If you don't know it, you can't tell Yong Meng.

  If you don't tell Yong Meng to perform the surgery, the two of them may have been beaten to death before the surgery.

  "I'll do this."

  Jing Feicai was silent for a while, then left the clinic.

  "Is this guy too out of place?"

  Kuriya Kujo couldn't help but complained.

  "It makes you look like a group."

  Hearing this, Tian Luo couldn't help rolling his eyes.

  Just half a catty or two.

  "Okay, then let's go too, I almost died of exhaustion today."

  With a wave of his hands, Kuriya Kujo and Kazuya also left the clinic.

  Tian Luo didn't say much, turned around and went back to his home in the backyard.


  On the other side, in Tan Lidou's secret base.

  "Level 100...Level 100...100..."

  Sitting in front of the computer, Tan Li kept muttering in his mouth, seeing the parado behind him with a chill.

  "Are you alright?"

  Parado looked at Tan Lidou strangely, saying that this product was like this after he came back two days ago, and he kept muttering about level 100.

  "You know what, I can definitely do it and make that guy look good."

  Tan Lidou replied, and then a crazy smile appeared on his face.

  "By the way, how about graphite?"

  parado shook his head and asked again.

  "Everything is normal, just wait until the time to resurrect him. The chronicle plan has already started, and everything is in order, so the game cartridges tested can also be recycled."

  Tan Lidou heard the words and returned to normal, and then said thoughtfully.

  "Oh? Has it started yet?"

  Parado's face also showed excitement.

  The ultimate game, he really wanted to play it.

  "Well, by the way, this is for you. It's time for you to appear soon."

  Tan Lidou nodded, then took out a cassette and threw it to Parado.

  This cassette is different from the previous ones, with two colors and a top-like thing on it.

  "This is……"

  "I can't do it at level 100, but level 50 is still very easy. I'm a genius, no, I'm a genius... Tan Li Dou Shen!!"

  Seeing Parado's surprised expression, Tan Lidou showed a smile of Yan Yi.

Chapter [-] Christmas and Resurrection bugster

  graphite was defeated.

  The virus in the city has also disappeared.

  CR also ushered in the most ~ quiet two weeks.

  However, this is only for Yongmeng- and Tianluo.

  Jing Feicai's hair is almost white for a while, and she has been thinking about how to help Yong Meng complete the operation.

  He had a dark face all day, especially when he looked at Baosheng Yongmeng.

  It made Baosheng Yongmeng think that he had offended Jing Feicai again.

  "It's so boring~"

  Lying on the sofa beside him, Tian Luo was bored playing games.

  His clinic is temporarily closed because there are too many people.

  Some of the previous things made the clinic's reputation go out all of a sudden, and the result was that it was too busy in the end.

  Although he opened a clinic, Tian Luo never thought of becoming a full-time doctor.

  So he closed the door directly. Anyway, the hospital is opposite. In short, it is very irresponsible.

  "You deserve it. I really don't know what you think. It's obvious that you just started to get better, and then you started to quit."

  Poppy couldn't help rolling his eyes when he looked at Tian Luo.

  He still complained about Tianluo taking the opportunity to make money, and now that the clinic was closed, it was even more unpleasant. How could a doctor be like this, even a bugster would have to be a bit prudent.

  "Please, I'm giving you business, but you're not happy, and it's Christmas today. You can see that the dean's mouth is about to laugh crookedly."

  Tian Luo shrugged silently.

  "Cough, Tian Luo, I also feel that you did something wrong about this, and I didn't laugh."

  Dean Jing's originally happy face suddenly became serious, and then said seriously.


  Tian Luo rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to this guy, his eyes turned to Baosheng Yongmeng and the others again.

  "The Ministry of Health seems to have announced the game disease. Is it okay?"

  "This incident has already caused public opinion, and there is no way to hide it, so the Ministry of Health can only admit it like this."

  Jing Feicai replied with a dark face.

  "That's right, after all, too many people know about this incident."

  Tian Luo also nodded.

  Game disease is now known to everyone, and it saves some unnecessary troubles in future treatment.

  The only uncertainty is that genm is out, and I don't know what he's been up to lately.

  "Anyway, forget about these things, how are you going to spend Christmas today?"

  Yong Meng shook his head, then looked at everyone and asked.

  "Have a meal"

  "go to bed"


  Dean Jing, Tian Luo, and Jing Feicai answered one by one.

  "Hey, it's Christmas, did you just pass by like this?"

  Baosheng Yongmeng looked at the three in disbelief.

  What these three people said is done every day, and it is also the same as Christmas Eve, right?

  “Five star hotel for dinner”

  "Sleeping with eight girlfriends"


  Yongmeng "..."

  Same pattern, different answer.

  Not the same ghost, Tian Luo, you are a devil, and how could such a thing as polygamy be allowed to exist.

  And Fei Cai, can you do anything other than surgery! !

  Baosheng Yongmeng looked at Tian Luo and Jing Feicai with a broken face.

  Sure enough, there is no normal person who can be a knight.

  No, I seem to be too.

  Why are you so normal.

  Forget it, let's go, there is no way to chat normally.

  Watching Yong Meng leave with a face full of lovelessness, Tian Luo and Jing Feicai shrugged.

  "I'll go back too, I can't stay idle here forever."

  Tian Luo also stood up and planned to go back to the clinic.

  The wives at home are tinkering with Christmas decorations, so go back and do me a favor.

  "Well, feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

  poppy nodded.


  Stepping out of CR, Tian Luo bored viewers with the view of the hospital.

  Well, there is not much scenery, there are quite a lot of patients, basically every day.

  "Ah~ it hurts..."

  Suddenly there was a commotion in front of him, and Tian Luo, who heard the voice, felt helpless again.

  This voice is too familiar, it is Baosheng Yongmeng.

  Every day I fall, I fall in CR as soon as it comes out.

  "Doctor Yongmeng, are you alright?"

  Just when Yong Meng stood up from the ground, a voice suddenly came out.

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