Strange energies emerged from her body, game sickness.

  "what happened?"

  "Check it out quickly..."

  "This time it's a real game sickness."

  When Yong Meng and Hua Jia Da I saw this, I hurriedly started, and the result came out that it was indeed suffering from game disease.

  "Are we going a little too far this time?"

  Yong Meng said with an ugly face.

  If there is no stimulation just now, maybe Nicole will be fine.

  "Excessive? No, this kind of thing is a foregone conclusion, from the moment he picked up the cassette."

  Tian Luo shook his head after hearing this, then looked at Nicole.

  "Sima Nicole, a high school student, is also a professional gamer with an annual income of about [-] million yen. If this kind of person doesn't have the bugster virus lurking, I will screw your head and kick it for you."

  "how do you know?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the three of them looked at Tian Luo with puzzled expressions.

  Even the Hua family, who has lived with Nicole for several days, doesn't know his identity, and only thinks that he is a girl with a brain problem.

  "I just checked his information?"

  Tian Luo shrugged.

  "It turns out that there is a latent bugster virus in her body, and the cassette just now activated the bugster virus."

  When poppy heard the words, he suddenly realized that all the problems were solved.

  "Now is not the time to talk about this, let's hurry up and take her to the hospital."

  Yong Meng said, and then picked up Nicole who fell to the ground.

  "Well, I'll be hospitalized for observation first."

  Tian Luo also nodded.

  I don't have any objection to the big flower family, and the four of them drove towards the hospital together.


  And the other side.

  However, Kuriya Kujo walked out of a prison alone with a stack of documents in her hand.

  He hasn't shown up for a long time since the last incident, because he's been investigating one more thing.

  In addition to Tan Lidou, the Dream Group has a very important person who understands this matter. It is Tan Lidou's father, Tan Zhengzong.

  Di Tan Zhengzong was sent to prison for the bugster incident five years ago, and Tan Lidou has taken control of the Dream Group since then.

  Among them, Tan Zhengzong absolutely knew something, so he came to this prison where Tan Zhengzong was being held.

  "You bastard... You managed to get your life back, why are you still courting death?"

  Suddenly, a figure blocked Kujo Kiriya's path.

  It's Tan Lidou.

  I saw that he was looking at Kujo Guiriya with a cold face.

  "Ah le le, I didn't expect the president to care about me so much, do you keep following me?"

  Kuriya Kujo's face froze, then recovered and said with a smile.

  And the hand in the pocket has already started to send a message to Tian Luo.

  "Don't forget to think, no one can save you this time, you shouldn't investigate what happened five years ago."

  Tan Lidou said coldly, and then transformed directly.

  The surroundings turned into a square in an instant, and the little bugsters also surrounded Kuriya Kujo.

  "It seems that this time is really dead. I hope they can get there before I die."

  Kuriya Kujo shrugged helplessly.

  Although he knew it was dangerous to investigate this matter, he had no reason to stop.

  Whether it's for his dead friend, Yongmeng, or the entire human race, he has to investigate this matter.

  This matter is so critical that it even represents the life and death of human beings.

  "Forget it, but they should be able to find the information I left behind, so it's not a loss."

  After thinking about the matter, a smile appeared on Kuriya Kujo's face again.

  "genm, you will never succeed, because there are still people who can stop you..."

  "Hahaha, are you talking about Yongmeng or Tianluo? But this is meaningless. I will surpass everything sooner or later, but you can't see it."

  Tan Lidou burst out laughing, and then rushed towards Kujo Guiriya without hesitation.

  ps: The previous chapter was called Sima Nicole. Sorry if I made a mistake, but the surname is not given much later.

Chapter [-]: The Amazing World

  "Yo, wake up, look in good spirits."

  At the CR base, Nicole Tianluo, who looked up, couldn't help laughing.

  "Huh, what about me?"

  Nicole snorted coldly, and then asked about birth.

  There is only Tian Luo in the base at the moment, and no one else is there.

  "The guy said you were too much trouble, so he took all your luggage, um, just abandoned you."

  Tian Luo said thoughtfully.

  "Bastard, just like you!!"

  Nicole yelled angrily, and then lay down helplessly.

  At this moment, her body is very weak and has no strength.

  "How do you feel, suffering from gaming disease is a rare experience, it's not bad."

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Nicole.

  "Nice ghost, it's so uncomfortable, can you leave, it's annoying to see you."

  Nicole rolled her eyes, even the strength to get angry was almost gone.

  "You brought it on yourself. Who told you to move the cassette, if you still want it, I'll give you one, if you're not afraid to continue like this."

  Tian Luo took out the belt and cassette in his hand and waved his hand.

  What happened this time is really funny. This girl actually committed suicide and contracted game disease.

  Perhaps even Tan Lidou never thought of such a result, and the bugster was born out of nowhere.


  Nicole looked at Tian Luo fiercely, if she could, she really wanted to rush over and bite Tian Luo to death.

  It's too much, he's just a bastard, not a gentleman at all, and he treats a cute girl like this.

  "Hey, what the hell is going on with this belt, I want to defeat M, but there's no way I can do it without this."

  After hesitating for a long time, Nicole looked at Tian Luo with some doubts and asked.

  She only knew that the belt could transform, nothing else.

  "Ignorance is really scary. I don't know how dare you play like this. You can only say that you are very courageous."

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head.

  "Can you die if you don't despise me?"

  Nicole gritted her teeth and looked at Tian Luo, this guy is so annoying, I hate him [-] times more than the Hua family.

  "Cough, you asked the question sincerely..."

  "The ghost is sincere, I won't listen!"

  "Then I will tell you mercifully..."

  "I said I don't want to hear it!!"

  "To prevent the world from being destroyed..."

  "Are you guys listening to me!!!"

  "Anyway, that's it..."

  "What is it!!!"

  Nicole looked at Tian Luo with some collapse.

  After talking a lot, I didn't understand a word, what are you doing! !

  "Anyway, just remember that this thing is not a game, and not everyone can use it, otherwise people will die."

  Tian Luo looked at Nicole's confused look and finally shook his head.

  "Come on, alarmist."

  Nicole pouted in disdain.

  She felt that this time was a complete coincidence. If it hadn't happened to activate the virus in the body, there wouldn't be so many things.

  "You'll understand one day."

  Tian Luo glanced at Nicole with a complicated look, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

  This was for Yongmeng, because he asked Yongmeng and the others to go out to save Kujo Kiyoshi, but the result was very unacceptable.

  "Tianluo, we are late, Guili targets him..."

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