Tian Luo rolled his eyes, then walked over to the hospital bed, and then started to think.

  "Mr. Tianluo, what can you do?"

  Kiba next to him asked.

  Now their only hope is Tianluo, because in their eyes, Tianluo seems to have nothing to do

  "I'm worried, which way should I use to save her?"

  Tian Luo shook his head with some headache.


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, everyone turned to look at him, and the ward became quiet for a moment.

  "What's wrong? Why are you so surprised? It's only been half an hour since he died, and it's not that hard to save him."

  Tian Luo looked at everyone strangely

  "It's not... difficult?"

  Everyone is dumbfounded, what are you kidding, isn't it difficult for you to save everyone when everyone is dead?

  "Seriously, she should have undergone an operation on her body, and if she does it again, she should be able to revive again."

  Tian Luo looked at the crowd and said again.

  "What surgery?"

  Coincidentally, they all looked at Tian Luo together, they didn't know about the things before the truth.

  So everyone looked at Souka again, because only he knew what happened before the truth

  "What do you say I don't know"

  Souka shook his head with an ugly face, as if thinking of something very angry

  "If you don't tell me, I know that smartbrain's medical technology can save her, but with the current relationship between the two of us... tsk tsk"

  Tian Luo couldn't help shaking his head.

  "Related to smartbrain? Mr. Tian Luo, please tell me, I must find a way to make the truth come alive, even if it is difficult outside."

  Coincidentally, he didn't listen to anything else, he knew that the truth had hope of surviving

  Looking at Tian Luo in front of him, there was a look of pleading in his eyes.

  If truth really dies, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life, which is more painful than death

  "Well, we just cooperated anyway, so we can't watch your core character die. You don't need smartbrain, just use this."

  Tian Luo shook his head, then took out a switch

  "This is……"

  "Aquarius, Angel of Healing"

  Tian Luo smiled, then flipped the switch

  A water-like energy emerged in the space, and then slowly wrapped the truth.

  "What the hell do you guys want to do?"

  Seeing the truth wrapped in water, Souka rushed up directly


  With a muffled sound, Souka fell to the ground.

  "The doctor is working, so don't be too noisy"

  Looking at Souka on the ground, Tian Luo smiled and ignored it.

  The truth on the hospital bed has changed at this moment, and the originally pale complexion has gradually become rosy.

  "It works..."

  Gan Qiao shouted in surprise, but when he saw Tian Luo's raised fist, he shrank his neck again.

  "All right"

  Controlling the water energy to leave, Tian Luo nodded.

  The truth's body has been fully repaired, the next step is how to wake her up

  Raising his finger, Tian Luo gently tapped on the forehead of the truth


  The truth, who was lying there with his eyes closed, suddenly sat up, then opened his eyes and looked around in confusion.

  “really good”

  Seeing this scene, Kan Qiao and Kiba all had smiles on their faces

  The original sad atmosphere was also gone, so everyone looked at Tian Luo gratefully

  "I am..."

  Looking at the people in Tianluo, the truth that has just awakened is a little dazed

  She remembered seeing Zetian before, and then...

  "Truth, it's great that you're okay"

  Qian Qiao came to the hospital bed and said excitedly

  "A-Qiao, why am I here? Where is Zetian?"

  The truth sees Qian Qiao and asks

  Hearing this, Qian Qiao didn't know what to say.

  "Truth, you were almost killed by Sawada"

  Soka, who stood up from the ground, gritted his teeth and said.

  Tian Luo doesn't know if this is for himself or that Zetian, but he looks fierce anyway.

  "Zawada, it's impossible, I..."

  Suddenly, the truth seems to remember something, and then completely silent

  Sawada punched her, and then she understood

  The original good friend wants to kill her now, which makes the truth very sad

  "He is no longer our friend, and we will definitely kill him next time we meet"

  Souka said angrily

  The truth is his inverse scale, he will never allow anyone to hurt

  "Mr. Tianluo saved you, this time thanks to him"

  Gan Qiao then pointed to Tianluo Road

  "Thank you, Mr. Tianluo"

  The truth only noticed Tianluo and the others at this time, and then quickly thanked him.

  "No need to thank you, don't forget that we are collaborators, it won't be interesting if you die"

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head, then looked at the beautiful two

  "When it comes to you, I think if you want to kill the Zetian you mentioned, it's best not to bring the truth. If a woman is too emotional, it will be a very troublesome thing."

  The heart of truth is very good, but sometimes good is not necessarily right

  It's like a person who wants to kill you, but you still want to influence him

  If the truth goes, can she really watch Sawada die?

  Tian Luo has seen the answer in the truth


Chapter [-]: Teruo Suzuki

  "What does Mr. Tianluo mean?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the truth looked at him with a somewhat unhappy expression.

  Tian Luo's words are completely to say that she is a fuel bottle, she only knows how to cause trouble, and whoever hears it will be unhappy.

  "Hehe, I'm just making a suggestion, when I didn't say it"

  Tian Luo shook his head, then stood up

  "Since things are almost over, then we have also left. I hope we can cooperate happily in the future."

  After speaking, he left here with the result, while Kiba and Haitang also followed.

  The truth in the room watched Tian Luo leave angrily, and then looked at Gan Qiao and the others again.

  "How are you feeling now?"

  Looking at the truth, Souka asked

  Everything before that shows that the truth is really dead, and now he still has a feeling of dreaming

  "Nothing wrong, same as before"

  truth shook his head

  She was also surprised by her own physical condition. According to her memory, she did die at the hands of Zetian, but now she was rescued by Tianluo.

  Being able to come back to life, Tian Luo's identity made her even more curious

  "But... I seem to remember something, the classmates reunion that day... but it's too vague"

  "Since it's blurry, don't think about it, as long as your body is fine"

  After listening to 263's words of truth, Souka shook his head and said.


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