
So, Oren saw the truth of his life.

From the death of his parents, to the raising of him by Hiden Kiyo, he constantly cultivated his wrong worldview, and finally faked his death and hid.

After Hiden Korenosuke died, he appeared again and pushed a new conspiracy behind the scenes.

“So, I was just a tool used from beginning to end?”

Oren, who learned the truth, almost had a mental breakdown, but Izzy hugged him from behind in time and gave him new hope.

“Oren-sama, it’s not too late now.”

“Do what you want to do!”

“Well, I know!”

A ray of light shot out from Zeya and shone on Oren.

His old appearance gradually recovered to youthfulness, and Izzy’s key and 01 belt in his hand also changed dramatically.

“There is only one person who can stop you, and that’s me!” Oren picked up Izzy’s key and pressed it.

[Zero-Two rise! ]

“Okay, it must be me, Oren!”

Oren, wearing prison uniform, posed in his signature pose, and the prisoners and even the prison guards below applauded and laughed.

“Great! I succeeded!”

“Well, Oren-sama is awesome!” Izzy beside him smiled and nodded.

Oren also grinned at her, and thought of the time when he was the president, as if it was a dream.

Now, Hiden is gone, and the only remaining Shumagia is also under strict control of AIMS, but Oren no longer thinks about it.

They laughed and didn’t notice that there were two familiar people standing on the prison wall.

“It seems that you are doing well. I didn’t expect you to be so kind.”

“Of course, there is no knight more kind than me.”

Chapter 1 Born with divine power, Mr. Lan


In the alley with a little mist, the breeze rustled the advertisements scattered on the side of the road.

Slowly, the breeze became violent, and the fog, debris, and even the tiny dust on the ground were blown away by the hurricane.

In this gust of wind, a purple wind tunnel suddenly appeared, and a figure in black casual clothes jumped out of it.

With the appearance of this person, the wind tunnel disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, and the gust of wind stopped, and the alley returned to its initial calm.

——Or rather, dead silence.

A strong smell of blood came from the tip of the nose, Lan Guanghong frowned, straightened his body and looked at the surrounding environment.

What came into view were more than a dozen human corpses with different ways of death.

Some were instantly cut in half by sharp objects, and some were smashed by heavy objects. Most of the body was broken, and what Lan Guanghong was most concerned about were those who looked like they were eaten, and there was still extreme pain and despair on their faces.

Judging from the situation at the scene, this should have been a normal place. People were dressed in ordinary clothes, and there were common shops and restaurants on both sides of the street.

It seems that something major has suddenly happened, turning this place into a hell on earth in a short period of time.

"It seems that I came at the right time."

With a gloomy face, Lan Guanghong quickly chased after the bloodstains and various strange blood footprints dragged on the ground.

Along the way, he saw more mutilated human corpses, and... the remains of creatures that looked like monsters in legends.

"Monsters, and it seems that someone is fighting with them, the location is... huh?"

There was a slight vibration from the ground, and Lan Guanghong immediately stopped and turned to look in the direction of the earthquake source.

A few seconds later, three people wearing strange black tights suddenly ran out from the corner. They were holding weapons that seemed to be guns in their hands, but the panic of running away showed that these three small pistols could not deal with the enemies chasing them.

In the blink of an eye, Lan Guanghong knew why they ran away.

A large group of ghosts with all kinds of strange looks chased out from the corner, screaming and chasing the three people. At the back, there was a monster with only a head, but it was so big that it occupied the entire street, rolling and chasing like a basketball.

"Hu, hu..." The young man running in the front was panting, and suddenly saw a person standing stupidly in the middle of the road in front of him. He hurriedly waved his hand and shouted: "Danger, run!"

At the moment he made a sound, the big head chasing at the end seemed to suddenly figure out something, and suddenly bounced into the air, aiming directly at the young man running in the front when falling.

The neon sign on the side of the road showed a shadow covering the young man. He subconsciously looked up and his pupils shrank.

A huge bloody mouth enveloped him, and the sparse yellow teeth and the huge tongue covered with saliva were clearly visible.

"Am I going to die again?"

The fear of death appeared in his mind uncontrollably.

At this critical moment, a thunder-like roar suddenly rang in his ears.


In mid-air, the young man in casual clothes kicked the monster on the head that was about to crush him, and kicked the big head out directly!

The rescued Kato Katsu: ???

With such a big size difference, the one that was knocked away was actually the big-headed monster? !

If Kato Katsu said that the big-headed monster was probably repelled because it was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, he could barely convince himself, but what happened next made him fully realize what kind of a tough guy this young man was.

The flying big-headed monster first knocked down a large number of small monsters chasing them and blocked their way. Then the young man rushed into the monster group without hesitation, slaughtering these monsters wantonly like a tiger into a flock of sheep. As his fists and feet flew, small monsters were constantly beaten to the wall and turned into a ball of blood foam.

After a while, the small monsters couldn't stand it anymore.

Although they are generally low in intelligence, they are also living creatures and will also be afraid of the existence that can absolutely crush them.

However, the road behind was blocked by the big-headed monster who was kicked unconscious, and the front was blocked by the three people who recovered with guns. This group of monsters had no way to escape and could only be killed with endless regrets.


Finally, Lan Guanghong punched the big-headed monster on the forehead and killed the big guy completely. Then he turned his head and looked at the three people wearing special clothes.

The three people who were stared at by him couldn't help but take a step back.

