"Thank you Mr. Kiba, but this is the special training that Mr. Tianluo gave me, I must complete it, and I don't want to leave Mr. Tianluo"

  Nagata Yuuka smiled and shook her head

  It's impossible to leave, it's impossible to leave in this life, I finally found a place where I can feel at ease, how could it be possible to leave there

  "OK then"

  Yuji Kiba had nothing to say, and finally nodded.

  "Hey, didn't anyone teach you not to be distracted when fighting? That guy seems to be running away"

  At this moment, a voice suddenly entered the ears of the two, it was Tian Luo's voice.

  Hearing Tian Luo's voice, their eyes instantly turned to the place where the owl orphnoch fell to the ground.

  I saw that he had already climbed up from the ground for some unknown reason, and when the two of them were not paying attention, he ran out more than ten meters away.

  "not good"

  Feeling the gazes of the two, the owl orphnoch instantly burst out with all its strength and ran towards the front.

  "give it to me"

  Yuji Kiba said

  "No, this is my job"

  Yuka Nagata shook his head, and then raised the longbow in his hand under Yuji Kiba's gaze.

  Pulling gently, a burst of energy burst from the longbow to form a golden feathered arrow


  With a low drink, Chang 2.0 Tian Jiehua let go

  The golden feather arrow shot out like lightning, and in the blink of an eye came behind the owl orphnoch.


  A penetrating sound came, and the feather arrow was stuck on the back of the owl orphnoch's head, and then it exploded with a bang.

  "it's over"

  Withdrew her hand, Nagata Yuka also released the orphnoch state, and a smile appeared on her face

  It was the first time to complete the task assigned by Tianluo, and she also had a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

  Nagata Jiehua looked at Tianluo, only to see Tianluo giving him a thumbs up

  "It's time to go back"

  "Yes, Mr. Tian Luo"

  Nagata Yuhua nodded and came to Tianluo's side, then the two walked towards the distance and slowly disappeared here

  Yuji Kiba "..."

  who I am?where am i from?What am I here for? . …

Chapter [-] I don't mind muddying the water

  "So... Mr. Tian Luo is not actually human?"

  At Tianluo's house, Yuji Kiba looked at Tianluo in disbelief and asked.

  "I go……"

  Although he knew that Yuji Kiba wasn't cursing, Tenra still had the urge to hit him when he heard it.

  Originally, Yuji Kiba's target was also the owl orphnoch, but he didn't expect to be solved by Yuka

  At that time, Yuji Kiba was a little confused, and even forgot what he was going to do.

  In the end, he could only follow Tianluo to the house, and then started... um, rubbing rice

  After they came here, the two chatted a lot, and Tian Luo naturally talked about his identity, otherwise this guy doesn't know what he will misunderstand in the future.

  When he knew that Tenra wasn't human either, Yuji Kiba was stunned.

  Originally thought that Jiehua and human beings would not be a good destination, but now that it is better, it is just like heaven made, his impression of Tianluo suddenly improved a lot

  "You're comforting a wool..."

  Looking at Yuji Kiba's smiling face, Tenra almost couldn't help but punch him

  This guy always has a special temperament, that temperament is that I am weak at 21, come and bully me quickly

  "By the way, has smartbrain contacted you recently?"

  With a sigh, Tenra suddenly thought of something and asked Yuji Kiba.

  "No, but I rejected the smartbrain president's order to hunt humans, so..."

  Yuji Kiba shook his head, followed by a distressed look on his face.

  He doesn't know much about smartbrain, but it's definitely not good.

  Their own actions are completely opposite to theirs, so they will never let go of their own.

  "Then you have to be careful, there are many powerful characters in smartbrain."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "Mr. Tianluo knows?"

  Hearing Tenra's words, Yuji Kiba asked suspiciously

  "Well, these orphnochs who often come out to make trouble now are only the lowest level, and their power is not very strong, so don't worry about it, what you need to pay attention to is one of the groups of smartbrain"

  "What group?"

  "Lucky Clover"

  Seeing Yuji Kiba's suspicious eyes, Tenra slowly opened his mouth and said.

  "A group composed of four superior orphnochs, any one of them can kill you now, and one of them has surpassed the superior..."

  About the identity of the lucky four-leaf clover, I have seen it on the computer. Their power is definitely not something that Yuji Kiba can deal with now.

  Three of them are okay to say, but the power of the last one has reached a very terrifying level

  With Yuji Kiba's current strength, he won't be able to compete with him even in a few years.

  "Doesn't that mean Mr. Kiba is dangerous?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Jie Hua couldn't help but worry.

  "Uh, have you forgotten yourself? You are also very dangerous"

  Tian Luo couldn't help rolling his eyes after hearing this.

  "Oh, yeah"

  Knot flower nodded

  "So you have to work hard to become stronger, only strength can protect what you want"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "I understand"

  Kyuhyun nodded again

  After several battles, she now has a certain understanding of the world

  A powerful enemy is right in front of her eyes, she must be strong to protect what belongs to her now

  "Mr. Tianluo, I want to invite you and Miss Jiehua to come with us, so that we can take care of you"

  Looking at Tenra, Yuji Kiba suddenly spoke up.

  Before, he just wanted Nagata Yuka to join them, but now since Tianluo is not a human, they can come together

  Although he doesn't know what Tianluo's true combat power is, he still knows that there are multiple people and multiple strengths.

  Now they are not only facing human beings, but also the attacks of their own kind, so he has a feeling that he has nowhere to go

  "Do not"

  Tian Luo refused without hesitation.

  Just kidding, how good the world is now, why do you want to be with you, think beautifully

  "Uh... ok"

  Yuji Kiba smiled awkwardly

  It is said that since I met Tianluo, I feel depressed every time I see him, and my face seems to have thickened unconsciously.

  "Then I'm sorry, I'm going back..."

  "Well, although I don't plan to join your camp, you can come to me if you need help. Of course, I may also reject you."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  Yuji Kiba "..."

  Why does it feel the same as not saying it?

  With mixed feelings, Kiba Yuji walked out of Tenra's house, and then slowly disappeared here.

  "Mr. Tenra, why didn't you join Mr. Kiba?"

  Looking at the figure of Yuji Kiba leaving, Yuuka looked at Tian Luo and asked.

  "I don't need an extra light bulb if a beautiful woman lives with me, no, it's two"

  Tian Luo pouted after hearing this.


  Jihua's face turned red when she heard it

  Is this a confession?My God, does Mr. Tian Luo like me?But what should I do?I don't know how to answer 990 next, should I accept it or accept it or accept it... woo woo woo ~ so shy

  "He is a great person, at least a lot bigger than me in mind, but this kind of person often has only two ends, becoming a hero or dying."

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