Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 102: Large-scale power outage in Tokyo (3rd update)

"Is it broken?"

Sugita looked at the worn-out light bulb and had an idea.

It has a very ghost movie atmosphere.

But Shadow Moon noticed something was wrong. He stepped forward to remove the light bulb, pulled out the wires and felt it, and shook his head:

"No, there's a power outage."

"Power outage? I haven't heard that there will be a power outage here. Did the power switch near here trip?"

Sugita looked at the wires in confusion.

Yingyue didn't speak, but turned around and walked out of the door, came outside, and looked at the surrounding situation with her clairvoyance eyes.

Upon seeing this, Sugita ordered his subordinates to protect the scene and followed closely.

After a while, Shadow Moon stopped seeing through, turned to Sugita and said:

"The situation is not right. There is a power outage in the area that I can observe. Contact the headquarters."

That's right, in the place he just observed, except for those facilities with backup generators, such as hospitals, the power was completely cut off in other places.

This was no ordinary power outage.


Sugita immediately contacted the headquarters, frowning as he listened to the information coming from the earphones. After a while, he hung up the phone and said to Shadow Moon:

"There is also a power outage at the headquarters, and it is currently being supported by backup power. The scope of the power outage seems to be very large, and there is no clear news from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry."

"A large-scale power outage...could it be——"

Shadow Moon reacted instantly. The general in the original drama got inspiration from Kuuga's power. He absorbed electricity and also had a sublimated form. Could it be this?

But in the original work, it only caused a voltage drop and not a large-scale blackout.

What's going on?

Thinking of this, Shadow Moon immediately said to Sugita:

"Probably Gurungi."

"you mean······"

Sugita also read the information and reacted instantly, saying immediately:

"I will immediately contact the headquarters and ask them to check the power facilities near Tokyo."

"No need, I already know where they are."

However, Yingyue raised her hand and stopped his actions.

Sugita was shocked, but it was because Shadow Moon didn't say "him" but "them". Sugita almost blurted out:

"Is No. 0 here too?"

"Well, he's extending an invitation to me."

Shadow Moon looked to the northeast and murmured. The sensory organs in his body were constantly transmitting information, and an undisguised fighting spirit surged into his heart.

"Come on, let's have the ultimate battle..."

The innocent words of a child rang in Shadow Moon’s ears.

Daguaba is eager to fight. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the last time, his heart is full of desire now.


To the northeast, a terrifying blue light rose from the ground. In an instant, the sky and the earth changed. Gray clouds centered on the light pillar suddenly spread towards the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, they enveloped the entire sky above the city of Tokyo.

It was as if the end of the world was coming, even the sun was completely obscured by dark clouds.

"What's going on?"

Sugita looked at the sky in disbelief. Not only him, but everyone in Tokyo was wondering about this abnormal change in airflow.


The wind was blowing, and it was obviously summer, but it made people feel a little cold.

In the sky, there was thunder, and countless lightning bolts danced like silver snakes, as if Jianyu Thunder God was angry.

While Sugita was watching all this in shock, he suddenly felt a chill on his face and subconsciously covered his cheeks:

"It's raining?"

No, what fell from the sky were pieces of snowflakes like goose feathers.

In summer there is snow and thunder.

Such a celestial phenomenon that does not conform to the laws of nature appears over Tokyo.

For a moment, Sugita understood - this was the power of Daguba. At this moment, Sugita finally understood why Kaoru Ichijo fainted the moment he saw Zero. Different levels of power.


Just when Sugita was stunned, the roar of the engine suddenly sounded, and Shadow Moon rode on the Amazing Locust.

Seeing this, Sugita suddenly felt an impulse in his heart:

"Mr. Qiuyue!"

Shadow Moon turned her head slightly.

Looking into those emerald eyes, Sugita paused, not knowing what to say. He just stood straight and shouted loudly to Shadow Moon:

"Please come back alive!"

"Don't worry, it will be over soon."


The roar of the engine sounded, and the silver motorcycle carried the silver knight speeding towards the direction of the light pillar.

With heavy snow falling, Sugita watched the knight disappear from sight before taking out his walkie-talkie and reporting the situation at the scene to the headquarters.

After doing this, he turned around and gave an order to his subordinates:

"You guys protect the scene here, the others follow me."

The battle continues.

On the other side of the battlefield, under the attack of Kuuga and G1, Scorpion Grungji had fallen into the most critical situation. However, this also forced the opponent to become even more furious.


Scorpion Gurungi waved his claws, and droplets of blood that was more corrosive than aqua regia spilled out and fell around, corroding large pits in both asphalt roads and steel products.

Even Kuuga and G1 couldn't forcefully connect, but that didn't mean they had no options.

"Super transformation!"

Without hesitation, Kuuga transformed into the Blue Dragon Form, picked up the plastic rod on the ground and turned it into a Blue Dragon Stick, using his super speed to fight with him.


The Blue Dragon Form, known for its swiftness, seized the opportunity and fired a Blue Dragon Splash, hitting Scorpion Gurongi's abdomen directly.

The seal text appeared, but Scorpion Gurongi only felt uncomfortable for a while before expelling the text.

Facing the GO Group, it was impossible to kill without sublimation, but this was what Kuuga did on purpose - Scorpion Gurongi's special physique made Kuuga dare not act rashly, so he only used Blue Dragon Splash to restrain the opponent's actions.

As expected, at the moment when Scorpion Gurongi was hit and stiffened, G1 on the side took action.

The special revolver fired continuously, but in just two seconds, the magazine was emptied.

However, Scorpion Gurongi did not die - white smoke rose from the part that was hit, and Scorpion Gurongi knelt on the ground in pain:

"This is..."

"The neutralization bullet took effect!"

Enoda Hikaru, who had been in the truck compartment, observing the battlefield situation through the camera on G1's mask, immediately made the right judgment:

"Ichijo, use the nerve-breaking bullet!"

Without hesitation, G1 pulled out another pistol from his waist, which was a special pistol specially made by the Science and Police Research Institute with a storage capacity of 70 rounds.

Bang bang bang bang -

G1 fired more than a dozen shots in a row, and Scorpion Gurongi's body twitched as if he was electrocuted and collapsed to the ground, without a sound.

However, he did not stop, and walked forward and shot Scorpion Gurongi's head and chest twice before relaxing.

Then, he looked at Kuuga:


"Mr. Ichijo."

"Leave the remaining buffalo Gurongi to me, you go and support Yingyue."


Just as Kuuga was about to leave, suddenly, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded - a bullet condensed by the wind hit the road in front of Kuuga head-on.


The explosion sounded, and dust flew.

Kuga and G1 reacted immediately and turned to look at the direction where the bullet came from - Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi, holding a strange-looking crossbow, stood on the overpass.

"Kuga, and... Did Lindo make another Kuuga?"

Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi said meaningfully:

"They are all warriors worth killing."

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