After all, if you want to die, you have to pull a back...

  "It always feels like you have bad intentions"

  Tian Luo suddenly looked at Bao Sheng Yong Meng Dao.

  "Uh, how could it be, we are very sincere."

  Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly smiled awkwardly.

  "Yes, yes, it's really inconvenient for Mr. Tian Luo to be alone. If they are together, they can take care of each other."

  poppy nodded quickly.

  Although they had just met, Tianluo gave her a very good feeling, very kind, as if it was the same kind of feeling.

  "Well, since you are so sincere, let's go together, don't regret it."

  Tian Luo nodded, and then revealed a sinister smile.


  Baosheng Yongmeng and poppy nodded quickly.


  At this moment, the induction door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man in a white coat walked in from outside.

  "Huh? Why are you here as an intern? And who are you?"

  The dean looked at Baosheng Yongmeng and Tian Luo Dao seriously.

  "President, they are all our companions now, and we will treat patients together in the future."

  poppy replied with a smile.

  "It turned out to be so, it's really good."

  Seeing Poppy, the serious-faced Dean changed his face instantly, and his whole person was like a dog's leg.

  Then he directly pulled Baosheng Yongmeng and walked aside.

  "You must pay attention here, don't offend Miss Asuna, she is from the Ministry of Health, we will be finished if something happens."


  Baosheng Yongmeng nodded quickly.

  Seeing Baosheng Yongmeng's appearance, the dean breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Tian Luo again.

  "you are……"

  At this moment, Tian Luo was not wearing a white lab coat, which made the dean a little unable to guess the origin.

  "Oh, I'm for the outpatient clinic, you should know?"

  Tian Luo smiled.

  "You are that bastard!!"

  The dean jumped up when he heard Tian Luo's answer, and then looked at Tian Luo in disbelief.

  As for the outpatient clinic, there seems to be only one doctor and several nurses there. No need to guess, it must be.

  Although he hadn't gone to see it, he had hated that clinic to the core for the past two days.

  Opening the door opposite his own house, of course, the one who slapped the most face was his dean.

  In the past two days, he felt that everyone was discussing him, which was so annoying.

  "Cough, dean, pay attention to your words."

  Baosheng Yongmeng and poppy on the side coughed and reminded.

  They all know about Tianluo, so what should I say, Dr. Tianluo really doesn't take the usual path.

  But it's a bit too much to call people a bastard or something like this, and maybe it will evolve into an action movie.

  "No, no, no, why are you looking for him? This guy is the mortal enemy of our hospital."

  Dean looked at Poppy helplessly.

  What's the matter? It's hard to work with people you hate.

  "Because I'm a genius surgeon, Dean Jing."

  Tian Luo shrugged and smiled.

  "Nonsense, obviously my son is."

  The dean said angrily.


  A small notebook fell from Tian Luo's pocket.

  "Oh, why did it fall, this is authority~wei"

  Tian Luo finally stretched his voice, and then picked up the small notebook on the ground.

  honor certificate.


  The dean was stunned, this guy actually took this thing on him casually.

  Baosheng Yongmeng and Poppy looked at them dumbfounded.

  It was the first time that the Dean had been so suppressed in his life, and there was no way he could resist.

  It feels so... cool

  Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly felt that he had awakened some great attributes.

  The unpleasantness that had been put on his face before was finally gone.

  Sure enough, following Dr. Tian Luo was the right choice.

  "Anyway, I'll give you more advice in the future, Dean Jing."

  Tian Luo put the notebook in his pocket and said with a smile.


  The dean didn't speak either.

  Although he's the dean, CR's affairs are all up to poppy, he really doesn't have that ability.

  "Tianluo Ascension, this is a survey device, which is specially designed to detect the virus in patients, so that symptomatic treatment can be achieved."

  At this moment, poppy also gave Tianluo something like a stethoscope.

  The shape is similar, but the style is different.

  "Okay, please give me more advice after poppy"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded.


  poppy nodded with a smile.

  So, at this moment, Tian Luo finally joined CR, although the dean on the side was full of unwillingness.


  "Husband, what strange organization have you joined?"

  Back home, Wakana asked when she saw Tianluo's appearance.

  After Tian Luo stayed for a long time, he understood Tian Luo's hobbies and hobbies, and he would change it every time.

  "Yeah, after all, it's more convenient to do things this way."

  Tian Luo smiled and shook the surveyor in his hand.

  "as long as you are happy"

  Wakana shrugged helplessly.

  I really doubt why Tianluo opened this clinic.It’s better to join directly, because there is a lot of traffic here every day, but no one comes in to see a doctor.

  "By the way, what happened to the cassette I just put in the manufacture?"

  Tian Luo asked aloud.

  "It's already done, but what did you do? It took more than a day to do it completely."

  Maya nodded and asked curiously.

  If ordinary cassettes only take a few minutes with Tianluo's power, this one took so long.

  "I do not know either"

  Tian Luo shrugged.


Chapter [-] Three Exaids and Unpredictable Games

  My name is Tan Lidou.

  A man with the talent of God.

  But now it has been tricked into a game.

  more importantly……

  Even the idiot game author doesn't know how to get out.

  Help, wait online, very urgent! ! ! !


  "Bastard, what the hell kind of game are you, I will never admit it!!!!"

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