"What a terrifying guy, I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend..."

  Looking at the back of Tian Luo leaving, Gan Qiao couldn't help sighing.

  If it were an enemy, it would be a desperate enemy


  "I... Finally got there"

  Feeling the power in the body, Nagata Yuka revealed a surprising body

  The power in her body gushing out like spring water made her feel very comfortable. This is the power of the superiors, but the superiors achieved in the most common form.

  "Jiehua, solve him"

  Tian Luo's voice came from behind Nagata Yuhua, and Nagada Yuhua finally recovered from her power.

  "Yes, Mr. Tian Luo"

  Nodding his head, the longbow was raised again, and the surrounding energy was continuously gathered and condensed into a long arrow.

  "Why, why stop me!!!"

  On the opposite side, Senmu has become more and more crazy at this moment, and his eyes are blood red and look at the flowers.

  He's just avenging his sister, just kill the guys who speak ill of her, and then destroy the school, so that no one will know about her anymore

  "Because Mr. Tianluo wants me to defeat you, so I must finish it"

  Nagata Yuka didn't say any more nonsense. He didn't like fighting very much. Compared with fighting, she preferred to live peacefully with Tianluo.

  As long as you kill this guy, you and Mr. Tian Luo can go back, start cooking, then eat together, and then... perfect


  The sharp arrow cut through the space and quickly shot towards Senmu.

  pierce shield

  pierce armor

  through the body

  An arrow that condensed the power of the superior orphnoch directly penetrated the forest and disappeared.

Chapter eight hundred and sixty-two Murakami's arrival

  "Mr. Tianluo, Miss Jiehua, welcome"

  In the villa where Kiba lived, seeing Tianluo and Nagata Yuka coming, Kiba greeted them with a smile on his face.

  "That guy solved it for you, what do you think?"

  Tian Luo sat down and said with a smile


  Hearing Tenra's words, Kiba fell silent.

  This incident was caused by him, Qianhui was killed by him, and Senmu also died because of this incident. Thinking of this, he felt a pain in his heart.

  "Actually, you don't have to worry about it at all. That guy has already been enchanted. Even if we don't solve him, he will have an accident sooner or later."

  Tenra smiled and shook his head when he saw Kiba's appearance.

  "I understand, but in the end it's because of me..."

  Kiba nodded, then stepped aside to pour water for the two of them.

  "Hey, why are you here again?"

  A surprised voice came from the side, and a figure came out from inside

  "What's the matter with you?"

  Tian Luo looked strangely at the person who came, it was Haitang whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

  But at the moment, he looks extremely weird, with his hair tied up and a few orange slices on his face, no matter how you look at it, it looks like...

  "Hmph, just wait, I'll be ashamed when this uncle becomes handsome."

  Haitang snorted coldly, then lay down on the sofa beside her.

  "This guy won't give up yet, will he?"

  Tenra looked at Kiba beside him


  Kiba also shrugged helplessly.

  He also admires Haitang's persistence. He hasn't given up even after such a moment, a real man

  "Instead of doing such a meaningless thing, it's better to work hard to increase your strength."

  Tian Luo shrugged silently.

  If you don't have the strength, you still want to pick up girls here?It's good not to be killed by a rival, don't forget that there are still two knights guarding the truth.

  Want to soak her?You must at least have the ability to protect her, this is not a question of handsome or not.

  In short, in Tianluo's eyes, Haitang didn't even have a shred of hope.

  "Never mind him, he's not that keen on power, maybe that's what makes him the best"

  After hearing this, Kiba smiled and shook his head.

  "You're right"

  Tian Luo nodded, and then stopped worrying about Haitang.

  There is actually nothing to talk about when several people meet, mainly about orphnoch and smartbrain, these two parties are the most threatening

  Of course, they also talked a bit about the knights, but they were a little confused about whether it was the enemy Kiba.

  But Tian Luo didn't explain too much. When we meet for real, we will naturally know the identity.

  In this way, an hour has passed, and the time is approaching the afternoon

  "Okay, we're almost done talking, who, should you come out?"

  Tianluo stood up, Kiba and the others thought Tianluo planned to leave, but what Tianluo said the next moment surprised them.


  Even Haitang, who was lying there sleeping beauty sleep, stood up instantly.

  They are very clear about the power of Tianluo, since he said that someone is not joking

  In this way, except for Tian Luo, the other three looked around the room with vigilance.

  "Hahaha, as expected of the person who almost killed Bei Qi, this insight is really scary enough"

  A burst of laughter suddenly resounded throughout the hall, and then a person suddenly emerged from the corner of the side.

  It was a middle-aged man who looked very ordinary, but there was an unpredictable power on his body.

  Not only has Tianluo met this person, Haitang and Kiba also know that the current president of smartbrain... Murakami

  "President Murakami, I didn't expect you to come in person this time."

  Kiba looked at Murakami vigilantly. He had always had a sense of crisis towards this mysterious president.

  "Yeah, Yuji Kiba, I didn't expect that novice back then to become so strong, you really have potential."

  Murakami looked at Yuji Kiba and nodded with a smile, then shook his head again.

  "But why, I betrayed smartbrain one by one to potential people like you, I'm really sad"

  "We just don't want to kill people"

  Kiba retorted solemnly.

  "To save that sad heart?"

  Murakami looked at Kiba playfully

  In his opinion, even those with potential without the heart of orphnoch are just failures

  Nagata Yuka is

  Yuji Kiba is also

  There are still many such orphnochs, the only end is to make them recognize themselves or directly eliminate them

  "Come on, what's the use of talking about it here, even though you're already dying?"

  Tian Luo glanced at Murakami with contempt.

  Now the two sides have become like water and fire, no matter how much they say, it's just one word.

  "Hehe, Mr. Tian Luo, this is our first time meeting, right?"

  Murakami's eyes turned to Tian Luo again, with a serious expression.

  There are not many people in this world who can make him deflated, but Tianluo is just one, and he has eaten deflated more than once.

  "It should be the second time. Last time I was in your office, but you didn't know it."

  Tian Luo replied with a smile

  "It's really you"

  Murakami's face turned black

  He had guessed from the previous things that Tian Luo had definitely touched his computer and obtained the information inside, but he didn't know anything about it.

  "Yes, it's me"

  Tian Luo nodded without concealment.

  Murakami "..."

  hold back, hold back

  Thinking of those materials that not only contain smartbrain's technology for many years, but also various orphnoch materials, Murakami's mouth twitched twice.

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