This is a very promising rookie, and fully adapted to the power of orphnoch

  He killed hundreds of people the first time they met, which made Murakami feel good about him

  "Not bad, but then you won't disturb me, I have to do one thing"

  The young man called Sawada nodded.

  "Oh? What's the matter?"

  Murakami looked curious

  "To kill a person, as long as I kill him, I can completely forget that I used to be a human being, and my power will reach the peak."

  Zetian opened his mouth slowly, but the words made people listen, but they were very cold.

  "Someone important to you?"

  There was a smile on the corner of Murakami's mouth, and he agreed with this kind of thing.

  As an orphnoch, you need to forget those indifferent feelings, so that you can accept your power wholeheartedly

  As long as Sawada can put it down, then the lucky four-leaf clover can add another general, even beyond thinking about them.


  Zeta nodded.

  A picture flashed in his mind, it was a little girl who liked to bully her when he was a child, and then...

  "Okay, I agree, let's go"

  Murakami nodded

  This is also the only good news in this period of time, otherwise he is really about to go crazy.

  The dignified president of smartbrain was forced to ask for peace in a low voice, only to be played around like a fool

  If it wasn't for something, if he wanted to do it, he would really like to rush to Tianluo to kill her right away.

  Seeing Zetian leave, Murakami fell silent again, and then slowly turned on the computer

  The computer shows a row of information, it is about Wang

  "The power of the king will randomly appear on a person. If you want to resurrect the king, you must find that person. Who is it?"


  On the other side, in a small restaurant, several people from Tianluo are sitting there eating this food

  "In other words, Mr. Tian Luo doesn't mean to be our enemy?"

  Truth put down the tableware and looked at Tian Luo and asked

  A few people have talked just now, and they finally have some understanding of Tianluo.

  It's not orphnoch, but it has more power than orphnoch

  But they don't know what Bai Luo's purpose is. Like orphnoch, they just want to live in peace.

  If it's the second one, why grab the delta belt? It's completely superfluous.

  However, apart from assisting them, Tian Luo did not show any malice towards them, so they could sit here and eat in peace.

  "I think you and I are enemies, can you live until now?"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at the crowd.

  "Uh, yes too"

  Hearing this, the truth nodded.

  To be honest, I can't argue with that at all

  "Even so, the delta belt is indeed ours, so..."

  Soka on the side couldn't help but said

  Delta was given to those classmates by his father, and now being robbed is just a slap in the face, so he wants to try to get it back

  "Stop, if I don't arrive in time, the belt has already fallen into the hands of orphnoch. How confident are you that you can get it back?"

  Tian Luo waved his hand and asked Souka.

  "This... [-]%"

  Souka hesitated for a while and said.

  "Do you believe it yourself?"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes

  "Okay, one percent"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Souka sighed.

  "It's not worth it, of course it's mine now in my hands, you can't get it anywhere anyway"

  Tian Luo shrugged

  "But doesn't Mr. Tian Luo have a belt? I remember that the power of that belt is not weaker than that of Delta, right?"

  Gan Qiao suddenly said

  "Yeah, but I can give you flowers. I can't do anything else here, but I'm very kind to my own people."

  Tian Luo nodded and said

  "Tianluo, let's be our own too, hehehe..."

  Begonia on the side smiled and said

  "Fuck off"

  Tian Luo looked at him speechlessly

  This stinky shameless person. I used to look impatient every time I saw him. Now it's good to start friendship.

  On the other side of the truth, they have nothing to say. What other fists say makes sense. What can we do?

  Watching delta fly farther and farther, a few people can only endure

  "Mr. Tian Luo, now we have ruined smartbrain's plan again, I'm afraid they will trouble us again"

  On the side, Kiba said with some concern.

  It all happened because of him, so he feels a little guilty

  Without his intervention, all this would have passed, Tian Luo would not come to help, and things would not become more and more complicated.

  "What are you afraid of, let's fight when we come anyway"

  Tian Luo shook his head indifferently.

  In smartbrain, apart from Murakami's strength, others are not to be afraid of. As for the king of orphnoch, we can only talk about it later.

  "If possible, I hope Mr. Tenra can join us. Mr. Kiba also wants to protect human beings..."

  At this moment, the truth on the side spoke again.

Chapter eight hundred and seventy fourth negotiation, leave

  "How dare you say such a thing at such a time?"

  Tian Luo looked at the truth with a strange look in his eyes

  If the average person knows how far away this uncertainty factor should be, how far should it be?

  "I was serious"

  The truth shook his head after listening

  At first, she was a little hesitant, but after a long time she realized that Tianluo really didn't have that kind of hostility towards them. This is a woman's intuition.

  Tianluo is indeed an uncertainty factor, but if such an uncertainty factor is in the dark - it is more terrifying than in the bright place

  So it was really ideal for a long time and finally made up my mind, because Kiba and the others did protect human beings

  Since Tian Luo is with them, it also means that Tian Luo is temporarily on the human side.

  "Oh, I see. If you cooperate, you are more likely to watch me, but you really have a big heart. Can you watch me even if I do bad things?"

  Tian Luo looked at the truth thoughtfully, and then an evil smile appeared on his face


  The truth suddenly fell silent

  "But it's okay, there's nothing fun to do anyway, I'll play with you."

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly nodded.

  "Ah? Mr. Tian Luo agreed?"

  "Yeah, I agree"

  Looking at the surprised eyes of truth, Tian Luo nodded again

  The people around were also stunned. They didn't expect Tian Luo to agree to this matter so easily. What kind of medicine is this guy selling in the gourd?

  "Hey, think about it carefully, no matter what, they are also knights, and they are hostile to us."

  Haitang said quickly

  He was almost killed by them, so he still has grudges in his heart

  "I think it's feasible, after all, our biggest enemy is smartbrain now"

  Kiba nodded in agreement.

  "Hey, Kiba, why are you like this!!"

  Haitang looked at the two of them unhappily. He always felt that he was superfluous and had no right to speak.

  "Rebuttal is invalid, unless you can beat me and Kiba"

  Tian Luo pouted his lips.

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