The reason was that because he had killed many monsters, Lan Guanghong was now covered in sticky blood, and looked quite scary.

"Uh, wait a minute."

Also noticing that he was a little indecent now, Lan Guanghong closed his eyes, and then swung his body at a super high speed that he could see the afterimage.

Hula La~

Like a shower, he shook off all the dirt on his body, and Lan Guanghong, who had returned to his original appearance, smiled and greeted them: "Hey, hello, I'm... Hou Lixie!"

A combination of young people, old people, and women, when Lan Guanghong focused his eyes on the only woman in the field for the first time, he couldn't help but sigh.

Big, very big!

It's nothing to be big, Faria is not inferior to her at all, but with this tights that should be a combat uniform, the astringency value is simply going to break through the sky!

Even a gentleman like Lan Guanghong couldn't help but be attracted.

Aware of the strange gaze, the beauty quickly turned sideways and hugged her chest, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"Ahem, sorry." Lan Guanghong coughed dryly and looked away, and said again: "I am Lan Guanghong, how about you?"

"I am Suzuki Ryoichi, thank you very much for your help." The old uncle bowed slightly to express his gratitude.

The other two also reported their names, ordinary student Kato Masaru, and popular idol Shimohira Reika.

After exchanging names, the relationship between the two sides became harmonious, and Lan Guanghong also took the opportunity to apologize again for his rash behavior just now: "I'm sorry, Miss Reika, please believe that I am not such a casual person in normal times."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Shimohira Reika still hugged her chest and asked curiously: "Mr. Lan, are you also from GANTZ?"

In view of the overly fierce fighting power shown by Lan Guanghong, Reika deeply suspected that the man in front of him might actually be a big man who had scored several hundred points, and he had other stronger equipment on him, so he didn't wear a reinforced suit.

"GANTZ?" Lan Guanghong looked puzzled: "What is that?"

"People like us." Linghua suddenly stopped and said in surprise: "You are not from GANTZ, how can you be so strong?"

As she said that, she also opened the virtual map on her wrist to confirm whether there was a special mark.

However, there was no special mark. This shows that from the perspective of GANTZ, Lan Guanghong is indeed just an ordinary person.

Linghua: ? ? ?

"Oh, because..." Lan Guanghong raised his arms and made a bodybuilding pose, grinning: "I was born with supernatural power!"

Chapter 2 Come! Swordfight!

In the absence of a better explanation, the three members of the GANTZ Tokyo team could only temporarily accept the setting of Lan Guanghong's "natural supernatural power".

Next, they also briefly explained their own situation and gave a popular science to the newcomer Kato Sheng.

During the conversation, Lan Guanghong learned that these people in front of him were actually dead people. After their death, they were strangely resurrected and were recruited into a closed room with a mysterious black ball, and then teleported to one battlefield after another to fight aliens.

And that black ball is GANTZ.

There is only one way to escape from this killing battlefield, that is to get 100 points through fighting, use these points to erase the memory in GANTZ, and return to the life of an ordinary person.

In addition, 100 points can also be used to revive a deceased teammate, or exchange for stronger equipment.

"Oh~, then how many times have you got 100 points?"

Linghua, Suzuki: ...

"Well, speaking of which, where is Xi Jun?" Suzuki Ryoichi changed the subject with some concern: "Is it okay for him to be alone?"

"Uh, if you mean a certain invisible kid, it's there." Lan Guanghong suddenly pointed behind him.

"What?" The three turned around and looked at the place where Lan Guanghong pointed.

In full view of the crowd, Xi Zhangichiro unlocked his invisibility and appeared in front of everyone, raising his gun at Lan Guanghong with an unhappy look on his face.

"It's an alien, right? Humans can't see me when I'm invisible!"

Suzuki's pupils shrank, and he stood up to block Lan Guanghong, saying, "Xi Jun, don't!"

However, before Suzuki moved, Lan Guanghong had already rushed out first, and when Xi Zhang was about to pull the trigger, he raised his leg and kicked him on the wrist.

Xi Zhang Ichiro felt pain, and the strange-shaped gun in his hand was kicked into the air. When it fell, Lan Guanghong reached out and grabbed it, and then hit him on the forehead without any hesitation.

Xi Zhang was so scared that he immediately saluted in French military salute, and the three people behind him saw this scene and spoke up to stop him.

However, Lan Guanghong had no intention of breaking the bottom line on this kid. He just patted his face with the cold gun and warned him: "Kid, uncle, I hate others pointing guns at me the most."

"For the sake of your teammates, I will let you save your life today. If it happens again, don't blame me for not treating you as a human being!"

After saying that, Lan Guanghong turned and walked back.

Xizhang: ...

He really wanted to say give me back the gun, but after thinking about it, he felt that his life was more important.

Forget it, let's act with them for the time being, and wait for the final boss to come out before trying to grab points.


According to Suzuki, the monsters chasing them all appeared from the river, and the boss is likely to be there. As long as it is killed, the game will end.

On the contrary, if the boss is not killed within the specified time, all members participating in this game will be wiped out.

There is still more than an hour left, which is quite tight. They decided to go back and find the boss immediately.

"Very good, then I will also help you!" Lan Guanghong said.

The few people were naturally happy to have such a strong supporter in the team, and did not refuse, so they turned around and walked towards the river bridge.

They killed demons and monsters all the way until they were about to reach the bridge, and an accident happened.

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