
  Yuhua frowned when she heard this.

  "Of course, isn't it a monster to become like that? But this is also a good thing. You can do whatever you want in the future, and you can kill those who once looked down on me."

  Haitang didn't think this was a bad thing at all, he looked at the two with a smile and said


  Yuji Kiba looked at Haitang with some embarrassment

  This is also a headache for Yuji Kiba, this guy completely treats this as fun

  "Hehe, how many episodes can you live with this kind of thought?"

  Tian Luo, who was beside him, couldn't help laughing. He looked at Haitang playfully.

  "What do you mean?"

  Haitang frowned.

  "Power is controlled by people, but people who suddenly gain power are easily controlled by power. Do you know what it will be like if this continues?"

  Tian Luo looked at Haitang and said slowly

  "What does it look like?"

  "A puppet, whether it is the body or the heart, will become a puppet of strength. This is the mentality of the weak"

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth.

  "You mean I'm under power?"

  Haitang's face is a little ugly, no matter who hears this, it will be uncomfortable, because the person concerned cannot understand his own situation.

  "I just said it casually. Of course, there is one thing I want to correct. That is the monster you just said. Do you think you are a monster?"

  Tian Luo shook his head and asked again.

  "Of course, I have the power of orphnoch"

  Begonia nodded.

  "How ignorant, do you know what a real monster looks like?"

  Tian Luo couldn't help shaking his head

  The so-called orphnoch is just a human evolution. In the eyes of humans, it is a monster, but in the eyes of Tianluo, it is just a stronger human being.

  In his eyes, those who can be called monsters are very terrifying beings, and Haitang, this thing is just scum.

  "Let you feel the power of monsters"

  A smile appeared on the corner of Tian Luo's mouth, and then he tapped the table lightly with his finger.

  A burst of energy spreads out from the surroundings in an instant, like an invisible hurricane

  As the energy swept away, all the ordinary people around fell to the ground in an instant, leaving only the four of them in the coffee shop.

  "This...what's the matter?"

  Whether it was Yuji Kiba or Haitang, they looked around in horror. It was too sudden. Those ordinary people seemed to be attacked by unknown objects.

  "It's just an ordinary momentum. It's enough to deal with these people. Don't worry, they just fainted."

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head.


  Hearing Tianluo's words, Kiba Yuji and the three all looked at Tianluo in shock.

  This kind of momentum is completely invisible, and it is impossible to hurt people. Tian Luo's statement makes it difficult for them to believe

  "Yes, momentum"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  As his voice fell, the surrounding energy suddenly ran wild, and a huge force condensed and pressed down on Kiba Yuji and Haitang.


  The two of them couldn't stand the direct transformation, and the ground was instantly crushed by the two of them.

  "Good weight……"

  Haitang stood there with some difficulty, even if it was a little awkward to speak

  At this moment, his body seemed to be weighed down by several tons, and the whole body seemed to be crushed to pieces.

  "This...is...the momentum...good...terrifying..."

  Kiba Yuji also stood there with difficulty, if it wasn't for their willpower, they would have already knelt down at this moment.

  It's really terrifying, don't talk about fighting in this situation, you can't stand at all

  If Tianluo made a move at this time, the two would have no room to resist.

  "Do you understand what a monster is now? As for you, you're just a little stronger."

  Taking back his aura, Tian Luo looked at Haitang as if nothing had happened and asked


  Haitang sat down on the ground, panting heavily, just now he really thought he was going to die

  He didn't know what to say when he heard Tianluo's words. Compared with Tianluo, he was really a group. In front of Tianluo, he was like an ant.

  "Thank you Mr. Tianluo for teaching, I think Haitang will understand."

  Yuji Kiba, who was on the side, spoke first, and he looked at Tian Luo gratefully.

  It's obvious that Tian Luo is in Haitang. You are too weak, so it's best not to make trouble, otherwise you won't know how to die when you die.

  "It's nothing, he's quite pleasing to the eye."

  Tian Luo shrugged, then took another sip of the coffee in his hand.

  "But Mr. Tian Luo, what about these people?"

  Suddenly, Nagata Yuhua, who was on the side, suddenly pulled La Tianluo's sleeve and asked.

  Naturally, she was referring to the ordinary people who fell to the ground. The impact of this sudden change must not be small.

  "After a while, you will naturally wake up. Of course, in order not to cause trouble, let's go somewhere else."

  Tian Luo thought about it and said

  "Okay, what did Mr. Luo want to do that day?"

  Yuji Kiba also nodded, it is really not suitable to stay here.

  "Well, why don't you play baseball, I always wanted to play, there happens to be a baseball field over there"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Ok, I have no opinion"

  Yuji Kiba nodded.

  "Me too"

  Nagata Yuuka also nodded.

  "Uh, you can pretend I don't exist"

  Seeing the eyes of the three fell on her, Haitang couldn't help but shrink the case.

  Compared with the incongruity he saw at the beginning, he finally calmed down at this moment, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at Tian Luo.

  "Then let's go"

  Tian Luo didn't say anything, just bought some change on the table and left here with the three of them.


  And the other side

  Takuma, one of the lucky four-leaf clovers, is watching the three of Tianluo

  Although he is arrogant, he is not stupid when thinking about it. Of course, he will be careful to deal with those who can defeat Yako Kageyama.

  To be on the safe side, after he came out of the bar, he followed the information to find Tianluo and the others, but at that time they had already joined Kiba and the others.

  In order not to frighten the snake, Zhuo Mo had been holding back and did not take action, but when he saw the four of them coming out, a smile finally appeared on his face, and he finally waited for the opportunity.

  "Hehe, the baseball field? I just need to hide behind the ball machines, wait for you guys to get tired and then attack suddenly, I'm so smart hahaha..."  …

The eight hundred and fortieth chapters of the tragedy

  "Mr. Tianluo, you said that only strong can protect what you want, can you teach me how to become strong?"

  When he arrived at the baseball stadium, looking at Tian Luo with a smile on his face, Kiba Yuji couldn't help but ask.

  He has already experienced Tianluo's power, so he wants Tianluo to teach him

  As Tian Luo said, if he was as strong as him, would there still be such troubles?

  "Be strong~ There are many ways to be strong, but the first thing you have to do is to make your heart strong."

  Tian Luo replied with a smile after hearing this.


  "Yeah, happiness, anger, sadness, despair, these are all ways to make strength stronger"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  It is said that strength is constantly exercised, but this statement does not make sense in the world here

  Exercise is just to practice some combat skills, don't you see that the key to the victory of the protagonists in the end is to rely on explosions

  The power of orphnoch is also related to the heart, but everyone has different evolutionary conditions

  "Well, it turns out that the quickest effect is still 26 blackening."

  Tian Luo said thoughtfully

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