The most powerful game company in the city, after more than ten years of development, countless games have been developed from here, and are widely loved by players who like games.

  But today, their president Tan Lidou had a gloomy face, as if something major had happened.

  "Damn, what's going on? Why is there an abnormality in the data of Kamen Rider Chronicles?"

  Sitting in his office, Tan Lidou stared at the computer in front of him.

  In order to develop the game Kamen Rider Chronicles, he spent many years.

  The original game is almost coming to an end, everything is so perfect, and the world will change because of this.

  And he, Tan Lidou, a man with the talent of God, will rule the world and make everyone submit to his own wisdom.

  But at this critical moment, the Chronicle's game was abnormal, how could this make him happy.

  "Suddenly, a few strands of 26 data rioted the chronicle. Damn, what's going on?"

  Tan Lidou quickly manipulated the keyboard, and then began to search for abnormalities.

  But just when he was about to start, the computer was abnormal again, and a strange picture appeared on the screen.

  "This is... a bugster?"

  Tan Lidou opened his eyes.

  What a joke, this game hasn't even started, there's no chance of bugsters appearing.

  Even if the gamedeus is not formed, it is impossible to affect the game. What the hell is this?

  And while Tan Li was in a daze, a light suddenly flashed on the screen, and then a beam of energy shot out from it.

  The energy fell in front of Tan Lidou, and then slowly became a few figures.

  "Ara, finally came out, is this the true face of this world?"

  Tian Luo stretched his waist and said with a smile.

  "Cut, if it weren't for you, we would have come out long ago, and we've been slow."

  Nana complained on the side

  "There's no way to do this. After all, if the game doesn't have a boss, the game will be ruined. You can only make fakes before you leave."

  Tian Luo shrugged helplessly.

  "By the way, what exactly is this place? Who are you?"

  It was only when Tian Luo noticed the surroundings, and then asked Tan Lidou suspiciously.

  Tan Lidou "..."

  Should I be asking?What the hell are you?

  "This is my office."

  Taking a deep breath, Tan Lidou's face returned to normal, making you reveal an ugly smile.

  At this moment, he was already stunned. Obviously, the seven or eight people who suddenly appeared in front of him were all bugsters.

  But why is the bugster in the chronicle?It looks like he hasn't started the next move yet?

  Moreover, this is not a game bugster designed by myself at all! ! !

  "Office? Well, that tells us... well, it's too much trouble, I'll do it myself."

  Tian Luo smiled and walked towards Tan Lidou.

  "Hey, what are you doing, don't be impulsive, I'm the president of the Dream Group, help~ Stop~ Ya Die~"

  Accompanied by Tan Lidou's screams, Tian Luo slowly put his fingers on his head.

  Tan Lidou, who was screaming in agony, stopped instantly, and his expression became dazed.

  "Kamen Rider Chronicle, Game Sickness, Virus Bugster, Gamedeus, Ten Games, Breeding, Game Cassettes, Doctor, Kamen Rider, and...Hosei Eternal Dream"

  Key words appeared from Tian Luo's mouth, his eyes became brighter and brighter until he let go of Tan Lidou.

  "What did you guy do to me?"

  Tan Lidou's eyes widened, and then he took a few steps back and looked at Tian Luo in horror.

  He seemed to have been seen through just now, as if he had not kept any secrets from the guy in front of him.

  "It's nothing, I just feel that my brother is quite handsome. Would you like to have one with me?"

  Tian Luo smiled and blinked at Tan Lidou.

  "don't want!!!"

  Tan Lidou roared and quickly covered his back, then stared at Tian Luo vigilantly.

  "Forget it, see you later, by the way, give me this incubator as a gift, you can still make it anyway"

  Tian Luo smiled and opened the drawer next to him, and took out what looked like a game console.

  From the memory he had just learned, he already knew how to use it.

  After a few random clicks on the computer on the side, Tian Luo disappeared directly into the office with the girls.

  Seeing Tian Luo and his group leave, the vigilant Tan Lidou sat on the ground instantly.

  Although I have seen bugster, it is the first time that it is as strange as this time.

  It was so weird that he even forgot to resist, and he didn't remember it until now.

  "What the hell is going on with these guys? Not a bugster in the top ten games, no news at all..."

  Tan Lidou thought with lingering fears, and then quickly came to the computer.

  "The chronicle has returned to normal, there is no other trace at all, it's too weird..."


  "It's an interesting world. Fortunately, a fake gamedeus was created, otherwise the game would be ruined."

  Walking on the street with the girls, Tian Luo said with a smile.

  At this moment, they finally saw a living person, and their mood became better.

  "Then what are we going to do next?"

  Li Xing asked aloud

  You can't come here aimlessly, it's very distressing to have nothing to do.

  "Well, it's decided, we're going to be doctors..."

  Tian Luo thought about it and the smile on his face deepened.


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the girls were all surprised, and then looked at Tian Luo in disbelief.

  "Hey, hey, what are your eyes, I have the qualifications to practice medicine, the world's first surgeon is not just kidding!!"

  "Did you force someone to give it to you?"

  "That's not the point. The point is that I can open a medical clinic as long as I change it."

  "This is the most deadly thing, you quack doctor!!!!"

  The girls looked at Tian Luo speechlessly, and they dared to say that they were a doctor after taking a piece of paper, and only my own family dared to do this.

  "Okay, that's the decision, just across from the city hospital."

  Tian Luo directly ignored the irony of the girls and decided.


  At this moment, Wakana and the others didn't know what to say.

  very good, very powerful.

  I'm afraid you don't want your business to be good, right?

  But that's right, this guy is just playing around at most, and he doesn't care about business at all.

  So the next day

  Opposite the city hospital, there is a hospital called "No. [-] in the world".

  Both the name and the practice immediately attracted a lot of attention.

  And Tianluo also successfully pulled a wave of hatred, um, it was the hatred of the doctors inside the city hospital.

  It's crazy, if it wasn't for medical ethics, the people inside would have rushed to fight Tianluo long ago.

Chapter eight hundred and ninety seventh visit

  "President, that guy is really rampant, this is a provocation to our hospital, we can't sit still like this..."

  The office of the dean of the city hospital, all the attending doctors of all classes came here.

  Looking at the dean sitting there, someone complained.

  As the city's No. [-] People's Hospital, the doctors here are all top-notch in the country, and no one is arrogant.

  But just a day ago, a clinic opened opposite the hospital.

  what is this?Slap in the face?

  What's even more annoying is that the clinic is called "the best in the world".

  In the hospital, no one dares to claim the number one in the world, such a mere small clinic is unreasonable.

  But there is no way to do this. It is a regular clinic approved by the Ministry of Health, and the attending doctor of that clinic has a lot of honorary certificates.

  Simply envy, jealous, and hate, those certificates can be cherished for a lifetime, and he has so many.

  As a result, more and more doctors were dissatisfied with the attending doctor of that clinic, but they didn't know how to act.

  "Cough, everyone, don't be impatient, you all know that, with the approval of the Ministry of Health, it means that he is indeed capable..."

  The dean waved his hand in embarrassment.

  In fact, he was also very upset, because the clinic was indeed full of slaps in the face.

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