"It's okay, it'll be fine soon."

  Tian Luo nodded and said with a smile.

  "Then thank you doctor, I really don't have much time."

  The middle-aged white-collar worker finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Let the middle-aged white-collar worker sit on the chair 713, and Tian Luo casually clicked on the game cassette.

  The realm unfolded in an instant, and a little boy appeared in front of Tian Luo, the kind of cannon fodder that followed bugster.


  "You sir..."

  Tian Luo directly killed Xiao Xiao with one move, and then returned to the clinic.

  After taking out the medicine whose name could not be seen for a moment, Tian Luo handed it to the middle-aged white-collar worker for him to take.

  "how do you feel?"

  After a while, Tian Luo asked.

  "I feel much better, my brain is also clear, and I suddenly have power. Doctor, your medicine is too powerful."

  The middle-aged white-collar worker said excitedly.

  "Well, if it's okay, it's fine, it can work normally."

  Tian Luo didn't explain anything, just nodded with a smile.

  In the middle-aged man's thanks, Tian Luo finally sent him away.

  Returning to the clinic again, the girls hadn't left yet, but looked at Tian Luo strangely.

  "What happen to you guys?"

  Tian Luo asked strangely.

  "Husband, the medicine you just gave him..."

  Wakana hesitated and asked.

  "Oh, Shibawei Dihuang Wan, I saw that he was a little weak, so I gave him some supplements."

  Tian Luo smiled and said.

  The girls "..."

  No wonder it has power. Eighteen-flavored Dihuang Pills are several times stronger than Liu-flavored Dihuang Pills, but is it really good to do this?

Chapter [-] Black Heart Clinic

  Time: [-]:[-] noon.

  Location: In the game field.

  Characters: Tianluo, poppy, Baosheng Yongmeng, Jing Feicai, the big self of the flower family, and Kujo Guiriya.

  against bugster:graphite


  "graphite, don't even think about running away this time, I will never let you go."

  Looking at the opposing graphite, Baosheng Yongmeng said solemnly.

  An hour ago, graphite broke out suddenly and spread a lot of viruses.

  In just half an hour, the number of infected people reached [-], and now the entire hospital is overcrowded.

  This kind of thing is simply outrageous, it never happened.

  So everyone in Yongmeng decided to fight against graphite directly, otherwise the number of patients would only increase.

  graphite is crazy now, no one knows what he will do next.

  "Hahaha, don't let me go? Exaid, are you laughing again, can you beat me with mercy?"

  Hearing Baosheng Yongmeng's words, graphite7 laughed.

  He is lv.5, and the opponents on the other side are still lv.3.

  Even if they have an lv.5 cassette, it's no use if they can't control it.

  The gap in level is already obvious, and this is simply not something that quantity can win.

  However, there is another accident, that is that Tian Luo does not interfere in this matter.

  Therefore, graphite's goal at most is to stay on Tian Luo who is watching the play on the sidelines.

  "No matter what, I will beat you, bet everything I have."

  Baosheng Yongmeng said seriously, it was very different from usual.

  "Hehe, I didn't expect Yong Meng to say such a thing, my blood is boiling."

  Kuriya Kujo looked at Baosheng Yongmeng with a smile, and then took out the cassette.

  "Since this is the case, I also need to be serious, how can I say that there are hundreds of lives behind..."

  Neither the Hua family nor Jing Feicai spoke, they transformed directly.

  They have a grudge against graphite themselves, so this time it can be regarded as revenge for themselves.


  Colorful cursors appeared in the space, and then merged into four knights.

  exaid, brave, snipe, lazer.

  The four of them transformed, and then charged directly towards graphite.

  "It's a good sign that you've begun to understand how to cooperate."

  Tian Luo and poppy stood aside, watching the battle in the distance, he said with a smile.

  "I don't see them collaborating at all."

  Poppy said worriedly.

  He knows the relationship between several people the most, and their characters are all flawed, and it is too difficult to cooperate.

  "Don't worry, if you really have the professional code of doctors, then this matter will be solved easily."

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head.

  No matter what the four of them are thinking at this moment, the approach is the same.

  Kill graphite.

  For the same goal, no matter how upset you are, you can only cooperate.

  If there is a beginning again, then the next thing can already be guessed at the end.

  "I hope so."

  Poppy nodded, he was just an intelligence officer, and he really didn't understand the battle.

  "Then I'll go back first. By the way, the clinic is really busy today. Before Graphite dies, I'll make some extra money first."

  Tian Luo looked at the situation in the field and said to Poppy.

  Even his clinic seems to be full today because the virus has infected so many people.

  Now the girls of Wakana are helping those patients to remove the virus, and then add Shibawei Dihuang Wan...

  Gee, I feel like my clinic is about to become famous.

  "Hey, you're going too far, the result is uncertain, and won't your conscience be disturbed by making this kind of money?"

  Poppy said speechlessly after listening.

  "What's wrong, at least the patients saved before Graphite died are counted as mine. I left first, and I was called again..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand indifferently and left the field.

  poppy "..."

  It's too much, it's too annoying to leave people here.

  Thinking of this, poppy also left the field.

  In the blink of an eye, only the four fighting and the graphite remained in the realm.


  Tian Luo returned to the clinic, and it turned out that the number of people was still very large.

  There are more than [-] people in the clinic, and there are still queues behind.

  "Husband, how's it going?"

  Seeing Tian Luo come in, Xiao Wu, who was beside him, hurriedly asked.

  Today, the clinic is really popular, and they are a little too busy.

  Of course, because of the deliberate delay of several people, Tian Luo had spoken to them before.

  "OK, it should be over within half an hour, no need to cut it out, just one eighteen-flavored Dihuang Pill per person, and then wait?"

  A smile appeared on Tian Luo's mouth.

  Sure enough, this kind of free money is the most comfortable.

  Especially knowing that Yongmeng and the others are working so hard, and the cheapness is all their own.

  "Okay, I made a lot of money today, but wouldn't it be too immoral?"

  Xiao Wu nodded and asked again.

  "Cough cough, you have to know that I can contribute to these people's good, I can't do it in vain, and the money is useless to me, it's all for you to buy cosmetics."

  Tian Luo coughed and explained.

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