt"

  A smile appeared on Tian Luo's face, and then he said

  "Really stubborn young man, but what if I say no?"

  Hua Xing also laughed, and his expression became icy cold, and an aura emanated from him.

  "It's very simple, let's play a game"

  Tian Luo waved his hand

  Of course, it won't be so easy to let you go after being discovered by someone else, the only way is to defeat him

  "Very well, then let me see how you beat me..."

  When the flower-shaped voice fell, the body changed directly, and the body gradually became a goat-shaped orphnoch.

Chapter [-] Awakening and Killing

  "Goat orphnoch, in orphnoch your power is at least the top three"

  Feeling the breath on Hua Xing's body, Tian Luo nodded in admiration.

  Compared to the wild boar orphnoch I saw before, the flower shape in front of him is much stronger than him

  "Who the hell are you? You don't have our breath, but it makes me feel very dangerous"

  flower-shaped cold opening asked

  "I'll tell you if I win"

  Tian Luo smiled, and then the beetle appeared in his hand

  In Hua Xing's shocked eyes, a layer of black armor gradually wrapped Tian Luo

  "Belt? No, it's impossible, I know all the belts, I've never seen one like this..."

  Hua Xing said in disbelief

  "It's the same sentence, I'll tell you if I win."

  Tian Luo smiled and hooked his fingers

  "Boy, although I don't know how you got this belt, has anyone told you...don't be too arrogant?"

  Hua Xing looked at Tian Luo annoyed

  After living for decades, Tian Luo was the first person who dared to talk to him like this

  "I'm sorry, I always feel like I'm very low-key"

  "Bastard boy!!!"

  Hua Xing was almost laughed at, his figure suddenly disappeared, and he came to Tian Luo in the next instant.


  Tianluo also used 703 to speed up

  Two figures moved quickly in every corner of the room, the surrounding instruments were smashed into pieces, and the room became a mess.

  "Boy, you are really fast"

  The bigger the flower, the more frightened, Tian Luo's power exceeded his expectations, and even surpassed the current president of smartbrain Murakami

  "It's the same with you, you can actually be compared to the speeding up, and you really haven't lived for decades in vain."

  Tian Luo pouted his lips.

  "It really makes people angry, I haven't been so angry for a long time!!"

  The power of the flower shape increases again

  Under the strength of the two, the room seemed to blow up like a hurricane

  After about ten minutes, the figures of the two finally stopped, and the original silence was restored.

  Looking at each other, the two released their transformations at the same time, and then looked at each other quietly.

  "It's unbelievable, are young people now so terrifying?"

  After a long time, Hua Xing finally opened his mouth and sighed.

  In the battle just now, he had already used eight points of his strength, but no matter how he attacked Tianluo, he could easily catch it.

  Obviously, Tianluo's power has even surpassed him, so the flower shape is very hard

  "You're amazing too, after all, you've already made me have fun."

  Tian Luo shrugged

  Flower shape "..."

  what a nasty boy

  "Okay, since I won, I'll take this thing"

  Tian Luo clapped his hands, then walked directly to one of the glassware, and then took out the belt from inside.

  Black and gold belt with a phone in the middle of the same color

  One of the two legendary belts of emperors... the emperor of the earth, this is also the purpose of Tianluo's trip

  "This is just a test item. What do you want this to do? Watch it?"

  The flower looks suspiciously at Tian Luo

  The researchers who participated in the experiment before died, which also means that the belt in front of you cannot be worn at all

  What is this guy thinking about keeping such a dangerous thing?

  "It doesn't work in your hands, it doesn't mean I can't either. Well, the matter here is almost resolved, it's time to go back."

  Putting away the belt, Tian Luo stretched his waist and said

  "you are leaving?"

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