Gan Qiao and Kiba nodded at the same time, and then rushed down quickly.

  The others followed closely, and the battle started instantly, the originally quiet atmosphere became noisy, and the screams were endless.

  At this moment, only Tianluo and Huaxing were the only ones. The three of Murakami didn't move. Murakami looked at the two of them vigilantly, with a serious expression.

  This time is really bad for him, if he fails, it's all over.

  There were only three minutes left, and the two people in front of him had to be dragged.

  The tyrannical energy erupted from Murakami's body, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a rose orphnoch.

  "Just watch from the sidelines, if you do it again, you'll be completely screwed."

  Tian Luo facing the flower-shaped road on the side

  He was already at his limit in the previous transformation, his body was about to collapse, and if he came back again, he would collapse directly.

  "Moreover, we will not stop him now, but will help him."

  Speaking of this, Tian Luo's mouth showed a slight smile.

  "What do you mean?"

  Not only the flower shape, but even Murakami was stunned, they stared blankly at Tian Luo

  "Actually, it's easy to explain. If you want to kill the king of orphnoch in this situation, you must kill that little guy together..."

  "Unless the king of orphnoch completely awakens and separates from that little guy..."

  "I'm the most merciful. Of course, I won't watch the children die, so I decided to wait for them to separate before fighting."

  Tian Luo explained with a smile

  "No, there will be no chance at that time, and there is no way to sacrifice one for the sake of mankind..."

  The flower shape on the side said quickly.

  What a joke, when the king of orphnoch is resurrected, no one here really can beat it

  Now is the best time to let it go.

  "Hehe, why don't you ask them if they can do it, the minority obeys the majority"

  Tian Luo shrugged, he knew that Hua Xing would disagree, this guy came with the determination to die.

  Of course, he was not the only one who had this idea, but their approach was different from Hua Xing.

  "Tianluo, I agree with your approach, absolutely can't let that stinky brat die!"

  Haitang had already responded, and he shouted loudly to Tian Luo.

  Although he said he was disgusting, he really liked children in his heart, and it was impossible to watch Teruo Suzuki die.

  Although he will face the more terrifying king of orphnoch next, he is not afraid.

  "I agree too, to save that child..."

  Kiba also nodded.

  "I listen to Mr. Tian Luo."

  Jiehua didn't say much, everything about him was already Tianluo's.

  "Hmph, I don't think I'm going to lose to that guy called the king of orphnoch."

  Gan Qiao sneered, although he didn't say anything, he had already made his position clear.

  "I have no opinion, it's a big deal to die together anyway."

  Sawada shrugged.

  In just a moment of effort, several people have all made choices to save people.

  And the so-called king of orphnoch was nothing in their eyes.


  Hua Xing looked at everyone in disbelief, he really didn't understand everyone's thoughts.

  "Hehe, who do you think they are? This is a group of people comparable to the Virgin Mary, and the result has been doomed from the beginning."

  A happy smile appeared on Tian Luo's face.

  "You will surely regret it..."

  Murakami watched Tianluo and his group grit their teeth and said.

  Although the result seems to be very beneficial to them, this contemptuous attitude is more uncomfortable than killing him.

  Obviously they are a group of weak guys, why dare to say such unreasonable words.

  "It doesn't matter if you don't regret it later. The important thing is that this may be our last fight. It's really a bit reluctant."

  Tian Luo shook his head and smiled.

  "I don't have this feeling, I'm thinking about how to kill you all the time!!!"

  Murakami looked at Tian Luo and roared.

  "I'm really a little flustered when you think about me so much, um, it should be better soon."

  Tian Luo shrugged, and then looked at the mid-air.

  The king of orphnoch on Teruo Suzuki is almost fully materialized.

  Although it hasn't come out yet, that tyrannical aura has permeated the entire battlefield.






  "It's now……"

  At the moment when the King of Orphnoch was fully resurrected, his body was finally separated from Teruo Suzuki.

  And at this moment, Tian Luo's body also disappeared in place, and in the blink of an eye he came to Teruo Suzuki's side.


  Grabbing Teruo Suzuki's body, Tenra dodged again and brought him to his original position.


  At this moment, a roar suddenly entered the ears of everyone.

  The light that had passed through the black filled the entire laboratory, and a terrifying coercion made everyone's hearts beat for a while.

  "Is this the king of orphnoch?"

  Regardless of whether it was the clever ones or the orphnochs on the side, they all looked upwards.

  The light dissipated, and the figure inside was finally revealed.

  The silver-white body seems to be a fly-type shape, but just standing there quietly makes people's scalp tingle.

  "So strong, did I do something wrong?"

  Kiba couldn't help but speak.

  This power completely exceeded his expectations.


  Just without fighting, Kiba already understood the result.

  "Like faiz, but I will never lose."

  Qian Qiao's expression became solemn, and then she looked at the king of orphnoch vigilantly.

  "You made a bad decision."

  Hua Xing said to Tian Luo with an ugly face.

  Just the energy emitted made him have no resistance, the king of orphnoch was really powerful.

  But what now?Do you really want to fight him?

  "No, that's right, but he's still too weak now and needs to evolve."

  Tian Luo shook his head and said.

Chapter eight hundred and eighty-ninth swallow, complete body

  "What are you...what are you trying to do?"

  Murakami looked at Tian Luo with a dignified expression. He didn't know why, but he felt that something was wrong with Tian Luo.

  He clearly knows the power of the king of orphnoch, why does he still do this?Looking for death?

  No, absolutely impossible.

  Although he had only fought against Tian Luo once, Murakami understood the horror of this guy.

  Mysterious, powerful, freewheeling, there is no way to guess what this guy wants to do.

  After living for so long, Tian Luo was definitely the enemy that gave him the most headaches, the kind that was invulnerable.

  Now this approach is even more confusing, does he really have a way to defeat the king of orphnoch?

  "He seems to be about to start foraging, Jiehua, you come back first."

  Ignoring Murakami's words, Tianluo shouted at Jiehua's group.


  Yuhua nodded and quickly came behind Tian Luo.

  The same is true for several other people. At this moment, Tian Luo has become their backbone.


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