"Forget it, let's take Yongshu out of here first."

  With a sigh, Baosheng Yongmeng looked at Tian Luo and said.

  "it is good."

  Nodding, the three instantly disappeared into the field.


  "President Li Dou, can you explain why the knight's belt is in the hands of that guy from the Hua family?"

  In the CR base, Dean Jing and his group including Jing Feicai looked at Tan Lidou on the screen.

  They already knew that the Hua family was older than me, so they hurriedly started talking to Tan Lidou.

  Especially Jing Feicai, his face became very ugly, staring at Tan Lidou.

  "I have my own arrangements for this matter, you don't need to worry about it."

  Tan Lidou shrugged, then peeked at Tian Luo, who was sitting beside him drinking tea.

  "Tell me why, even this intern and that unknown person I can accept, but only that guy can't, I will never forgive him!!!"

  Jing Feicai roared angrily.

  "I'm really sorry for the intern."

  "Unknown person, your uncle~"

  Tianluo and Baosheng Yongmeng rolled their eyes at the same time, and sure enough, this guy is too annoying.

  "It's all said, you don't have to worry about this matter. This is a decision made jointly by our group and the Ministry of Health."

  Tan Lidou in the video shook his head and said.


  Jing Feicai was so angry that she was speechless, and left the base with a cold snort.

  The scene became a little awkward, and Dean Jing didn't know what to say.

  "Wow, you are President Tan Lidou, hello, I am Tianluo, and you are my idol."

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly looked at Tan Li Dou Dao in a very exaggerated manner.

  Tan Lidou "..."

  Idol, your uncle, ghosts want to be your idols, no matter how far you go, you will be annoyed when you see them.

  "Haha, Doctor Tianluo, right? I've heard of you too. You're young and promising. You're really young and promising."

  Although he was already scolding his mother in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face, Tan Lidou could only answer with a smile.

  "I've been too modest. I heard that your company's games are very good. Let's play games together when you have time."

  Tian Luo said with a smile.

  Hearing Tian Luo talking about playing games, the corners of Tan Lidou's mouth couldn't help twitching.

  "Hehe, definitely, definitely, I still have things to do now, let's talk about it when I have time."

  Tan Lidou showed an ugly smile, and then quickly turned off the computer.

Chapter nine hundred and ninth tit-for-tat two people

  "Yongshu's pressure turned out to be a doctor. This is a bit difficult to handle. We have no way to treat it..."

  After hanging up the video, everyone discussed about Yongshu.

  If you are always afraid of doctors, Yongshu will be equal to bugster's power bank.

  In this case, it is impossible to defeat bugsters, because their power is infinite, and even if they die, they can be resurrected again with the help of Yongshu's pressure.

  And this situation doesn't last long, soon Yongshu will disappear, and bugster will become a complete body at that time.

  "So the root cause is still because of that little brat."

  Tian Luo was lying on the chair beside him and shook his head.

  "Can't sit still, I'm going to find that guy, he seems to have a chance to deal with this bugster."

  Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly stood up and said.

  Every game is different, and the knights are also different. The same type of games and knights must be able to do it.

  This bugster is a shooter, and snipe is also a shooter.

  If I had the help of the Hua Family, this operation would be much easier.

  "How can it be so easy, that guy brought it for your card, do you think he will help you so easily?"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes and said.

  "That's a try too, and I'm curious about him too."

  Baosheng Yongmeng shook his head and walked out.

  "Eternal Dream..."

  Poppy looked worriedly at the back of Baosheng Yongmeng leaving.

  "Nothing to worry about, the big deal is that the cassette is gone."

  Tian Luo shrugged.

  "The cassette is also very important, which is something of the Ministry of Health."

  poppy complained.

  "Well, if there is a problem, I'll help him get it back. I'm still very confident in dealing with a lv.2."

  Tian Luo could only say helplessly when he heard this.

  "Yeah~ Tianluo, you are amazing!!"

  Hearing Tianluo's assurance, Poppy finally let go of his worries, and then looked at Tianluo excitedly.

  "Cough cough~"

  Dean Jing on the side couldn't help coughing to prove his existence.

  After all, I am also the boss of the hospital, so why is there such a lack of presence here?

  "Hey? Why are you still here?"

  Tian Luo asked in surprise.

  "I'm the director of the hospital, what do you say I'm here?"

  Dean Jing was instantly angry, and this guy even planned to drive him away, which is outrageous...


  Tian Luo nodded, then chatted with poppy again.

  Dean Mirror "..."

  Oh your uncle, please give me some reaction anyway, I'm so embarrassed by you.

  Seeing Tianluo and poppy chatting so happily.

  Dean Jing felt that his heart was about to explode with anger.

  This foreign doctor is really arrogant, and what's even more annoyed is that he can't do anything about it.

  Being ignored again, Dean Jing could only leave in a daze. Before leaving, he glared at Tian Luo, but he was ignored by Tian Luo naturally.


  The time is three o'clock in the afternoon.

  Tian Luo, who had just returned to his clinic, received a call from poppy.

  The bear child of Yushu ran out again.

  A bear child is a bear child, and it does not make people worry at all.

  What's even more worrying is that Tian Luo obviously saw this little kid running towards his clinic.

  Well, there is a group of bugsters behind me.

  "Doctor, help~"

  Seeing Tian Luo, Yongshu hurriedly shouted.

  "Now you know how to save your life? How could you be so powerful when you ran out?"

  Tian Luo said angrily.

  "I was wrong, sorry."

  Yongshu said in fear when he heard Tianluo's words.

  Today was really the day he was most afraid of. It was both a doctor and a monster. It was more exciting than the previous years combined.

  Compared with these monsters, Tian Luo, who seemed to be kind, made him more trustworthy.

  "Into the clinic."

  Tian Luo waved at Yongshu.


  Yongshu nodded, and then ran in obediently.

  Tianluo at the door looked at the little guy who rushed up and took out his belt.


  The golden game icon surrounded Tian Luo, then wrapped Tian Luo, and the next second, the golden exaid appeared in front of the little one.

  The game field also unfolded instantly, and the surrounding area became a forest.

  "Damn, why are you guys obstructing every time you do something?"

  A voice came from behind the little ones, and it was the final boss of the shooting game.

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