He thought of the flower shape, and according to the combat power of Yoshiko Kageyama in front of him, it is obviously much lower than that of the flower shape.

  However, orphnoch is a very special species, and their power is amazing. He really wants to see the power of Yakuza Kageyama.

  "Hmph, pretending to be a ghost"

  Kageyama Yako, who had come to his senses, snorted coldly, and then a Western sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

  Her momentum suddenly increased suddenly, and then she rushed towards Tianluo.

  "Knight's Axe"

  Tian Luo also summoned the battle axe, and then blocked the Western sword at will.

  "It's so weak, don't tell me that you have only this ability..."


  Hearing Tian Luo's sarcastic tone, Ying Shan felt her lungs explode with anger, and then a stronger force surged out of her body.

Chapter eight hundred and thirty-ninth confession

  As the pinnacle of orphnoch, Yakuko Kageyama has long used her power to the extreme.

  She can kill ordinary orphnoch with her human form, which is a manifestation of strength

  Whether it's attack, strength, or speed, these are the things that are beyond the reach of those lower-level orphnochs

  Except for a few people, she hadn't met an opponent for a long time, let alone an opponent who made her go all out

  But today she met the mysterious man in front of her.

  Appeared without warning, and then got mixed up with his own goal

  Originally, she thought that this man was just a pitiful idiot, but after Luo's transformation that day, she knew that she was wrong.

  Mysterious belt, and that tyrannical power, poor bastard, this is a monster with a human appearance

  "Come on, push hard, I'll use one hand..."

  "Hurry up and use whatever ability you have, it's too boring for you..."

  "Yes, that's it, I have already exerted a little of my strength, you continue to work hard..."

  "Please, you are a lucky four-leaf clover anyway, so you won't use any special method to transform and suddenly increase your power dozens of times?"

  Seeing Tianluo's relaxed and freehand expression, and hearing his disappointed voice, Yazi Yingshan's entire 847 people were not well.

  Transform into your head, and increase your strength dozens of times, how is it possible to do this kind of thing

  Is there a mistake, isn't it just an ordinary person?What the hell is this guy in front of him?

  It was a complete hang, and he had already used all his strength, but the guy in front of him took it all with one hand, and he still looked like you were so weak

  She has only seen this kind of power in Murakami and that monster, and she can't beat it at all.


  Seeing that Tianluo wanted to continue playing, Yoshiko Kageyama pushed it away and shouted.

  Tian Luo finally stopped moving, and then just looked at her quietly.

  "Little brother, I think we may have misunderstood a little bit, can we just let it go if we can?"

  Looking at Tian Luo's appearance, Yoshiko Kageyama breathed a sigh of relief and said:

  "Oh? Misunderstanding?"

  Tian Luo tilted his head and looked at her strangely

  "Yes, it must be a misunderstanding, it must be a mistake from above, how can I deal with you when the little brother is so handsome"

  Yoshiko Kageyama nodded quickly

  Just kidding, the difference in strength is really too big, she must be the one who will finish the fight.

  Now there is no need for integrity and dignity. Let’s talk about it if we can survive. As for the blame, it’s fine. Anyway, they all obey their orders.

  "Is that right?"

  Tian Luo asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  "Yes, yes, you don't know. Recently, a new leader has arrived. He is ugly and fierce. He is really hateful. Forcing people to come here, I can't help myself."

  Yakuko Kageyama directly released the transformation, and then said pitifully.

  "Uh, that guy in Murakami must want to hit someone when he hears it?"

  Hearing Yakuza Kageyama's words, Tian Luo suddenly laughed

  Ugly and fierce, this description is really... too apt

  "So little brother, can we reconcile, elder sister invites you to drink, and there are still very happy things to play~"

  Yoshiko Kageyama blinked after saying that.


  "Yes, yes, people are actually very curious about you, we can get to know more about it..."

  Tian Luo "..."

  Does this woman really have no self-consciousness?Even though he is so old, he still learns what a little girl does. He really thinks he is the first brother.

  "Sorry, your foundation is still too thick, I'm allergic"

  Tian Luo released his transformation, and then said again with a sincere expression on his face.

  Yoshiko Kageyama "..."

  Damn, this bastard, if I hadn't beaten me, I would have done you already! !

  hold back, hold back

  The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and Yoshiko Kageyama tried her best to keep her smile.

  "It's free to understand, but it's okay to reconcile"

  Seeing Yoshiko Kageyama's appearance, Tianluo suddenly spoke up.


  Yoshiko Kageyama opened her eyes wide and looked at Tian Luo in surprise.

  "Of course, it's easy to kill you, but I'll be more relaxed with women."

  Tian Luo nodded and said, and then came to Yingshan Yazi's ear and said again.

  "However, I hope you don't let me touch you next time, and don't think of knotting flowers. I'm not a knight. If there is another time, I will crush you without hesitation..."

  A coolness rushed to Yingshan's whole body in an instant, making her whole body seem to have fallen into an ice cave, and her body could not even move. This was the first time she felt the feeling of fear.

  At this moment, Yoshiko Kageyama was even more convinced that if Tianluo wanted to kill her, it would only be a matter of blinking an eye.


  She nodded as quickly as a pet, Yakuza Kageyama looked at Tian Luo pitifully, she was completely different from the moment she was just now.

  "hope so……"

  Tian Luo smiled again, and then slowly disappeared into the night

  It's a good one today, an interesting night

  But for Yoshiko Kageyama, it's like a nightmare, and even seeing Tian Luo's figure in the future will shiver involuntarily.


  another new day

  Tian Luo got up sleepily, then walked into the living room

  "Mr. Tian Luo is up, the food is ready"

  Nagata Jiehua's voice suddenly came out, and I saw that she had already prepared the meal and was waiting for Tianluo

  "Thank you for the flowers"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded

  Nagata Yuhua is good at this. She is completely a housewife and can handle all family matters in a tight and orderly manner.

  At this moment, Tian Luo has completely turned into a salted fish that does not need to do anything, except for occasionally instructing Yuhua to eat, sleep and play.

  And Nagata Yuhua will not complain at all, as if she is enjoying her work.

  "Perfect maid, find a maid next time to dress up for Yuhua"

  Thinking to himself, Tian Luo slowly walked to the bathroom

  After washing up, Tian Luo came out to eat

  It's been over half an hour

  After finishing everything, Tian Luo took out a few books from the side and handed them to Nagata Yuuka, who had just sat down.

  "this is?"

  Nagata Yuhua looked at Tian Luo in surprise and asked

  "Well, I went back to my hometown yesterday when I had nothing to do, and then I brought some books from there. You can practice this eagle grasping technique and dragon claw hand, as well as this plum blossom pile, which is very helpful for fighting. "

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  Although Nagata Yuhua's strength is very strong, but the fighting consciousness is too weak, so he remembered these martial arts

  Orphnoch's memory is very strong, it only takes a few seconds to memorize a book

  As long as you remember the moves and practice diligently, your combat power will definitely improve

  "Mr. Tian Luo's hometown?"

  "Yes, it's a bit far, and it took me more than an hour to get back."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "Well, I'll try my best"

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