In short, at the moment, they are very unfavorable, and their lives are at stake.

  "Bastard, why is this time..."

  Souka looked at the fighting people angrily, he could only pray that they would win

  Now his body can't hold it anymore, let alone transforming again.

  "Good job..."

  Ketaro, who was hiding aside, and the others also looked at the two of them worriedly.

  All the time, the most fighting is being clever, and I have experienced life and death battles too many times.

  And they can only watch from the side, which makes Ketaro and truth very uncomfortable

  If you can be stronger, even a little bit, that can help you work skillfully...

  The situation is getting worse and worse, and the two of them have fallen to the ground in the blink of an eye.

  Bei Qi only needs one more blow, then this ending is doomed

  But just when Bei Qi was about to attack Gan Qiao, a mutation happened.

  An afterimage suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and then the three of Bei Qi flew out directly.


  The three Bei Qi, who were hit 16 times, were suddenly shocked. The speed was too fast, so they thought of a person.

  "No, not that guy"

  When he saw the figure that appeared in front of him, Bei Qi's face darkened.

  The presence is an orphnoch, dark silver in color, and looks like a goat

  "Flower, President Hanagata?"

  Takuma exclaimed

  As the original fighter of the lucky clover, of course he knows the flower shape

  However, the previous flower shape suddenly disappeared, so Murakami took his place, but he did not expect to appear here this time.

  "President Hanagata, why are you fighting against us, are they your people?"

  Yoshiko Kageyama asked in a deep voice

  They only know a little about the loss of the belt, the person inside is also orphnoch

  Now it seems that the culprit is the former president Hanagata.

  "They can't die now"

  Hua Xing looked at Gan Qiao and Souka who fell to the ground and said slowly.

  "This is not what you said!!!"

  After listening to Beiqi, he immediately exploded and launched an attack.

  It's been too bad for a while, so his anger has been suppressed in his heart.

  If he fails this time, he might really be going crazy

  The two collided, the ground cracked, and the strong wind scattered around the two of them.

  "Bei Qi, you are getting weaker"

  "I want you to take care, I'm going to kill you!!!"

  Being reminded of the most shameful thing by the flower shape, Bei Qi roared in anger, and the strength in his hand became heavier.

  "You can't beat me even in your prime, let alone now"

  Hua Xing shook his head, and then easily subdued Bei Qi.

  Decades of time have allowed him to develop the power of orphnoch to the extreme, which is not something Bei Qi can imagine.

  If it weren't for the fact that he was already reaching his limit, Bei Qi wouldn't even be able to touch him.

  "Accelerated Form"

  With a low roar, Bei Qi's body suddenly appeared one after another of thunder, and the armor on his body also cracked instantly.

  Beiqi's speed in the acceleration form reached the extreme, and he attacked the flower shape as if he had suddenly disappeared.

  "It's still a little slow, I can see"

  Hua Xing shook his head, easily blocked Bei Qi's attack again, and then kicked him out.

  "Bei Qi..."

  Seeing that Bei Qi was knocked into the air, Yoshiko Kageyama and Takumo hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and then watched Hua Xing vigilantly.

  They know the power of the flower shape, with the power of the two of them, they are not opponents at all

  "President Hanagata, do you really want to be an enemy of smartbrain? Don't forget that you are also a part of smartbrain"

  Thinking of looking at Hua Xing with an ugly face, if Hua Xing is really against them, they have no chance of winning at all.

  A sky, a flower shape, this is completely crushing, how can smartbrain fight?

  "The general trend of orphnoch has gone. Humans are the masters of this world. This is what I finally realized, so I plan to do something for these children in the end."

  The flower shape answered lightly

  After living so long, he also sees through, especially after he knows the power of the king of orphnoch

  If the king of orphnoch is resurrected, the human race will be wiped out

  But if the resurrection of orphnoch is prevented, then the demise of orphnoch is only a matter of time.

  In the end, he chose to stand on the side of mankind

  "Hmph, let's see"

  With a cold snort, Yoshiko Kageyama and Takuma looked at each other, and then left with Bei Qi.

  They really don't know what to say to Murakami

  Failed again, simply...

  Seeing Yoshiko Kageyama and the others leaving, Kagata sighed, and then her body slowly changed back to a human

  Black suit and headscarf, with the vicissitudes of time on his face, as if to mention a dying old man


  "how is this possible!!"

  Seeing the shape of the flower, the truth in the distance and the others were suddenly shocked.

  "Long time no see, Souka still has the truth..."

  Kagata smiled and looked at Soka on the ground and the truth that ran over.

  "Dad is orphnoch..."

  The truth is somewhat unacceptable looking at the flower shape

  "Yeah, from the beginning"

  Hua Xing nodded without retorting.

  "how so"

  The truth slumped directly to the ground

  They've been dealing with orphnoch all the time, but now

  Their closest friend has become orphnoch, this blow is not small for them

  "You lied to us all the time?"

  Souka said in a low voice, with despair in his eyes.

  "No, I never lied to you 640"

  Flower shook his head

  "What about the day of the class reunion, we all died, isn't that what you did?"

  Soka suddenly roared

  He is the only one who knows the truth about the day of the class reunion. What happened that day has always been in his shadow.

  orphnoch, it's all about this creature that kills them and then resurrects them through a special method

  "I didn't know it that time. It was too late when I arrived, so I used smartbrain's technology to resurrect you..."

  There was a trace of sadness in the flower-shaped eyes

  Bei Qi, that lunatic, he is responsible for all these things

  But it's too late, so what's happening now

  "Souka, don't transform anymore, your body is dead, and the mark of orphnoch is about to dissipate"

  Hua Xing looked at Souka and said

  Soka can transform because they once implanted the orphnoch mark on him

  However, as Souka used the belt more and more times, the power of the mark slowly disappeared.

  If this continues, Soka's results will be the same as those of the previous ones.

  "Impossible, I..."

  "Ahem, if I'm reminiscing about the old days, I don't think it's the right time. By the way, I just received the news that Murakami took the little boy away."

  At this moment, a voice suddenly interjected, it was Tian Luo

  "Also, that little boy's true identity is the host of the King of Orphnoch..."

Chapter eight hundred and eighty seventh have run away

  The scene became quiet for a moment, and everyone's eyes turned to Tianluo and Jiehua who suddenly appeared.

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