Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 110 Rose Girl and Ichijo


After returning from the space of the dead, Shadow Moon immediately released the transformation and returned to Nobuhiko's appearance, letting out a long sigh of relief.

The intensity of the battle this time was indeed beyond his expectation. He did not expect such an outburst in Cuba.

But fortunately, this matter was resolved perfectly in the end, and I gained a new form.

But... it went smoothly beyond expectations, what is that feeling...

At the moment of evolution, Nobuhiko vaguely sensed that someone was helping him, but he really didn't have time to think about it at the time, and only realized it after the battle was over.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't get an answer for a while, so he simply put the matter behind him and turned to look at Godai:

"Fudaimei, let's go..."

The fifth generation looked into the distance blankly, but did not take any action.

Nobuhiko followed his gaze and looked - in the distant city, dots of lights were shining under the night. Turning around, Godai's eyes were filled with tears. He looked at the city and seemed to speak in disbelief. said:

"it's over?"

Perhaps it was because he had gone through so many difficulties that when victory came, it even gave the fifth generation an unreal feeling.

Looking at his appearance, Nobuhiko said seriously:

"Well, no one will shed any more tears."

Yes, no one will shed tears because of those guys anymore...

At this moment, Godai seemed to have lost all his strength, and he lay directly on the soft snow.

The cold touch of the snowflakes made him realize that it was not an illusion. He just stared at the moon in the sky without making any movement.

Nobuhiko didn't disturb him and just looked at Godai quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Godai turned his head slightly, with tears in his eyes, and raised his iconic thumbs up with a smile:

"That's great, Mr. Qiuyue"

"Go back, everyone is waiting for us."

Nobuhiko stretched out his hand to Godai. Seeing this, Godai also stretched out his hand to hold it tightly. Nobuhiko took advantage of the situation and pulled it up.

Under the bright moon, the two warriors embarked on their return journey.

At the same time, Kaoru Ichijo was sitting in the police car, looking anxiously in the direction of the power plant.

At this moment, someone knocked on the car window. Kaoru Ichijo turned his head and saw that it was Sugita, so he quickly rolled down the car window.

"They're absolutely fine, don't worry."

Sugita looked at Kaoru Ichijo who was wearing a bandage. A trace of worry flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared immediately. He knew clearly that the current Kaoru Ichijo would never leave before seeing Godai return.

Therefore, I asked with concern:

"How do you feel now?"

"Yeah, not bad."

"Analgesics are not a panacea. You must rest well after this time. Muscle strains, rib fractures, shoulder blade fractures, and even dislocated wrists, don't take it too hard."

Sugita told me about Ichijo's situation.

Almost all of the injuries were sustained while dealing with the buffalo grunge. Muscle strains were caused while jumping, rib fractures were caused by hammer blows, shoulder blades were hit by finger tigers, and wrists were not used. The armor directly uses a special pistol, which is shaken by the powerful recoil.

"It would be good to survive a head-to-head confrontation with those guys."

Kaoru Ichijo was quite tolerant. The injuries were not fatal anyway, and he could continue to work in the police force after he recovered. In comparison, it was worthwhile to use these injuries to solve an unconfirmed life form of the Go Group.

Speaking of unconfirmed life forms, Kaoru Ichijo suddenly remembered something and asked quickly:

"Is there still no result for No. B-1?"

"Yes, Sakurai is leading people to expand the search scope. Who would have thought that this referee is more troublesome than the contestants."

Sugita couldn't help but complain. So many unconfirmed life forms with powerful combat capabilities have been solved. Even the flying vulture Gurungi was solved with the help of Kuuga. In the end, the most mysterious Rose Girl has never been seen. .

"There are no reports of casualties yet?"

Kaoru Ichijo asked Sugita.

Sugita nodded:

"She may have escaped from our search range, and the police dogs have found no trace so far."

"Don't be careless. Although she is a referee, she also plays an extremely important part in the killing game. If she is allowed to escape, maybe..."

At this point, Kaoru Ichijo did not continue, it was just his guess.

The earth is so big, who knows if there are any remaining unconfirmed life forms. If Rose Girl escapes, it wouldn't be the worst if she does it herself. The most troublesome thing is to bring new unconfirmed life forms and start the killing game again.

Sugita also guessed what he meant, but there really aren't many good options now.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew by, and Kaoru Ichijo couldn't help but squint his eyes. Several white things blew with the wind and landed on him, attracting his attention.

"Is this... a rose?"

Ichijo Kaoru picked up some rose petals from his clothes. In an instant, Ichijo Kaoru's pupils suddenly shrank, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the wind - a figure in a white dress flashed at the corner of the street. Pass.

"No. B-1."

Almost subconsciously, Kaoru Ichijo drove the police car, turned around and chased in that direction.

Fortunately, it's an automatic transmission, so it's no problem if I strain the muscles in my left leg.

"One, one!"

Sugita also heard the words "B-1" and shouted repeatedly. Seeing that he couldn't stop him, he turned around and got into another police car and drove after him:

"That guy is too arrogant!"

Under the clear night, the police bells rang urgently. Kaoru Ichijo chased him all the way to the coastal highway and only then found the silver-white body.

Under the bright moonlight, Rose Girl stood by the sea, her white dress fluttering in the wind, her delicate face expressionless, and the rose tattoo on her forehead shining.

Looking at Kaoru Ichijo staggering out of the car, she showed a little joy in her eyes, but her face remained expressionless.

Kaoru Ichijo held the revolver with his left hand, ignoring the pain in his body, staring at Rose Girl coldly, and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

"Even go is not your opponent, Lindo, you have really changed."

Rose Girl sighed as always.

However, Ichijo Kaoru ignored all this. He thought of the words in the information and said:

"You are my enemy."

The voice was firm and unquestionable.

However, when she heard this, the corners of Rose's mouth curled up slightly:

"Lindo, you all have the potential to become Kuuga."

"Answer me, what do you want to do?"


Ignoring Ichijo Kaoru's questioning, Rose stepped forward step by step.


Suddenly, a gun went off. It was Ichijo Kaoru's gun. Even if it was fired with his left hand, it was enough at such a close distance.

The blood dyed the white dress red.

"It's nice to see you. We will meet again." (Gurongi language)

Rose did not resist. After saying this, she closed her eyes and fell into the sea.

And Ichijo Kaoru looked at the calm sea for a long time without saying a word.

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