Tian Luo rolled his eyes at the two of them, then opened the main control panel and looked at the prompt.

  "This game is a guessing game, and the content of the game is... poof..."

  Halfway through the conversation, Tian Luo suddenly knelt down, and then fell into a slump.

  "what happened?"

  The two looked at Tian Luo suspiciously.

  "See for yourself"

  Tian Luo directly threw the main control board to them, and then moved away from here.

  "Game prompt, please find one hidden among the four...girl...Nani!!!"

  After chanting the last two words, Baosheng Yongmeng and Tan Lidou jumped up directly.

  girl?In other words, three of these four are... um, men?

  Tan Lidou "..."

  Baosheng Yongmeng "..."

  What are you kidding me, what kind of game is this bastard designing?You are the devil, you must be the devil! ! !

  At this moment, the two of them knelt on the ground as if they had been played badly.

  Three of the four young ladies who just fell in love turned out to be men, which is unacceptable, completely unacceptable...

  "It's not my fault, you can find it by yourself, let me be quiet..."

  Tian Luo also sat helplessly aside.

  He completely underestimated the ability of intellectual brain, maybe this guy has become black belly after being with him for a long time.

  This time even he couldn't accept it, he was simply a beast.

Chapter [-] Rescue, came out...

  "Master, let's choose now..."

  The sweet voice reached the ears of Tan Lidou and Baosheng Yongmeng again.

  "Don't call me master, I don't know you at all!!!" x2

  The two roared with ugly expressions at the same time.

  Women's clothing boss, it's hard to think about it, let alone three at once.

  "But if you don't choose the master, you won't be able to pass the customs~"

  One of the girls said thoughtfully, then winked at the two of them.

  Thinking that the other party may be the same as himself, maybe even bigger than himself, Tan Lidou and Baosheng Yongmeng are not well.

  But after understanding the rules of the game, the two had no choice but to bite the bullet.

  "It's you"

  Tan Lidou pointed to the girl who just spoke.


  I saw an X suddenly appeared above, and Tan Lidou knelt down again. Sure enough, this is the big guy in women's clothing.

  "It's your turn……"

  Calming down the anger in his heart, Tan Lidou looked at Baosheng Yongmeng.

  "I... well, the one on the far right now"

  Baosheng Yongmeng reluctantly chose one after hearing this.


  It's another x, and it's another women's clothing tycoon.

  "Damn, luck won't be so bad, right?"

  Tan Lidou felt liver pain, and then pointed to another girl again



  Another x, wrong again.

  "Only the last one left, although it's a bit uncomfortable, but this game is quite simple"

  Baosheng Yongmeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  He suddenly felt that the game was so badly done that it was just for full moon children, although it was a little disgusting.

  There is no number of choices, so only three times and the rest is right.

  "It's up to you"

  Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly had a bloody urge, and he yelled at the last girl.


  Baosheng Yongmeng "..."

  Tan Lidou "..."

  what the hell?wrong?

  "Are you kidding me, are you making fun of us? There's no way to clear this broken game!!!"

  Tan Lidou suddenly looked at Tian Luo on the side.

  I've never been so aggrieved in my life so long, it's okay to be a big boss in women's clothing, but it's too much to be a big boss in women's clothing! ! !

  What the hell kind of hint is this! ! !

  "Cough, there is indeed a girl, but if you want to find him, you must use a special method, otherwise it will be useless to guess."

  Tian Luo coughed dryly and said.

  He finally understood what kind of game this was. He didn't expect to remember it when he said casually.

  Not only did I remember it, it was even worse than that game.

  "What special way?"

  The two looked at Tian Luo at the same time and asked.

  "Uh, just lift up their skirts, and then... you know, it's easy."

  Tian Luo hesitated and said.

  "Simple your head, vomit~"

  Hearing Tian Luo's method, the two of them retched immediately.

  How can this kind of thing be simple, man, man, man, important things have to be said three times! !

  "Anyway, it's up to you whether you dare or not"

  Tian Luo shrugged, then walked aside again, he wouldn't do such a thing.


  The two gnashed their teeth and looked at Tian Luo, but there was nothing they could do.

  "How to do?"

  Baosheng Yongmeng looked at Tan Lidou with difficulty. He had already made a girlfriend, is he really going to do this kind of thing?Will it leave a psychological shadow in the future?

  "how could I know……"

  Tan Lidou looked at Baosheng Yongmeng angrily.

  Tianluo is lv.10, and he can't beat him. Now there is only Baosheng Yongmeng, lv.2, who can bully him.

  "I want to go out..."

  Baosheng Yongmeng lowered his head, looking a little struggling.

  "Is my reputation going to be ruined here?"

  Tan Lidou also struggled to glance at the four who were looking forward to watching them... um, let's just say they're girls.

  "You're gone, Yingming or something?"

  Tian Luo couldn't help but say something.

  "You talk too much!!"

  Tan Lidou roared angrily, then gritted his teeth and rushed towards the two girls.

  The movements on his hands were very fast, as if there were phantoms.

  Get up, let go.

  In just a moment, he returned to the original place again, as if hypnotizing himself into thinking that nothing had happened.

  "How about it?"

  Baosheng Yongmeng asked aloud.


  Hearing this, Tan Lidou couldn't hold on anymore, and knelt down directly.

  Under the gazes of the two, he trembled and said two words

  "so big"


  Tian Luo laughed out loud, and it really was.

  However, Baosheng Yongmeng was a little frightened. In the eyes of the two, he walked to the other two in fright.

  Raise your hand and put it down, even faster than Tan Lidou.

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